File mttroot/mtt/bin/trans/reps_txt2tk artifact 48cec506ae part of check-in af89bafffa

#! /bin/sh

     ##### Model Transformation Tools #####

# Bourne shell script: reps_txt2tk
# Creates tk/tcl file for xmtt.
# Copyright (c) P.J.Gawthrop, 1998

## Version control history
## $Id$
## $Log$
## Revision 1.1  1998/10/20 08:13:14  peterg
## Initial revision

#MTT blurb
title=`mtt --version`

#Collect all systems (inc dir name)
dirname=`basename $PWD`
systems=`echo *_abg.fig | sed 's/\([a-zA-Z0-9]*\)_abg.fig/\1/g'`
dirname_in_systems=`echo $systems | grep -c $dirname`
if [ "$dirname_in_systems" = "0" ]; then
    systems="$systems $dirname"

# Default system

# Default system
set system "$system"

# Arguments to mtt
set args "-q"

# The top level menu
button .mtt -text "$title ($dirname)" -command "exec mtt warranty &"
menubutton .util  -text "Utilities" -menu .util.util
menubutton .opt  -text "Options" -menu .opt.opt
menubutton .sys -text "Systems" -menu .sys.sys
menubutton .rep -text "Representations (major)" -menu .rep.rep
menubutton .repall -text "Representations (all)" -menu .repall.repall
menubutton .exam -text "Examples" -menu .exam.exam
button .mtt_quit -text "Quit" -command exit
pack .mtt .rep  .repall .sys .exam .util .opt  .mtt_quit
menu .util.util
# .mtt.opt.util add command -label "copy example" -command 
# .mtt.opt.util add command -label "copy" 
.util.util add command -label "clean" -command "exec mtt -q Clean &"
.util.util add command -label "recursive clean" -command "exec mtt -q rclean &"

menu .opt.opt

# System choice
menu .sys.sys

for sys in $systems; do
    echo .sys.sys add radio -label "$sys"  -command {set system "$sys"} 

# Create the options menu
mtt |  awk '{
  if (Options) {
    for (i=2;i<=NF;i++)
      label = sprintf("%s %s",label,$i);
    printf(".opt.opt add check -label \"%s (-%s)\" -variable %s -command {set args \"$args -%s\"}\n", label, option, option, option); 
  if ($1=="Options:") Options = 1;

# Examples menu
cat <<EOF
menu .exam.exam

awk '{
    gsub(/"/,"",$0); # zap quotes
    printf("\n# Example  %s\n", $1)
    sub(/:/,"",$1); # zap :
    printf(" set mtt {xmtt -example %s} \n", $1); 
    $1 = $1 ":";
    printf(" set label \"%s\" \n", $0); 
    printf(".exam.exam add command -label $label -command \"exec echo $mtt &; exec $mtt & \"\n", $1);

# Create other menus from the reps.txt file
menu .rep.rep
menu .repall.repall
awk '{
# Important representation?
 if (index($1,"*")) {
    printf("\n# Menus for representation %s\n", $1)
    printf(".rep.rep add  cascade -label \"%s\" -menu .rep.rep.%s\n", rep, $1);
    printf("menu .rep.rep.%s\n", $1);
    for (i=2;i<=NF;i++) {
      printf(" set mtt {mtt $args $system %s %s} \n", rep, $i); 
      printf(".rep.rep.%s add  command -label  \"%s\" ", $1, $i);
      printf(" -command  \"exec echo $mtt &; exec $mtt &\" \n"); 
 else {
    rep = $1;
    printf("\n# Menus for representation %s\n", rep)
    printf(".repall.repall add  cascade  -label \"%s\" -menu .repall.repall.%s\n", rep, rep);
    printf("menu .repall.repall.%s\n", rep);
    for (i=2;i<=NF;i++) {
      printf(" set mtt {mtt $args $system %s %s} \n", rep, $i); 
      printf(".repall.repall.%s add  command -label  \"%s\" ", rep, $i);
      printf(" -command  \"exec echo $mtt &; exec $mtt &\" \n"); 

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