File mttroot/mtt/bin/trans/ artifact a0808806c8 part of check-in 9e8650bb26
#! /bin/sh set -e # get expression to optimise lhs="$1" rhs="$2" create_reduce_script () { lhs="$1" rhs="$2" cat <<EOF off echo$ load scope$ on double$ on noconvert$ on rounded$ off int$ off nat$ out "${tmp}"$ optimize mtt_tmp0 :=: ${rhs} iname mtt_tmp$ write "${lhs} := mtt_tmp0 $"$ shut "${tmp}"$ ;end; EOF return } # set work file names tmp="$0.tmp" log="$0.log" create_reduce_script "${lhs}" "${rhs}" | reduce > ${log} cat ${tmp} rm -f ${tmp} exit 0