File mtt/bin/trans/cmp2sub_txt2sh artifact b21f209e4e part of check-in dd2f7cd116

#! /bin/sh

     ##### Model Transformation Tools #####

# Bourne shell script: cmp2sub_txt2sh

# Copyright (C) 2000 by Peter J. Gawthrop

## Version control history
## $Id$
## $Log$
## Revision 1.2  2002/12/06 12:26:34  gawthrop
## Strips comments from cmp.txt file
## Revision 1.1  2002/12/03 23:26:08  geraint
## Convert _cmp.txt to
## Slightly edited copy of (obsolete) abg2sub_m2sh.
## Revision 1.4  2002/04/28 18:41:26  geraint
## Fixed [ 549658 ] awk should be gawk.
## Replaced calls to awk with call to gawk.
## Revision 1.3  2000/10/03 11:34:53  peterg
## Correct $MTT_LIB
## Revision 1.2  2000/03/17 09:53:10  peterg
## Removed irritating echo Using "$"
## Revision 1.1  2000/03/15 21:23:20  peterg
## Initial revision

if [ -f "$" ]; then
    #echo Using "$"
    #Inform user
    echo Creating $    

echo '# Commands to generate subsystem representations'>  $
echo "# File $"			>> $
echo "# Generated by MTT on `date`."	>> $
echo					>> $

# Get a list of all components for the _abg file
strip_comments < $1_cmp.txt | gawk -F\: '{print $1}' |\
sort -u > mtt_tmp1

# Remove all components starting with 0 or 1
grep -v '^[01]' < mtt_tmp1 > mtt_tmp4

# Get a list of all standard simple components
# echo ls $MTT_LIB/comp/simple
ls $MTT_LIB/comp/simple |\
  gawk '/_cause.m/{split($1,a,"_");print(a[1])}'  >mtt_tmp2

# Get a list of all standard compound components
#ls $MTTPATH/comp/compound |\
#  gawk '/_abg.m/{split($1,a,"_");print(a[1])}'  >> mtt_tmp2

# Sorted combined list
cat mtt_tmp2 | \
  sed  's/^zero$/0/' |\
  sed  's/^one$/1/' |\
  sort -u >mtt_tmp3

# Print the non-standard components
comm mtt_tmp4 mtt_tmp3 |\
  gawk 'BEGIN{FS="\t"}{if (length($1)>0) print "$1" $1 "$2"}' \

# Clean up mtt_tmp files
#rm -f mtt_tmp?

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