File mttroot/mtt/lib/comp/simple/comp_ports.m artifact cd96cecaee part of check-in 6b56dc0fe9

function ports = comp_ports(comp_type,N)
%     %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% 
%     %%%%% Model Transformation Tools %%%%%
%     %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
% Matlab function  comp_ports
% ports = comp_ports(comp_type)
% Returns the port list for simple components

% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
% %% Version control history
% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
% %% $Id$
% %% $Log$
% %% Revision 1.2  1997/08/28  08:08:24  peterg
% %% Added RS component to the two-port list
% %%
% %% Revision 1.1  1997/08/02 19:35:47  peterg
% %% Initial revision
% %%
% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%

junctions = '-zero-one-';
one_ports = '-SS-';
two_ports = '-TF-GY-AE-AF-FMR-RS-';
N_ports   = '-R-C-I-';
comp_type = ['-', comp_type, '-'];

if length(findstr(comp_type,junctions))==1
  ports = ['undefined]'];
elseif length(findstr(comp_type,one_ports))==1
  ports = ['in'];
elseif length(findstr(comp_type,two_ports))==1
  ports = ['in';'out'];
elseif length(findstr(comp_type,'[-EMTF-]'))==1
  ports = ['in';'out';'mod'];
elseif length(findstr(comp_type,'[-ES-]'))==1
  ports = ['e';'s'];
elseif length(findstr(comp_type,N_ports))==1
  if N==1
    ports = ['in'];
  elseif N==2
    ports = ['in';'out'];
  elseif N>2
    ports = '1';
    for i=2:N
      ports = [ports; sprintf("%i",i)];

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