File mtt/lib/examples/Thermal/Incompressible/Incompressible-Systems/ShowerHeater/ShowerHeater_lbl.txt artifact ba8dee801c part of check-in dd2f7cd116

#SUMMARY ShowerHeater
#DESCRIPTION <Detailed description here>
## Label file for system ShowerHeater (ShowerHeater_lbl.txt)

# ###############################################################
# ## Version control history
# ###############################################################
# ## $Id$
# ## $Log$
# ## Revision 1.1  2000/12/28 18:11:47  peterg
# ## To RCS
# ##
# ###############################################################


#ALIAS	Pipe	IncompressibleFlow/Pipe

## Each line should be of one of the following forms:
#	a comment (ie starting with #)
#	Component-name	CR_name	arg1,arg2,..argn
#	blank

# Component type Pipe
	p1		lin	        rho;c_p;flow,0
	p2		lin	        rho;c_p;flow,0

# Component type TankC
	t1		TankC		rho;c_p;v

# Component type In

# Component type Out

# Component type RS
        heater	        lin		flow,r_h

# Component type Se
        V_in             SS              external

# Component type De
        T_out            SS              external

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