##### Model Transformation Tools #####
# gawk script: lbl2sympar.awk
# Label file to symbolic parameters conversion
# P.J.Gawthrop August 1996
# Copyright (c) P.J.Gawthrop, 1996.
## Version control history
## $Id$
## $Log$
# Revision 1.4 1996/08/30 18:45:32 peter
# Removed header stuff.
## Revision 1.3 1996/08/30 10:30:54 peter
## Switched order of args in matches.
## Revision 1.2 1996/08/30 09:35:10 peter
## Fixed problem with global variable in function.
## Revision 1.1 1996/08/24 13:34:48 peter
## Initial revision
function exact_match(name1, name2) {
return ((match(name1,name2)>0)&&(length(name1)==length(name2)))
function matches(names, name) {
n_matches = split(names,match_name);
matched = 0;
for (i_matches = 1; i_matches <= n_matches; i_matches++) {
if ( exact_match(name,match_name[i_matches]) ) {
matched = 1;
return matched;
sys_name = ARGV[1];
comment = "%";
arg_delimiter = ",";
not_an_arg = "effort flow state internal external zero 0 1";
numeric = "[0-9]";
symbol_count = 0;
symbols = "";
symbolic_arg_char = "$";
if ( (match($1,comment)==0) && (NF>=3) ) {
# The following line is a bad attempt to use parameters in SS fields
# It assumes that at least one SS field is not_an_arg.
if (matches(not_an_arg,$3)) {
args = $2
else {
args = $3;
n_args = split(args,arg,arg_delimiter);
for (i = 1; i <= n_args; i++) {
first_char = substr(arg[i],1,1);
if ( (matches(not_an_arg,arg[i])==0) \
&& (match(first_char,numeric)==0) \
&& (match(first_char,symbolic_arg_char)==0) \
&& (length(arg[i])>0) \
&& (matches(symbols,arg[i]) ==0) ) {
symbols = sprintf("%s %s", symbols, arg[i]);
# print the _sympar file
printf("MTTNVar := %1.0f;\n", symbol_count);
if (symbol_count>0) {
printf("MATRIX MTTVar(MTTNVar,1);\n");
for (i = 1; i <= symbol_count; i++) {
printf("MTTVar(%1.0f,1) \t := %s;\n", i, symbol[i]);