#! /bin/sh
##### Model Transformation Tools #####
# Bourne shell script: switch_txt2m
# Convert switch file from txt to m
# P.J.Gawthrop May 1997
# Copyright (c) P.J.Gawthrop, 1997.
echo Creating $1_switch.m
echo Creating $1_switcha.m
# Find system constants
Nx=`grep "MTTNx " <$1_def.r | awk '{print $3}' | sed 's/;//'`
#Write some file headers
lang_header $1 switch m 'mttx' '[mttx]' > $1_switch.m
# Set states to zero
awk '{
if ($1=="#"){
# printf("for MTTi=1:%s\n", Nx)
# printf(" mttxs(MTTi) = mttx(MTTi);\n")
# printf("end;\n\n")
printf("#== Switches set element of state vector to zero ==#\n")
printf("\n#== Switch: %s ==#\n",$1)
printf("if ((%s==0.0)||((%s<0.0)&&mttx(%s)<=0.0)) \n", $1,$1,$2);
printf(" mttx(%s)=0.0;\n", $2);
}' Nx=$Nx < $1_switch.txt >> $1_switch.m
# Matrix version
#Write some file headers
lang_header $1 switcha m 'mttAA,mttx' '[mttAA]' > $1_switcha.m
awk '{
if ($1=="#"){
printf("#== Switches set row and column of A matrix to zero ==#\n")
printf("#== Switch: %s ==#\n",$1)
#printf("if ((%s==0.0)||((%s<0.0)&&mttx(%s)<=0.0)) \n", $1,$1,$2);
printf("if (%s==0.0) \n", $1);
printf(" for MTTi=1:%s\n",Nx)
printf(" mttAA(MTTi,%s)=0.0;\n", $2)
printf(" mttAA(%s,MTTi)=0.0;\n", $2)
printf(" end;\n");
printf(" mttAA(%s,%s) = 1.0;\n", $2,$2);
}' Nx=$Nx < $1_switch.txt >> $1_switcha.m