function eqn = mtt_resolve_cr (eqn)
## usage: eqn = mtt_resolve_cr (eqn)
##### Model Transformation Tools #####
## Version control history
## $Id$
## $Log$
## Revision 1.1 2003/03/24 10:19:42 gawthrop
## Documentation added
## Temporary version to resolve lin only!
## How many equations here?
N = length(findstr(eqn,"="));
EQNS = split(eqn,";");
eqn = "";
for i = 1:N
## Split equation
EQN = split(EQNS(i,:),":=");
LHS = deblank(EQN(1,:));
RHS = deblank(EQN(2,:));
if index(RHS,"lin(")>0 # lin cr is here
RHS = sprintf("%s;", RHS); # Put back ;
## Make function into a list
RHS = strrep(RHS,"lin(","{lin,");
RHS = strrep(RHS,");","}");
## Convert "R" to R etc
RHS = strrep(RHS,"\"","");
RHS = g_subs(RHS, "{{lin,$6,$3,$1,$5,1,$2,$3,1}}", "{$2*$1}");
RHS = g_subs(RHS, "{{lin,$6,$3,$1,$5,1,$2,$4,1}}", "{$2/$1}");
eqn_i = sprintf("%s := %s;", LHS, RHS);
eqn = sprintf("%s %s", eqn, eqn_i);