function name = ppp_ex5 (ReturnName)
## usage: ppp_ex5 (ReturnName)
## PPP example -- a 28-state vibrating beam system
## $Id$
## Example name
name = "Vibrating beam: 14 state regulation problem with 7 beam velocities as output";
if nargin>0
## System - beam
## Redo C and D to reveal ALL velocities
c = C(1);
C = zeros(7,14);
for i = 1:7
C(i,2*i-1) = c;
D = zeros(7,1);
e = eig(A); # Eigenvalues
N = length(e);
frequencies = sort(imag(e));
frequencies = frequencies(N/2+1:N); # Modal frequencies
## Controller
## Controller design parameters
t = [0.4:0.01:0.5]; # Optimisation horizon
Q = ones(7,1);
## Specify input basis functions
## - damped sinusoids with same frequencies as beam
damping_ratio = 0.2; # Damping ratio of inputs
A_u = damped_matrix(frequencies,0.2*ones(size(frequencies)));
u_0 = ones(14,1); # Initial conditions
A_w = zeros(7,1); # Setpoint
W = zeros(7,1); # Zero setpoint
## Set up an "typical" initial condition
x_0 = zeros(14,1);
x_0(2:2:14) = ones(1,7); # Set initial twist to 1.
## Simulation
[ol_poles,cl_poles] = ppp_lin_plot (A,B,C,D,A_u,A_w,t,Q,W,x_0);