# Model Transformation Tools
package rotate_z;
# rotation of x-y plane about z
use strict;
use warnings;
# standard module header (see perlmod for explanation)
use Exporter ();
$VERSION = 1.00;
@ISA = qw(Exporter);
@EXPORT = qw(&rotate_z); # CR name
# declaration of specific component implementations
sub rotate_z_R(@); # R
# main function: selects which subfunction to call
sub rotate_z (@) {
my $retval;
$_ = $_[0];
s/\((.*)\)/$1/; # strip brackets
my @args = split (/,/); # split arguments
$_ = $args[0]; # get component type
# select rule to use
if (/^R|r$/) { $retval = rotate_z_R (@args); }
# if a substitution has been made ($retval)
if ($retval)
return $retval; # return substituted expression
else # return nothing
# R
sub rotate_z_R (@) {
my @args = @_;
my $retval = '';
if ($#args == 18-1)
my ($component,
$out_causality, $out_port,
$x1, $causality1, $port1,
$y1, $causality2, $port2,
$x2, $causality3, $port3,
$y2, $causality4, $port4,
$psi, $causality5, $port5) = @args;
# [ x2 ] [ +cos(psi) +sin(psi) 0 ] [ x1 ]
# [ y2 ] = [ -sin(psi) +cos(psi) 0 ] [ y1 ]
# [ z2 ] [ 0 0 1 ] [ z1 ]
# for reverse transformation (x2->x1) use psi=-psi
# note that cos(-psi)=cos(psi) and sin(-psi)=-sin(psi)
if ($out_port == 1) # x1
$retval = "(($x2)*(+cos($psi))+($y2)*(-sin($psi)))";
elsif ($out_port == 2) # y1
$retval = "(($x2)*(+sin($psi))+($y2)*(+cos($psi)))";
elsif ($out_port == 3) # x2
$retval = "(($x1)*(+cos($psi))+($y1)*(+sin($psi)))";
elsif ($out_port == 4) # y2
$retval = "(($x1)*(-sin($psi))+($y1)*(+cos($psi)))";
elsif ($out_port == 5)
$retval = "(0)";
if ($retval)
return $retval;
1; # return true