File mttroot/mtt/bin/trans/make_ode2odes artifact 1b9ab8c53c part of check-in d380c79cb3

#! /bin/sh

     ##### Model Transformation Tools #####

## Version control history
## $Id$
## $Log$
## Revision 1.27  1999/11/15 22:47:53  peterg
## Generates method-specific code.
## Revision 1.26  1999/10/20 01:31:43  peterg
## *** empty log message ***
## Revision 1.25  1999/08/29 06:55:26  peterg
## Removed [MTTu]  = zero_input($Nu);	# Zero the input
## to avoide the p2c bug ????
## Revision 1.24  1999/08/27 06:02:16  peterg
## removed zero_input to avoid p2c bug
## Revision 1.23  1999/08/02 13:39:19  peterg
## Replaced zero_vector by zero_input
## Revision 1.22  1999/04/20 06:16:07  peterg
## Removed initialisation of AA and AAx
## Remove _switch calls -- uses _switchopen exclusively
## Revision 1.21  1999/04/02 06:29:25  peterg
## New implicit method - solves numerical prob with ISW
## Revision 1.20  1999/04/02 02:13:58  peterg
## Back to RCS
## Revision 1.19  1999/03/30 21:39:25  peterg
## In implicit approach, set derivatives to zero (when switch is off)
## before update. This seems to stop numerical leakage though non-return
## switches.
## Revision 1.18  1999/03/15 01:17:07  peterg
## Removed some spurious debugging code
## Revision 1.17  1999/03/15 01:09:15  peterg
## Fixed bugs when Nx=0 (no state)
## Revision 1.16  1999/03/06 02:28:38  peterg
## Rearranged evaluation to: state - input - output - write
## Revision 1.15  1999/03/06 02:19:43  peterg
## Changed args to _input
## Revision 1.14  1998/10/01 16:02:01  peterg
## Integration with switches handled separately fro Euler and Implicit.
## Revision 1.13  1998/09/30 17:41:24  peterg
## Implicit method now allows for switches via _switchA
## Revision 1.12  1998/08/27 08:55:18  peterg
## Mods to integration methods
## Revision 1.11  1998/08/25 12:28:31  peterg
## Move initila switch to after initial input
## Revision 1.10  1998/08/25 12:22:45  peterg
## Put _switch after update and also at initilisation
## Revision 1.9  1998/08/15 13:46:59  peterg
## New versions of integration routines
## Revision 1.8  1998/08/11 13:28:03  peterg
## Lowercase mttLAST etc
## Revision 1.7  1998/07/30 11:29:54  peterg
## Added implicit integration stuff
## Revision 1.6  1998/07/30 10:44:37  peterg
## INcluded othe integration methods.
## Revision 1.5  1998/07/26 11:02:20  peterg
## Put mtt or MTT  in front of variable names to avoid clashes with
## globals
## Revision 1.4  1998/07/25 20:14:00  peterg
## update code added for flexibility and octave efficiency

# Bourne shell script: make_ode2odes

# Copyright (c) P.J.Gawthrop July 1998.

# Tell user
echo  "Creating $1_ode2odes.m with $method integration method"

if [ $method = "implicit" ]; then

# Find system constants
Nx=`grep "MTTNx " <$Sys\_def.r | awk '{print $3}' | sed 's/;//'`
Nu=`grep "MTTNu " <$Sys\_def.r | awk '{print $3}' | sed 's/;//'`
Ny=`grep "MTTNy " <$Sys\_def.r | awk '{print $3}' | sed 's/;//'`

cat << EOF > $1_ode2odes.m
# Program $1_ode2odes

# Do the globals
sympar2global_txt2m $1 >> $1_ode2odes.m

# The rest of the program
cat << EOF >> $1_ode2odes.m
$1_simpar;			# Read in simulation parameters
$1_numpar;			# Read in parameters
MTTilast = round(mttlast/mttdt); # Total number of steps

MTTt = 0.0;

[MTTu]  = zero_input($Nu);	# Zero the input

[MTTx] = $1_state;	        # Read in initial state

#[mttAA]  = zero_matrix($Nx);	# Zero the A matrix
#[mttAAx] = zero_vector($Nx);	# Zero the AAx vector

#if $Nx>0
#  [MTTx] = $1_switch(MTTx);       # Switches


if [ "$method" = "euler" ]; then
cat << EOF >> $1_ode2odes.m
MTTddt = mttdt/mttstepfactor; # The small sample interval

cat << EOF >> $1_ode2odes.m
for MTTit = 1:MTTilast		#Integration loop
  [MTTy] = $1_$odeo(MTTx,MTTu,MTTt);     # Output 
  [MTTu] = $1_input(MTTt,MTTx,MTTy);	# Input
  mtt_write(MTTt,MTTx,MTTy,$Nx,$Ny);    # Write it out

  if $Nx>0			# Dont if no states

if [ "$method" = "euler" ]; then
cat << EOF >> $1_ode2odes.m
#    if mttmethod==1		# Euler
      for MTTjt = 1:mttstepfactor
	[MTTdx] = $1_$ode(MTTx,MTTu,MTTt); # State derivative
        [MTTopen] = $1_switchopen(MTTx);        # Open switches
	[MTTx] = mtt_euler(MTTx,MTTdx,MTTddt,$Nx,MTTopen); # Euler update
	MTTt = MTTt + MTTddt;
#    endif;

if [ "$method" = "implicit" ]; then
cat << EOF >> $1_ode2odes.m
#    if mttmethod==2		# Implicit 
      [MTTdx] = $1_cse(MTTx,MTTu,MTTt); # State derivative
      [mttAA,mttAAx] = $1_smx(MTTx,MTTu,mttdt);	# (I-Adt) and (I-Adt)x
      [MTTopen] = $1_switchopen(MTTx);        # Open switches
      [MTTx] = mtt_implicit(MTTx,MTTdx,mttAA,mttAAx,mttdt,$Nx,MTTopen); # Implicit update
      MTTt = MTTt + mttdt;
#    endif;

cat << EOF >> $1_ode2odes.m
    else # NX is 0 - no states
      MTTt = MTTt + mttdt;
  endif;			# $Nx>0

endfor;				# Integration loop


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