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## Outline report file for system CantileverBeam (CantileverBeam_rep.txt)
## Generated by MTT on" Mon Apr 19 06:43:08 BST 1999.
## Version control history
## $Id$
## $Log$
mtt CantileverBeam abg tex # The system description
## mtt CantileverBeam cbg ps # The causal bond graph
## Uncomment the following lines or add others
mtt CantileverBeam struc tex # The system structure
## mtt CantileverBeam dae tex # The system dae
## mtt CantileverBeam ode tex # The system ode
## mtt CantileverBeam sspar tex # Steady-state parameters
## mtt CantileverBeam ss tex # Steady state
## mtt CantileverBeam dm tex # Descriptor matrices (of linearised system)
## mtt CantileverBeam sm tex # State matrices (of linearised system)
## mtt CantileverBeam tf tex # Transfer function (of linearised system)
mtt CantileverBeam simpar tex # Simulation parameters
mtt CantileverBeam numpar tex # Numerical simulation parameters
## mtt CantileverBeam input tex # Simulation input
## mtt CantileverBeam odeso ps # Simulation output
mtt CantileverBeam lmfr ps # log modulus of frequency response (of linearised system)