#!/usr/bin/perl -w
# dia2abg.pl
# Copyright (C) 2002; David Hoover.
# Modified 2004 Geraint Bevan.
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
# as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
# of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
# The GNU General Public License should be found in the file license.txt.
# For more information about free software, visit http://www.fsf.org/
# Given a DIA diagram, the script has functions that perform the following
# MTT (model transformation tools) functions:
# 1. Write a _cmp.txt file containing component types:names
# 2. Write a _ibg.m file containing an acausal bond graph suitable for
# processing by MTT.
# 3. Modify a diagram by changing causality as desired.
# Dia uses a unique id for each object.
# get_component_data and get_bond_data read the xml file and collect
# important information about component and bond id's, component
# names, and bond connectivity. These data structures are described here:
# The %component_id_tag hash provides component names and types:
# key=component_id
# value=component type:name
# 'start' ALWAYS refers to dia's interpretation of start. This means,
# when you draw a line or an arrow, 'start' is the point where you
# initally press down the mouse button. 'end' is the point where you
# release the mouse button. 'start' and 'end' have nothing to do with
# a bond's direction. A half arrow could be on a dia 'start' or 'end'
# point.
# The %bond_id_start_id and %bond_id_end_id hashes provides
# connectivity info for line start points and end points:
# key=bond_id
# value=component_id
# The %bond_id_arrow_on_start hash is a boolean that indicates whether
# the power arrow (half head) is on the dia line start point.
# key=bond_id
# value=boolean arrow_on_start
# The %bond_id_effort_causality hash is a boolean that provides the
# effort arrow-oriented causality.
# key=bond_id
# value=arrow-oriented effort causality.
# The %bond_id_flow_causality hash is a boolean that provides the
# flow arrow-oriented causality.
# key=bond_id
# value=arrow-oriented flow causality.
# %mtt_bond_id_index provides a unique positive integer index for each
# Dia bond ID. The index is written to the ibg.m file for mtt.
# The %component_id_type, %component_id_name, %component_id_reps hashes
# store the information from _cmp.m for each component
# key=component_id
# value=component type, name or number of repetitions
#----------------------------MAIN PROGRAM------------------------------------
use strict;
use Getopt::Long;
use XML::DOM;
my (%component_id_tag, %bond_id_start_id, %bond_id_end_id,
$objects, %mtt_bond_id_index,
%bond_id_arrow_on_start, %bond_id_flow_causality, %bond_id_effort_causality,
my (%component_id_type, %component_id_name, %component_id_reps);
# Parse user options:
my $diagram_name = '';
my $dia_input_file = '';
my $dia_output_file = '';
my $component_list_file = '';
my $debug = 0;
my $create_component_list = 0;
my $create_ibg = 0;
my $ibg_file = '';
my $change_flow_causality = '';
my $change_effort_causality = '';
GetOptions ('diagram_name=s' => \$diagram_name,
'dia_input_file=s' => \$dia_input_file,
'dia_output_file=s' => \$dia_output_file,
'component_list_file=s' => \$component_list_file,
'debug' => \$debug,
'create_component_list' => \$create_component_list,
'create_ibg' => \$create_ibg,
'ibg_file=s' => \$ibg_file,
'change_flow_causality=s' => \$change_flow_causality,
'change_effort_causality=s' => \$change_effort_causality,
die usage() if $diagram_name eq '';
# Use defaults if necessary:
$dia_input_file = $diagram_name . "_abg.dia" if ($dia_input_file eq '');
$dia_output_file = $diagram_name . "_cbg.dia" if ($dia_output_file eq '');
$ibg_file = $diagram_name . "_ibg.m" if ($ibg_file eq '');
$component_list_file = $diagram_name . "_cmp.txt" if ($component_list_file eq '');
# Start Parsing XML, and creating files:
my $dom = new XML::DOM::Parser;
my ($doc);
$doc = $dom->parsefile($dia_input_file);
$objects = get_objects_node($doc,"Bond Graph");
create_component_list() if ($create_component_list);
if ($create_ibg) {
open (OUT,">$ibg_file") ||
die "Cannot open $ibg_file for writing.\n";
if ($change_flow_causality ne '' || $change_effort_causality ne '') {
open (DIA_OUT,">$dia_output_file") ||
die "Cannot open $dia_output_file for writing.\n";
print DIA_OUT $doc->toString;
close DIA_OUT;
exit 0;
sub create_component_list {
my ($type, $name);
print_debug("CREATING unique_raw_list...\n");
open (RAW,">$component_list_file") ||
die "Cannot open $component_list_file for writing.\n";
my (%reverse_component_id_tag) = reverse (%component_id_tag);
foreach my $val (sort values(%component_id_tag)) {
my ($id, $type);
$id = $reverse_component_id_tag{$val};
$type = $component_id_type{$id};
$_ = $val;
$val = $_;
print RAW $val . "\n";
sub get_objects_node {
my ( $doc_node, $layer_name )= @_;
my ($root,$layer_node,$objects);
$root = get_first_element_subnode($doc_node);
die "could not find top-level element dia_diagram.\n"
unless $root->getTagName eq 'dia:diagram';
$layer_node = get_first_subnode_by_nodename_attribute(0,$root,"dia:layer","name",$layer_name);
die "I found no dia:layer named $layer_name. Are you sure the diagram has one?\n" unless
$layer_node->getTagName eq 'dia:layer' &&
$layer_node->getAttributeNode("name")->getValue eq $layer_name;
$objects = $layer_node->getElementsByTagName('dia:object');
return $objects;
sub output_ibg_header {
my ($date);
$date = `date`; chomp($date);
print OUT <<"EOF";
## -*-octave-*- put Emacs into Octave mode
function [${diagram_name}] = ${diagram_name}_ibg
## Intermediate bond graph representation of $diagram_name
## Generated by MTT on $date
## head refers to the harpoon end of a bond
## tail refers to the other end of a bond
## causality.? is the end at which ? is imposed
sub output_ibg_footer {
print OUT <<"EOF";
sub output_ibg {
my ($key,$component,$type,$name,
%reverse_mtt_bond_id_index = reverse (%mtt_bond_id_index);
@bonds = (sort keys (%reverse_mtt_bond_id_index));
foreach $mtt_bond_id (@bonds) {
$dia_bond_id = $reverse_mtt_bond_id_index{$mtt_bond_id};
$start = $bond_id_start_id{$dia_bond_id};
$end = $bond_id_end_id {$dia_bond_id};
if ($bond_id_arrow_on_start{$dia_bond_id}) {
$head = $end;
$tail = $start;
} else {
$head = $start;
$tail = $end;
$start_label = $bond_id_start_label{$dia_bond_id};
$end_label = $bond_id_end_label {$dia_bond_id};
# treat label as a comment if not enclosed by [ ]
if ($start_label !~ /\[.*\]/) {
$start_label = "[]";
if ($end_label !~ /\[.*\]/) {
$end_label = "[]";
if ($bond_id_arrow_on_start{$dia_bond_id}) {
$head_label = $end_label;
$tail_label = $start_label;
} else {
$head_label = $start_label;
$tail_label = $end_label;
$head_component = "$component_id_type{$head}:$component_id_name{$head}";
$tail_component = "$component_id_type{$tail}:$component_id_name{$tail}";
$effort_causality = $bond_id_effort_causality{$dia_bond_id};
$flow_causality = $bond_id_flow_causality {$dia_bond_id};
for ($effort_causality) {
if (/-1/) { $effort_causality = "tail";}
if (/0/) { $effort_causality = "none";}
if (/1/) { $effort_causality = "head";}
for ($flow_causality) {
if (/-1/) { $flow_causality = "head";}
if (/0/) { $flow_causality = "none";}
if (/1/) { $flow_causality = "tail";}
print OUT
" ## bond $mtt_bond_id \n" .
" ${diagram_name}.bonds.bond${mtt_bond_id_index{$dia_bond_id}}." .
"head.component = \"${head_component}\";\n" .
" ${diagram_name}.bonds.bond${mtt_bond_id_index{$dia_bond_id}}." .
"tail.component = \"${tail_component}\";\n";
print OUT
" ${diagram_name}.bonds.bond${mtt_bond_id_index{$dia_bond_id}}." .
"head.ports = \"$head_label\";\n" .
" ${diagram_name}.bonds.bond${mtt_bond_id_index{$dia_bond_id}}." .
"tail.ports = \"$tail_label\";\n";
print OUT
" ${diagram_name}.bonds.bond${mtt_bond_id_index{$dia_bond_id}}." .
"causality.effort = \"$effort_causality\";\n" .
" ${diagram_name}.bonds.bond${mtt_bond_id_index{$dia_bond_id}}." .
"causality.flow = \"$flow_causality\";\n\n";
sub get_component_data {
my ( $objects_node )= @_;
print_debug("READING COMPONENTS FROM $dia_input_file...\n");
for my $i (0..$objects_node->getLength-1) {
$obj = $objects_node->item($i);
next if ($obj->getAttributeNode("type")->getValue ne "BondGraph - MTT port");
$id = $obj->getAttributeNode("id")->getValue;
print_debug($id . "\n");
$attr = get_first_subnode_by_nodename_attribute(0,$obj,"dia:attribute","name","text");
$comp = get_first_subnode_by_nodename_attribute(0,$attr,"dia:composite","type","text");
$strattr = get_first_subnode_by_nodename_attribute(0,$comp,"dia:attribute","name","string");
$str_elem = get_first_element_subnode($strattr);
$string = get_first_text_subnode($str_elem);
$component_id_tag{$id} = $string->getData;
die "There are no components!\n" unless keys(%component_id_tag) > 0;
sub parse_component_data {
my (%anon_index, $id, $component);
while (($id, $component) = each (%component_id_tag)) {
$_ = $component;
$component = $_;
my ($type_name, $repetitions) = split (/\*/, $component);
if (! $repetitions) {
$type_name = $component;
$repetitions = 1;
my ($type, $name) = split (/:/, $type_name);
if (! $name) {
$type = $type_name;
if (! defined ($anon_index{$type})) {
$anon_index{$type} = 1;
$name = "mtt${type}";
} else {
my $num = ++$anon_index{$type};
$name = "mtt${type}_${num}";
$component_id_type{$id} = $type;
$component_id_name{$id} = $name;
$component_id_reps{$id} = $repetitions;
# Dia stores its attributes in a strange way, not using typical xml attributes.
sub get_dia_attribute_value {
my ($type, $attribute_node )= @_;
my ($subnode);
$subnode = get_first_subnode_by_nodename_attribute(0,$attribute_node,$type);
return $subnode->getAttributeNode("val")->getValue;
# Dia stores its attributes in a strange way, not using typical xml attributes.
sub set_dia_attribute_value {
my ($type, $attribute_node, $new_value )= @_;
my ($subnode);
$subnode = get_first_subnode_by_nodename_attribute(0,$attribute_node,$type);
$subnode->setAttribute(val => $new_value);
# return $subnode->getAttributeNode("val")->getValue;
sub get_dia_attribute_string {
my ($attribute) = @_;
my ($str_elem, $string);
$str_elem = get_first_element_subnode($attribute);
$string = get_first_text_subnode($str_elem)->getData;
$string =~ s/\#//g;
return $string;
sub get_arrow_info {
my ( $object_node, $id, $id_index )= @_;
$attribute = get_first_subnode_by_nodename_attribute(1,$object_node, "dia:attribute", "name", "arrow_on_start");
$bond_id_arrow_on_start{$id} = defined($attribute) ? get_dia_attribute_value("dia:boolean",$attribute) : 0;
$attribute = get_first_subnode_by_nodename_attribute(1,$object_node, "dia:attribute", "name", "effort_causality");
change_causality($id_index, $attribute, $change_effort_causality);
$bond_id_effort_causality{$id} = defined($attribute) ? get_dia_attribute_value("dia:enum",$attribute)-1 : 1;
$attribute = get_first_subnode_by_nodename_attribute(1,$object_node, "dia:attribute", "name", "flow_causality");
change_causality($id_index, $attribute, $change_flow_causality);
$bond_id_flow_causality{$id} = defined($attribute) ? get_dia_attribute_value("dia:enum",$attribute)-1 : 1;
$attribute = get_first_subnode_by_nodename_attribute(1,$object_node, "dia:attribute", "name", "start_label");
$bond_id_start_label{$id} = defined($attribute) ? get_dia_attribute_string($attribute) : "[]";
$attribute = get_first_subnode_by_nodename_attribute(1,$object_node, "dia:attribute", "name", "end_label");
$bond_id_end_label{$id} = defined($attribute) ? get_dia_attribute_string($attribute) : "[]";
sub change_causality() {
my ($id_index, $attribute_node, $causality_change_string)=@_;
my ($mtt_id, $arrow_oriented_causality);
foreach my $id_causality (split(/;/,$causality_change_string)) {
($mtt_id, $arrow_oriented_causality) = split(/:/,$id_causality);
if ($mtt_id eq "all" || $id_index == $mtt_id) {
set_dia_attribute_value("dia:enum",$attribute_node,$arrow_oriented_causality + 1);
sub get_bond_data {
my ( $objects_node )= @_;
my ($id_index, $obj, $id, $connections, $connection, $to, $handle,
print_debug("READING BONDS FROM $dia_input_file...\n");
$id_index = 0;
for my $i (0..$objects_node->getLength-1) {
$obj = $objects_node->item($i);
next if ($obj->getAttributeNode("type")->getValue ne "BondGraph - MTT bond");
$id = $obj->getAttributeNode("id")->getValue;
print_debug("Bond " . $id . ":\n");
$mtt_bond_id_index{$id} = ++$id_index;
print_debug("Flow causality ($id):" . $bond_id_flow_causality{$id} . "\n");
print_debug("Effort causality ($id):" . $bond_id_effort_causality{$id} . "\n");
print_debug("Arrow on start ($id):" . $bond_id_arrow_on_start{$id} . "\n");
# get connection info
$connections_att = $obj->getElementsByTagName('dia:connections');
die "A bond without connections exists!\n"
unless $connections_att->getLength > 0;
$connections = $connections_att->item(0)->getElementsByTagName('dia:connection');
die "Bond $id does not have two connections!\n" unless
$connections->getLength == 2;
for my $j (0..$connections->getLength-1) {
$connection = $connections->item($j);
$handle = $connection->getAttributeNode("handle")->getValue;
$to = $connection->getAttributeNode("to")->getValue;
print_debug("handle " . $handle . "\n");
print_debug("to " . $to . "\n");
if ($handle eq "0") {
$bond_id_start_id{$id} = $to;
} else {
$bond_id_end_id{$id} = $to;
die "There are no bonds!\n" unless keys(%mtt_bond_id_index) > 0;
# if($relax), then this routine will return 'undef' instead of dying, if valid node not found.
sub get_first_subnode_by_nodename_attribute {
my ( $relax, $node, $nodename, $key, $value)= @_;
my ($subnodes,$subnode);
$subnodes = $node->getChildNodes;
for my $k (0..$subnodes->getLength-1) {
next if ($subnodes->item($k)->getNodeType != ELEMENT_NODE);
next if ($subnodes->item($k)->getNodeName ne $nodename);
$subnode = $subnodes->item($k);
next if defined($value) && defined($key) &&
($subnode->getAttributeNode($key)->getValue ne $value);
return $subnode;
if($relax) {
return undef;
} else {
die "I found no subnode of " . $node->getNodeName .
" named $nodename with key/value pair: ($key,$value).\n" unless
$subnode->getTagName eq $nodename &&
$subnode->getAttributeNode($key)->getValue eq $value;
sub get_first_element_subnode {
my ( $node )= @_;
my ($subnodes,$subnode);
$subnodes = $node->getChildNodes;
for my $k (0..$subnodes->getLength-1) {
next if ($subnodes->item($k)->getNodeType != ELEMENT_NODE);
$subnode = $subnodes->item($k);
return $subnode;
die " I found no element subnode of " . $node->getNodeName . "." unless
$subnode->getNodeType == ELEMENT_NODE;
sub get_first_text_subnode {
my ( $node )= @_;
my ($subnodes,$subnode);
$subnodes = $node->getChildNodes;
for my $k (0..$subnodes->getLength-1) {
next if ($subnodes->item($k)->getNodeType != TEXT_NODE);
$subnode = $subnodes->item($k);
return $subnode;
die " I found no text subnode of " . $node->getNodeName . "." unless
$subnode->getNodeType == TEXT_NODE;
sub id_cleaner {
sub print_debug {
print STDERR $_[0] if ($debug);
sub usage {
"\n" .
"Usage: dia2abg.pl --diagram_name <diagram_name> [options]\n" .
"Options:\n" .
"\t--dia_input_file <dia_input_file>\n" .
"\t--dia_output_file <dia_output_file>\n" .
"\t--component_list_file\n" .
"\t--create_component_list\n" .
"\t--create_ibg\n" .
"\t--debug\n" .
"\t--ibg_file <ibg_file>\n" .
"\t--change_flow_causality <bond causality spec>\n" .
"\t--change_effort_causality <bond causality spec>\n" .
"\n" .
"\t\tBond causality spec:\n" .
"\t\t 'bond:causality;bond:causality;...'\n" .
"\t\tbond:\n" .
"\t\t [mtt_bond_id|all]\n" .
"\t\tcausality:\n" .
"\t\t [-1|0|1]\n" .
"\n" .
"\t\tCausality is arrow-oriented-causality.\n" .
"\t\tAny causality changes are made BEFORE further processing.\n" .