#! /bin/sh
##### Model Transformation Tools #####
# Bourne shell script: ss_r2tex
# Reduce transfer-function matrices to LaTex transfer-function matrices.
# P.J.Gawthrop 9 June 1990, 8 July 1990, May 1994
# Copyright (c) P.J.Gawthrop, 1990, 1994.
# %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
# %% Version control history
# %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
# %% $Id$
# %% $Log$
# %% Revision 1.2 1998/02/24 09:21:36 peterg
# %% Put under rcs
# %%
# %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
#Unform user
echo Creating $1_ss.tex
# Remove the old log file
rm -f ss_r2tex.log
# Use reduce to accomplish the transformation
reduce >ss_r2tex.log << EOF
%Read the definitions file
in "$1_def.r";
%Read the parameter file
%%in "$1_sympar.r";
%Read the substitution file
in "$1_subs.r";
%Read the simplifiy file
in "$1_simp.r";
%Read the CR file
in "$1_cr.r";
%Read the steady-state file
in "$1_ss.r";
%Read the formatting function
in "$MTTPATH/trans/latex_matrix.r";
OFF Echo;
OFF Nat;
%ON Rounded;
%Precision 5;
OUT "$1_ss.tex";
write "% - X0";
MTT_Matrix := MTTX$
MTT_Matrix_name := "MTTX"$
MTT_Matrix_n := MTTNx$
MTT_Matrix_m := 1$
write "% - U";
MTT_Matrix := MTTU$
MTT_Matrix_name := "MTTU"$
MTT_Matrix_n := MTTNu$
MTT_Matrix_m := 1$
write "% - Y";
MTT_Matrix := MTTY$
MTT_Matrix_name := "MTTY"$
MTT_Matrix_n := MTTNy$
MTT_Matrix_m := 1$
write "% - dX";
MTT_Matrix := MTTdX$
MTT_Matrix_name := "MTTdX"$
MTT_Matrix_n := MTTNx$
MTT_Matrix_m := 1$
SHUT "$1_ss.tex";