SQLITE_NOTICE(283): recovered 5 frames from WAL file /data/mtt.fossil-wal
File mttroot/ntt/bin/make_mdl.m artifact 8f904e7563 part of check-in 849b343296
function make_sfun(system,sorter_on) global mtt_environment if nargin<2 sorter_on = 1 ; end switch class(system) case 'char', input = 'spec' ; case 'struct', if isfield(system,'representation') input = system.representation ; end end start_time = mttGetTime ; abg = [] ; cbg = [] ; ese = [] ; if strcmp(input,'spec') mttWriteNewLine ; mttNotify('Making "abg" representation') ; mttWriteNewLine ; if isempty(mtt_environment) mttNotify('...WARNING: No "env" definition => all domain references will be ignored') ; mttWriteNewLine ; mttNotify(' => paths will not be recognised') ; mttWriteNewLine ; end abg = mttCreateAcausalBondgraph(system) ; input = 'abg' ; end if strcmp(input,'abg') if isempty(abg) abg = system ; end mttWriteNewLine ; mttNotify('Transforming from "abg" to "cbg"') ; mttWriteNewLine ; cbg = mttCreateCausalBondgraph(abg) ; input = 'cbg' ; end if strcmp(input,'cbg') if isempty(cbg) cbg = system ; end mttWriteNewLine ; mttNotify('Transforming from "cbg" to "ese"') ; mttWriteNewLine ; ese = mttCreateElementaryEquations(cbg,sorter_on) ; input = 'ese' ; end mttAssert(strcmp(input,'ese'),'Input representation not recognised') ; if isempty(ese) ese = system ; end mttCreateSystemMdl(ese) ; elapsed_time = mttElapseTime(start_time) ; cpu_utilisation = round(100*elapsed_time.cpu/elapsed_time.clock) ; mttWriteNewLine ; mttNotify(['Completed in ',num2str(elapsed_time.clock),' seconds']) ; mttNotify([' (',num2str(cpu_utilisation),'%% cpu)']) ; mttWriteNewLine ; mttWriteNewLine ;