File mttroot/mtt/lib/examples/Identification/idRC/idRC_rep.tex artifact 85839553dd part of check-in 6eb8eb2605

\section{\textbf{abg.tex}: System idRC, representation \textbf{abg}, language \textbf{tex}}
\index{\textbf{idRC} -- abg}

MTT command:
mtt idRC abg tex 

\section{\textbf{}: System idRC, representation \textbf{cbg}, language \textbf{ps}}
\index{\textbf{idRC} -- cbg}

MTT command:
mtt idRC cbg ps 
This representation is given as Figure \Ref{}.
    {System \textbf{idRC}, representation cbg}

\section{\textbf{struc.tex}: System idRC, representation \textbf{struc}, language \textbf{tex}}
\index{\textbf{idRC} -- struc}

MTT command:
mtt idRC struc tex 

\section{\textbf{sympar.tex}: System idRC, representation \textbf{sympar}, language \textbf{tex}}
\index{\textbf{idRC} -- sympar}

MTT command:
mtt idRC sympar tex 

\section{\textbf{}: System idRC, representation \textbf{odeso}, language \textbf{ps}}
\index{\textbf{idRC} -- odeso}

MTT command:
mtt -oct idRC odeso ps 
This representation is given as Figure \Ref{}.
    {System \textbf{idRC}, representation odeso}

\section{\textbf{}: System idRC, representation \textbf{ippp}, language \textbf{ps}}
\index{\textbf{idRC} -- ippp}

MTT command:
mtt -oct -i euler idRC ippp ps 
This representation is given as Figure \Ref{}.
    {System \textbf{idRC}, representation ippp}

\section{\textbf{rep.txt}: System idRC, representation \textbf{rep}, language \textbf{txt}}
\index{\textbf{idRC} -- rep}

MTT command:
mtt idRC rep txt 
## -*-octave-*- Put Emacs into octave-mode
## Outline report file for system idRC (idRC_rep.txt)
## Generated by MTT on" Thu Apr  5 11:17:27 BST 2001.

## Version control history
## $Id$
## $Log$
## Revision 1.1  2000/12/28 11:58:07  peterg
## Put under RCS

mtt idRC abg tex			# The system description
mtt idRC cbg ps 		        # The causal bond graph
mtt idRC struc tex	        # The system structure
mtt idRC sympar tex	        # The system parameters
## Uncomment the following lines or add others
## mtt idRC dae tex	        # The system dae
## mtt idRC ode tex	        # The system ode 
## mtt idRC sspar tex		# Steady-state parameters
## mtt idRC ss tex 		# Steady state
## mtt idRC dm tex		# Descriptor matrices (of linearised system)
## mtt idRC sm tex		# State matrices (of linearised system)
## mtt idRC tf tex		# Transfer function (of linearised system)
## mtt idRC lmfr ps		# log modulus of frequency response (of linearised system)
## mtt idRC simpar tex		# Simulation parameters
## mtt idRC numpar tex		# Numerical simulation parameters
## mtt idRC state tex		# Simulation initial state
## mtt idRC input tex		# Simulation input
## mtt idRC logic tex		# Logic control
 mtt -oct idRC odeso ps		# Simulation output
 mtt -oct -i euler idRC ippp ps

mtt idRC rep txt		# This file

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