#! /bin/sh
##### Model Transformation Tools #####
# Bourne shell script: mtt_m2p
# Reduce octave 2 Pascal converter for MTT
# P.J.Gawthrop July 1998
# Copyright (c) P.J.Gawthrop 1998
## Version control history
## $Id$
## $Log$
## Revision 1.45 2000/05/13 13:16:52 peterg
## Matrix initialisation for smxa
## Revision 1.44 2000/05/13 11:52:16 peterg
## A now matrix in smxa rep
## Revision 1.43 2000/05/11 19:35:16 peterg
## Major revisions for new paprameter passing versions
## Revision 1.42 2000/04/18 11:11:44 peterg
## mtt_parameters ---> mttpar
## mtt_n_parameters ---> mttnpar
## Revision 1.41 2000/04/18 10:13:43 peterg
## Getargs now after numpar file
## Revision 1.40 2000/04/07 19:09:04 peterg
## New smxa and smxax reps
## Revision 1.39 2000/04/07 13:38:13 peterg
## New mtt_getsize to replace bc
## Revision 1.38 2000/04/07 13:24:41 peterg
## Modified for smxa and smxax
## Revision 1.37 2000/04/07 08:17:37 peterg
## Added mttpar to the arg list of cse and cseo
## Revision 1.36 1999/11/29 06:49:26 peterg
## Upped number of mtt_tnn
## Revision 1.35 1999/11/15 22:47:17 peterg
## Generates method-specific code for the ode2odeso rep.
## Revision 1.34 1999/10/28 05:08:48 peterg
## Added elseif
## Revision 1.33 1999/09/17 04:25:01 peterg
## END --> END; in translation
## Revision 1.32 1999/08/29 06:54:42 peterg
## Added code (mtt_parameters, get args etc) to allow arguments to the
## a.out file
## Revision 1.31 1999/08/02 13:40:03 peterg
## Added zero-state and zero_input to include list
## Removed zero_matrix
## Revision 1.30 1999/04/20 06:16:46 peterg
## Removed calls to _switch.m
## Revision 1.29 1999/04/02 06:27:55 peterg
## Modified for new implicit method with swoitches
## Revision 1.28 1999/02/17 02:59:54 peterg
## Added -q switch to mtt
## Revision 1.27 1999/02/16 21:56:52 peterg
## Now gets standard include files directly from source,
## Revision 1.26 1999/02/16 21:43:54 peterg
## Revises smx generation.
## Revision 1.25 1999/02/16 04:38:09 peterg
## Now forces creation of _smx file if METHOD=IMPLICIT in simpar.txt
## Revision 1.24 1998/11/18 16:56:15 peterg
## Now handles comments after IFS
## Revision 1.23 1998/11/18 14:38:01 peterg
## Now convert ALL globals to VAR .. the last one isn't repeated now
## Revision 1.22 1998/11/17 17:39:45 peterg
## Put _smx include at end of list (?????)
## Revision 1.21 1998/11/17 17:26:11 peterg
## Put sign.p first
## Revision 1.20 1998/10/01 16:01:09 peterg
## Now does implicit integration with switches
## Revision 1.19 1998/09/29 15:37:18 peterg
## Declare mttINPUT
## Revision 1.18 1998/08/27 08:55:40 peterg
## Mods to integration methods
## Revision 1.17 1998/08/27 07:38:40 peterg
## About to change to new integration (Euler/Implicit only)
## Revision 1.16 1998/08/19 08:46:00 peterg
## Now translates ; % to #
## Revision 1.15 1998/08/15 13:46:01 peterg
## Included new sparse update routines
## Revision 1.14 1998/08/12 15:21:12 peterg
## Added type definition for the SVD procedures
## Revision 1.13 1998/08/11 09:32:07 peterg
## Added comments at procedure begin and end.
## Revision 1.12 1998/07/30 11:30:42 peterg
## Included zeros function
## Revision 1.11 1998/07/29 14:18:34 peterg
## Reorganised rep dependednt output
## Revision 1.10 1998/07/27 20:26:15 peterg
## Added new VARs mttWSTEPS, MTTWMIN,mttWMAX
## Revision 1.9 1998/07/27 17:20:42 peterg
## Allow , between ()
## Revision 1.8 1998/07/26 19:38:17 peterg
## Replaced t0..t9 by mtt_temp0..
## Revision 1.7 1998/07/25 20:06:23 peterg
## Does the mtt_update function
## Revision 1.6 1998/07/25 16:59:40 peterg
## Give other procedures local i,j vars.
## Revision 1.5 1998/07/25 15:06:17 peterg
## Added DDT VAR
## Revision 1.4 1998/07/25 15:05:54 peterg
## DD
## Revision 1.3 1998/07/25 14:03:30 peterg
## Added () to [] conversion when the variable is i j k or an integer or
## combination
## Revision 1.2 1998/07/25 12:39:57 peterg
## begin on same line as for and if
## Revision 1.1 1998/07/25 09:42:52 peterg
## Initial revision
# Set up variables
args=`echo $1 | sed 's/_/ /' | sed 's/\./ /'`
Sys=`echo $args | awk '{print $1}'`
sys=`echo $Sys | awk '{print tolower($1)}'`
rep=`echo $args | awk '{print $2}'`
Method=$2; # The integration method
Stdin=$3; # Using standard input
if [ -n "$Method" ]; then
MethodBlurb=" with $Method integration method"
if [ -n "$Stdin" ]; then
StdinBlurb=" using standard input"
# Inform user
echo Creating $Filename $MethodBlurb $StdinBlurb
# Find system constants
Nx=`mtt_getsize $Sys x` # States
Nxx=`mtt_getsize $Sys xx` # States x States
Nu=`mtt_getsize $Sys u` # Inputs
Ny=`mtt_getsize $Sys y` # Inputs
Npar=`wc -l $Sys\_sympar.txt | awk '{print $1}'`
#if [ "$rep" = "simpar" ]; then
# mtt -q $Sys smx p
# Heading
(case $rep in
echo "PROCEDURE $Sys_rep(VAR mttx : StateVector);"
echo "PROCEDURE $Sys_rep(VAR mttpar : ParameterVector);"
echo "PROCEDURE $Sys_rep(VAR mttsimpar : SimulationParameters);"
echo "PROCEDURE $Sys_rep(VAR mttu : InputVector;"
echo " mttt : REAL;"
echo " mttx : StateVector;"
echo " mtty : OutputVector;"
echo " mttw : InputVector);"
echo "PROCEDURE $Sys_rep(VAR mttdx: StateVector;"
echo " mttx : StateVector;"
echo " mttu : InputVector;"
echo " mttt : REAL;"
echo " mttpar : ParameterVector);"
echo "PROCEDURE $Sys_rep(VAR mtty : OutputVector;"
echo " mttx : StateVector;"
echo " mttu : InputVector;"
echo " mttt : REAL;"
echo " mttpar : ParameterVector);"
echo "PROCEDURE $Sys_rep(VAR mttdx: StateVector;"
echo " mttx : StateVector;"
echo " mttu : InputVector;"
echo " mttt : REAL;"
echo " mttpar : ParameterVector);"
echo "PROCEDURE $Sys_rep(VAR mtty : OutputVector;"
echo " mttx : StateVector;"
echo " mttu : InputVector;"
echo " mttt : REAL;"
echo " mttpar : ParameterVector);"
smx )
echo "PROCEDURE $Sys_rep(VAR mtta : StateMatrix;"
echo " VAR mttax : StateVector;"
echo " mttx : StateVector;"
echo " mttu : InputVector;"
echo " mttdt : REAL;"
echo " mttpar : ParameterVector);"
smxa )
echo "PROCEDURE $Sys_rep(VAR mtta : StateMatrix;"
echo " mttx : StateVector;"
echo " mttu : InputVector;"
echo " mttt : REAL;"
echo " mttpar : ParameterVector);"
smxax )
echo "PROCEDURE $Sys_rep(VAR mttax : StateVector;"
echo " mttx : StateVector;"
echo " mttu : InputVector;"
echo " mttt : REAL;"
echo " mttpar : ParameterVector);"
echo "PROGRAM $Sys_rep;"
echo ""
echo "CONST"
echo " MTT_MaxParameters = 100;"
echo " MTT_Npar = $Npar;"
echo " MTT_Nx = $Nx;"
echo ""
echo "TYPE"
echo " StateVector = ARRAY[1..$Nx] OF REAL;"
echo " InputVector = ARRAY[1..$Nu] OF REAL;"
echo " OutputVector = ARRAY[1..$Ny] OF REAL;"
echo " ParameterVector = ARRAY[1..$Npar] OF REAL;"
echo " SimulationParameters = RECORD"
echo " dt, first, input, last, stepfactor, wmax, wmin, wsteps: REAL"
echo " END;"
echo " StateMatrix = ARRAY[1..$Nx,1..$Nx] OF REAL;"
echo " StateMatrixVector = ARRAY[1..$Nxx] OF REAL;"
echo " glnparray = StateVector;"
echo " glmparray = StateVector;"
echo " glnarray = StateVector;"
echo " glnpbynp = StateMatrix;"
echo " glmpbynp = StateMatrix;"
## echo " IntegrationMethod = 1..4;"
echo ""
echo "VAR"
echo " simpar : SimulationParameters;"
echo " t : REAL;"
echo " x,dx,AAx : StateVector;"
echo " u : InputVector;"
echo " y : OutputVector;"
echo " par : ParameterVector;"
echo " mttpar : ParameterVector;"
echo " mttnpar : INTEGER;"
echo " AA : StateMatrix;"
echo " MTTi,MTTj,it,iLast: INTEGER;"
## echo " mttMETHOD : IntegrationMethod;"
echo " open_switches : StateVector;"
echo " numparfile, statefile, simparfile : TEXT;"
echo ""
echo "PROCEDURE $Sys_rep(VAR open : StateVector; mttx : StateVector);"
echo "VAR"
echo " MTTi,MTTj : INTEGER;"
*) echo "PROCEDURE $Sys_rep;"
echo "VAR"
echo " MTTi,MTTj : INTEGER;"
esac) > $Filename
cat<<EOF >> $Filename
{*** System $Sys, rep $rep, language Pascal, file $Filename ***}
{*** Translated by MTT from $Sys_rep.m on `date` ***}
# Regexps
tab=' '
space="[ $tab]*"
spaces="[ $tab][ $tab]*"
non_space="[^ ]*"
# Body
cat $Sys_rep.m |\
grep -v '^[ ]*function' |\
grep -v '^[ ]*endfunction' |\
grep -v 'MTT_data' |\
sed "s/^$space%/#/" | sed "s/\([;)]$space\)%/\1#/" |\
awk -F# '{printf("%s",$1)
if (NF>1) printf("{* %s *}", $2)
}' |\
sed "s/$space\[\($non_space\)\]$spaces=$spaces\($fun_name\)(\($args\))/\2(\1,\3)/" |\
sed "s/$space\[\($non_space\)\]$spaces=$spaces\($mttfun_name\)(\($args\))/\2(\1,\3)/" |\
sed "s/$space\[\($non_space\)\]$spaces=$spaces\(zeros\)(\($args\))/\2(\1,\3)/" |\
sed "s/$space\[\($non_space\)\]$spaces=$spaces\($fun_name\)/\2(\1)/" |\
sed "s/$space\($non_space\)$spaces=$spaces\($fun_name\)(\($args\))/\2(\1,\3)/" |\
sed "s/$space\($non_space\)$spaces=$spaces\($fun_name\)/\2(\1)/" |\
awk '
function printvar(Name,N) {
if (N<1) return;
width = 10;
kk = 0;
for (k=1;k<=N;k++) {
printf("mtt%s%i", Name, k);
if (k==N)
printf(" : REAL;\n")
printf(", ");
if (kk==width){printf("\n"); kk=0}
comment_regexp = "{"
doing_header = 0
doing_globals = 0
Nt = 9
inc ="$I"
if ($1=="global")
doing_globals = 1
if (doing_globals==1){
if (match($0,";")==0){
doing_globals = 0
doing_header = 1
if (doing_header==1){
if (rep=="ode2odes"){
printf("\n{%s $MTTPATH/trans/p/mtt_write.p}\n",inc)
printf("{%s $MTTPATH/trans/p/mtt_par_update.p}\n",inc)
printf("{%s $MTTPATH/trans/p/sign.p}\n",inc)
printf("{%s $MTTPATH/trans/p/mtt_euler.p}\n",inc)
printf("{%s $MTTPATH/trans/p/mtt_solve.p}\n",inc)
printf("{%s $MTTPATH/trans/p/mtt_implicit.p}\n",inc)
# printf("{%s $MTTPATH/trans/p/zero_matrix.p}\n",inc)
printf("{%s $MTTPATH/trans/p/zero_input.p}\n",inc)
printf("{%s $MTTPATH/trans/p/zero_state.p}\n",inc)
printf("{%s %s_simpar.p}\n",inc,Sys)
printf("{%s %s_numpar.p}\n",inc,Sys)
# printf("{%s $MTTPATH/trans/p/mtt_getargs.p}\n",inc)
printf("{%s %s_state.p}\n",inc,Sys)
printf("{%s %s_input.p}\n",inc,Sys)
if (Method=="euler") {
printf("{%s %s_ode.p}\n",inc,Sys)
printf("{%s %s_odeo.p}\n",inc,Sys)
if (Method=="implicit") {
printf("{%s %s_cse.p}\n",inc,Sys)
printf("{%s %s_cseo.p}\n",inc,Sys)
printf("\n{%s %s_smxa.p}\n",inc,Sys);
printf("\n{%s %s_smxax.p}\n",inc,Sys);
printf("{%s %s_switchopen.p}\n\n",inc,Sys)
for (k=1;k<=j;k++) printf("%s\n", comment[k])
printf("\nBEGIN{%s}\n", Sys_rep)
printf(" open(statefile,\"%s_state.dat\");\n", Sys)
printf(" open(numparfile,\"%s_numpar.dat\");\n", Sys)
for (k=1;k<=j;k++) printf("%s\n", comment[k])
printf("VAR \n");
for (k=1;k<i;k++) printf(" %s,\n",global[k])
printf("%s : REAL;\n", global[i])
# printvar("x",Nx);
# printvar("u",Nu);
# printvar("y",Ny);
printf("VAR mtt_i, mtt_j : INTEGER;\n");
#if ( (rep=="smxa")||(rep=="smxax") ) {
# printvar("_t",Nt);
printf("\nBEGIN{%s}\n", Sys_rep)
if (rep=="smxa"){
printf("FOR mtt_i:= 1 to %i DO\n\tFOR mtt_j:= 1 to %i DO\n\tmtta[mtt_i,mtt_j] := 0;\n", Nx,Nx);
if (rep=="smxax"){
printf("FOR mtt_i:= 1 to %i DO\n\tmttax[mtt_i] := 0;\n", Nx);
doing_header = 0;
if (match($1,comment_regexp)>0){
if (doing_header==1)
comment[++j] = $0
printf("%s\n", $0)
else {
if ($1=="if") {
sub(/==/, "=", $0)
gsub(/&&/," AND ",$0)
gsub(/\|\|/," OR ",$0)
printf("%s THEN BEGIN\n", $0)
else {
if ((match($1,"mtt_write")>0)&&(length(Stdin)>0)) {
sub(/mtt_write/, "if NOT eof THEN mtt_write");
if ($1=="for"){
if (($2=="MTTit")&&(length(Stdin)>0)){
printf("WHILE NOT eof DO BEGIN {Integration loop}")
else {
sub(/:/," TO ",$0)
printf("%s DO BEGIN\n", $0)
sub(/elseif/,"END ELSEIF BEGIN",$0)
sub(/else/,"END ELSE BEGIN",$0)
gsub(/&&/," AND ",$0)
gsub(/\|\|/," OR ",$0)
if (rep=="def"){
printf("EULER = 1,\n")
printf("IMPLICITL = 2;\n")
printf("IMPLICIT = 3;\n")
if (rep=="ode2odes")
printf("END{%s}.\n", Sys_rep)
printf("END{%s};\n", Sys_rep)
}' Sys=$Sys sys=$sys Sys_rep=$Sys_rep rep=$rep \
Nx=$Nx Nu=$Nu Ny=$Ny Method=$Method Stdin=$Stdin |\
sed 's/(\([ijk0-9,]*\))/\[\1\]/g' |\
sed 's/(\(MTT[ijk0-9],[0-9]*\))/\[\1\]/g' |\
sed 's/(\([0-9]*,MTT[ijk0-9]\))/\[\1\]/g' |\
sed 's/(\(MTT[ijk0-9],MTT[ijk0-9]\))/\[\1\]/g' |\
sed 's/(\(MTT[ijk0-9,]*\))/\[\1\]/g' |\
sed 's/switcha(mttAA,/switcha(/g' |\
sed 's/switch(MTTx,/switch(/g' |\
sed 's/if nargin<[1-9] THEN//' \
>> $Filename
# p2c doesn't like mixed case filenames!
#if [ "$Filename" != "$filename" ]; then
# echo Creating $filename
# cp -f $Filename $filename
if [ "$rep" = "ode2odes" ]; then
# Explicitly include files
mtt_pinclude $Filename>junk.p
mv junk.p $Filename