File mttroot/mtt/bin/trans/m/mtt_sfreq.m artifact 9ba3b482f5 part of check-in 80b54aebd2

function [w,y,y_theta] = mtt_sfreq(system_name,theta,indices);
  ## usage: [t,y,y_theta] = mtt_sfreq(system_name,theta);
  ## Frequency response with name system_name and parameter vector theta
  ## The order of components in theta is determined in system_numpar.txt:
  ## y_theta contains the corresponding sensitivity functions
  ## Assumes system generated by the sBG approach
  ## Copyright (C) 1999 by Peter J. Gawthrop

  ## 	$Id$	

  ## Assumes SISO system 

  global mtt_n_parameters mtt_parameters # Global "argc argv"

  if nargin<3
    indices = ones(size(theta));
  N = length(theta);
  if N!=length(indices)
    error(sprintf("The length (%i) of indices must be the same as that of theta (%i)",length(indices),N));

  eval(sprintf("%s_simpar;", system_name)); # Read the "simulation" parameters
  w = logspace(mttwmin,mttwmax,mttwsteps)'; # Frequency range
  y_theta = [];
  mtt_n_parameters = 2*N;
  mtt_parameters(2:2:2*N) = theta; # The actual parameters
  for i = 1:N
    if indices(i)
      mtt_parameters(1:2:2*N-1) = 0; # The sensitivity switches are off
      mtt_parameters(2*i-1) = 1;	# Set the approriate sensitivity switch
				# on
      eval(sprintf("%s_numpar;", system_name)); # Read the parameters
      eval(sprintf("[A,B,C,D,E] = %s_dm;", system_name)); # Evaluate the descriptor matrices
      fr = dm2fr(A,B,C,D,E,w);
      y_theta = [y_theta fr(:,2)]; # Sensitivity frequency response

  y = fr(:,1);			# Actual frequency response

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