File mttroot/mtt/bin/trans/alias_txt2m artifact 00b2a256d4 part of check-in e3d166f8ed

#! /bin/sh

     ##### Model Transformation Tools #####

# Bourne shell script: alias_m
# Creates the component aliases in text form

# Copyright (c) P.J.Gawthrop 1998

## Version control history
## $Id$
## $Log$
## Revision 1.2  1998/07/02 19:16:03  peterg
## Prettyfied output
## Revision 1.1  1998/07/02 09:21:55  peterg
## Initial revision

# Inform user
echo Creating $1_alias.m

#Create the alias file complete with headers.
echo "function alias = $1_alias" > $1_alias.m
echo "%% Alias file ($1_alias.m)" >> $1_alias.m
echo "%% Generated by MTT at `date`" >> $1_alias.m

#Write out the variables 
gawk '{
       if (NF==2) {i++; print "alias."$1 "\t = \""$2"\";"}
       if (i==0) print "alias = 0;"
        }' $1_alias.txt >> $1_alias.m

MTT: Model Transformation Tools
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