File mtt/bin/trans/dir2paths artifact 45c39d446b part of check-in 90c0cc6184

#! /bin/sh

     ##### Model Transformation Tools #####

# Bourne shell script: dir2paths
# Finds paths of all valid MTT examples

# P.J.Gawthrop Mar 98
# Copyright (c) P.J.Gawthrop, 1998.

## Version control history
## $Id$
## $Log$
## Revision 1.2  1998/11/10 17:12:15  peterg
## Removed sorting
## Revision 1.1  1998/03/11 10:32:35  peterg
## Initial revision

dotdot=$2 # Set to ../ if we are in MTT_work

# Create paths for all valid examples - ie dir name is system name
find $dotdot$1 -name '*_abg.fig' -print |\
  gawk '{
   printf("%s", name[1]);
   for (i=2;i<N;i++) printf("/%s", name[i]); 
   printf(" %s %s\n", name[N-1], name[N]);
  }' |\
  gawk '{
  correctname=sprintf("%s_abg.fig", $2);
  if ($3==correctname) print  $1,$2

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