File mttroot/mtt/lib/examples/Mechanical/Mechanical-1D/Beams/PinnedBeam/PinnedBeam_numpar.txt artifact ff4455d3d9 part of check-in 37b5fb06f3

# -*-octave-*- Put Emacs into octave-mode
# Numerical parameter file (pPinnedBeam_numpar.txt)
# Generated by MTT at Mon Apr 19 06:24:08 BST 1999

# %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
# %% Version control history
# %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
# %% $Id$
# %% $Log$
# %% Revision 1.2  2003/06/11 16:03:06  gawthrop
# %% Updated examples for latest MTT.
# %%
# %% Revision 1.1  2000/12/28 17:59:05  peterg
# %% To RCS
# %%
# %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%

## Number of lumps
Lumps = 20;			# Number of lumps

## Beam physical parameters
BeamLength = 0.60;
BeamWidth  = 0.05;
BeamThickness = 0.003;
Youngs = 68.94e9;
Density =  2712.8;
Area = BeamWidth*BeamThickness;
AreaMoment = (BeamWidth*pow(BeamThickness,3))/12;
EI = Youngs*AreaMoment;
rhoA = Density*Area;

## Segments
dz = BeamLength/Lumps;	        # Incremental length
dm = rhoA*dz;			# Incremental mass
dk = EI/dz;			# Incremental stiffness
dr = 0;				# Damping

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