Differences From Artifact [adcfa9cdc8]:
- File mttroot/gino/Makefile — part of check-in [51b26b2720] at 2002-12-19 16:48:21 on branch origin/master — Initial files for gino - see README (user: gawthrop@users.sourceforge.net, size: 151) [annotate] [blame] [check-ins using] [more...]
To Artifact [166a6cf538]:
- File mttroot/gino/Makefile — part of check-in [4668b3f9ab] at 2003-03-24 14:37:55 on branch origin/master — *** empty log message *** (user: gawthrop@users.sourceforge.net, size: 156) [annotate] [blame] [check-ins using] [more...]
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 | 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 | - + | ## Makefile for gino library all: g_funs g_funs: ./create_gino.sh clean: rm -rf g_funs install: g_funs |