Artifact b464ba8f0b010b204f3b16e4c98a98cb6fcbd1580ff779621838cfae7d2ecbbe:
- Executable file
— part of check-in
2004-01-21 15:53:29
on branch origin/master
— Added support for zoomable gnuplot (3.8):
allows co-ordinates to be obtained with the mouse, sections to be zoomed
and 3D plots to be rotated by dragging.Added menu item to change data styles to dots, points or lines (default). (user:, size: 18824) [annotate] [blame] [check-ins using] [more...]
#! /bin/sh # -*-tcl-*- sys=$1 out=${sys}_gnuplot.wish struc=${sys}_struc.txt dat2=${sys}_odes.dat2 Nx=`mtt_getsize ${sys} x` Ny=`mtt_getsize ${sys} y` ## write header cat <<EOF > ${out} #!/bin/sh # -*-tcl-*- Next line replaces shell with wish\\ exec wish "\$0" "\$@" ## main window wm title . "MTT Viewer: ${sys}" # menu bar canvas .menubar menubutton .menubar.file -text "File" -underline 0 -menu menu add command -label "Open (Gnuplot template)" -underline 0 -command open_plotfile add command -label "Save (Gnuplot template)" -underline 0 -command save_plotfile add separator add command -label "Print (PostScript)" -underline 0 -command print_postscript add separator add command -label "Quit" -underline 0 -command exit menubutton .menubar.edit -text "Edit" -underline 0 -menu menu add cascade -label "Axes" -underline 0 -menu add cascade -label "Contour (3D)" -underline 0 -menu add cascade -label "Data style" -underline 0 -menu add cascade -label "Grid" -underline 0 -menu add cascade -label "Key" -underline 0 -menu add cascade -label "Timestamp" -underline 0 -menu menu add command -label "Cartesian" -underline 0 -command { do_cmd "set nopolar ; replot" } add command -label "Polar" -underline 0 -command { do_cmd "set polar ; replot" } add cascade -label "Ranges" -underline 0 -menu menu add command -label "Set X" -underline 4 -command { do_cmd "set xrange \[[get_value "X axis range? min:max" "*:*"]\] ; replot" } add command -label "Set Y" -underline 4 -command { do_cmd "set yrange \[[get_value "Y axis range? min:max" "*:*"]\] ; replot" } add command -label "Set Z" -underline 4 -command { do_cmd "set zrange \[[get_value "Z axis range? min:max" "*:*"]\] ; replot" } menu add command -label "Show Contour" -underline 0 -command { do_cmd "set dgrid3d ; set contour ; replot" } add command -label "Hide Contour" -underline 0 -command { do_cmd "set nodgrid3d ; set nocontour ; replot" } add cascade -label "Surface" -underline 0 -menu menu add command -label "Show Surface" -underline 0 -command { do_cmd "set surface ; replot" } add command -label "Hide Surface" -underline 0 -command { do_cmd "set nosurface ; replot" } menu add command -label "Dots" -underline 0 -command { do_cmd "set data style dots ; replot" } add command -label "Lines" -underline 0 -command { do_cmd "set data style lines ; replot" } add command -label "Points" -underline 0 -command { do_cmd "set data style points ; replot" } menu add cascade -label "Show Grid" -underline 0 -menu add cascade -label "Hide Grid" -underline 0 -menu menu add command -label "Show all ticks" -underline 5 -command { do_cmd "set grid xtics ytics ztics ; replot" } add command -label "Show X ticks" -underline 5 -command { do_cmd "set grid xtics ; replot" } add command -label "Show Y ticks" -underline 5 -command { do_cmd "set grid ytics ; replot" } add command -label "Show Z ticks" -underline 5 -command { do_cmd "set grid ztics ; replot" } menu add command -label "Hide all ticks" -underline 5 -command { do_cmd "set grid noxtics noytics noztics ; replot" } add command -label "Hide X ticks" -underline 5 -command { do_cmd "set grid noxtics ; replot" } add command -label "Hode Y ticks" -underline 5 -command { do_cmd "set grid noytics ; replot" } add command -label "Hide Z ticks" -underline 5 -command { do_cmd "set grid noztics ; replot" } menu add command -label "Show Key" -underline 0 -command { do_cmd "set key ; replot" } add command -label "Hide Key" -underline 0 -command { do_cmd "set nokey ; replot" } add cascade -label "Position" -underline 0 -menu menu add command -label "Left" -underline 0 -command { do_cmd "set key left ; replot" } add command -label "Right" -underline 0 -command { do_cmd "set key right ; replot" } add command -label "Top" -underline 0 -command { do_cmd "set key top ; replot" } add command -label "Bottom" -underline 0 -command { do_cmd "set key bottom ; replot" } add command -label "Outside" -underline 0 -command { do_cmd "set key outside ; replot" } add command -label "Below" -underline 3 -command { do_cmd "set key below ; replot" } menu add command -label "Show Timestamp" -underline 0 -command { do_cmd "set timestamp ; replot" } add command -label "Hide Timestamp" -underline 0 -command { do_cmd "set notimestamp ; replot" } menubutton .menubar.tool -text "Tools" -underline 0 -menu menu add cascade -label "gnuplot command" -underline 0 -menu add cascade -label "Sort List" -underline 0 -menu add command -label "X-MTT" -underline 0 -command { exec xmtt & } menu add command -label "Show Command" -underline 0 -command show_gnuplot_prompt add command -label "Hide Command" -underline 0 -command hide_gnuplot_prompt menu add command -label "Left to Right" -underline 0 -command { set sortorder "normal" set xl [sort_list \$xl \$sortorder ] set yl [sort_list \$yl \$sortorder ] } add command -label "Right to Left" -underline 0 -command { set sortorder "reverse" set xl [sort_list \$xl \$sortorder] set yl [sort_list \$yl \$sortorder] } button .menubar.quit -text "Quit" -relief flat -command exit pack .menubar.file -expand false -fill x -side left pack .menubar.edit -expand false -fill x -side left pack .menubar.tool -expand false -fill x -side left pack .menubar.quit -expand false -fill x -side right # list bar canvas .listbar radiobutton .listbar.states -text "States" -value states -variable view -command { .parameters.list configure -listvar xl } radiobutton .listbar.outputs -text "Outputs" -value outputs -variable view -command { .parameters.list configure -listvar yl } checkbutton .listbar.sort -text "Toggle Sort" -relief flat -indicatoron false -onvalue "reverse" -offvalue "normal" -variable sortorder -command { set xl [sort_list \$xl \$sortorder ] set yl [sort_list \$yl \$sortorder ] } pack .listbar.states -expand false -fill x -side left pack .listbar.outputs -expand false -fill x -side left pack .listbar.sort -expand false -fill x -side right # side bar canvas .plotbar tk_optionMenu select "Select X" "Select Y" "Select Z" tk_optionMenu .plotbar.dim dimension "2D" "3D" tk_optionMenu .plotbar.plot plottype "Single" "Multi" pack .plotbar.dim -expand true -fill x -side right pack .plotbar.plot -expand true -fill x -side right pack -expand true -fill x -side right # button bar canvas .buttonbar button .buttonbar.replot -text "Refresh" -relief raised -command { do_cmd "replot" } button .buttonbar.newwin -text "New Plot" -relief raised -command { set windownum [expr 1 + \$windownum] do_cmd "set term x11 \$windownum" } pack .buttonbar.newwin -expand true -side right -fill x pack .buttonbar.replot -expand true -side right -fill x # rotation bar canvas .rotationbar scale .rotationbar.xrot -label "Rotate X" -orient h -from "0" -to "180" -command { do_rotate_3d "xrot" } scale .rotationbar.zrot -label "Rotate Z" -orient h -from "0" -to "360" -command { do_rotate_3d "zrot" } pack .rotationbar.xrot -side left -fill x -expand true pack .rotationbar.zrot -side left -fill x -expand true .rotationbar.xrot set 30 .rotationbar.zrot set 60 proc "enable_rotationbar" "" { } proc "disable_rotationbar" "" { } ## parameter list canvas canvas .parameters listbox .parameters.list -background oldlace -foreground black scrollbar .parameters.yscrollbar -orient v ## configure scrollbars .parameters.yscrollbar configure -command ".parameters.list yview" .parameters.list configure -yscrollcommand ".parameters.yscrollbar set" ## bind lists bind .parameters.list <<ListboxSelect>> { set parameter [ .parameters.list get anchor ] plot \$parameter set select "Select Y" } proc "reverse_name" "name" { set delim "_" set split_name [split \$name \$delim] set reversed_name [lindex \$split_name 0] for {set i 1} {\$i<[llength \$split_name]} {incr i} { set reversed_name [lindex \$split_name \$i]\$delim\$reversed_name } return \$reversed_name } proc "reverse_sort" "list" { set temp_list {} set delim " " foreach name [split \$list \$delim] { set temp_list \$temp_list\$delim[reverse_name \$name] } set temp_list [lsort -ascii \$temp_list] set list {} foreach name [split \$temp_list \$delim] { set list \$list\$delim[reverse_name \$name] } return \$list } proc "sort_list" "list sortorder" { switch -- \$sortorder { normal { return [lsort -ascii \$list] } reverse { return [reverse_sort \$list] } } } EOF ## create states and outputs lists gawk ' ($1 == "state") { printf "lappend xl %s\n", $4 } ($1 == "output") { printf "lappend yl %s\n", $4 }' ${struc} >> ${out} cat <<EOF >> ${out} lappend xl Time lappend yl Time .parameters.list configure -listvar yl pack .menubar -expand false -fill x -side top pack .listbar -expand false -fill x -side top pack .rotationbar -expand false -fill x -side bottom pack .plotbar -expand false -fill x -side bottom pack .buttonbar -expand false -fill x -side bottom pack .parameters.yscrollbar -expand false -fill y -side right pack .parameters.list -expand true -fill both -side left pack .parameters -expand true -fill both ## map names to column numbers proc "get_state_column" "title" { switch -- \$title { EOF gawk '($1 == "state") { printf "\t\t%s\t{ return %d }\n", $4, $2+2+Ny; } ' Ny=${Ny} ${struc} >> ${out} cat <<EOF >> ${out} } } proc "get_output_column" "title" { switch -- \$title { EOF gawk '($1 == "output") { printf "\t\t%s\t{ return %d }\n", $4, $2+1; } ' Title=\$title Ny=${Ny} ${struc} >> ${out} cat <<EOF >> ${out} } } proc "plot" "title" { global dimension global select global view global xcolumn global ycolumn global zcolumn global xtitle global ytitle global ztitle if {"\$title" == "Time"} { set column 1 } else { switch -- \$view { states { set column [get_state_column \$title] } outputs { set column [get_output_column \$title] } } } switch -- \$select { "Select X" { set xcolumn \$column set xtitle \$title } "Select Y" { set ycolumn \$column set ytitle \$title } "Select Z" { set zcolumn \$column set ztitle \$title set dimension "3D" } } plot_var } ## call gnuplot proc "plot_var" "" { global xcolumn global ycolumn global zcolumn global xtitle global ytitle global ztitle global dimension global plottype global lastplot switch -- \$dimension { 2D { disable_rotationbar switch -- \$plottype { Single { do_cmd "set xlabel '\$xtitle'" do_cmd "set ylabel '\$ytitle'" do_cmd "set nokey" do_cmd "plot '${dat2}' using \$xcolumn:\$ycolumn title 'y:\$ytitle x:\$xtitle' " } Multi { do_cmd "set xlabel ''" do_cmd "set ylabel ''" do_cmd "set key" if {"\$lastplot" != "2D"} { do_cmd "plot '${dat2}' using \$xcolumn:\$ycolumn title 'y:\$ytitle x:\$xtitle' " } else { do_cmd "replot '${dat2}' using \$xcolumn:\$ycolumn title 'y:\$ytitle x:\$xtitle' " } } } } 3D { enable_rotationbar switch -- \$plottype { Single { do_cmd "set xlabel '\$xtitle'" do_cmd "set ylabel '\$ytitle'" do_cmd "set zlabel '\$ztitle'" do_cmd "set nokey" do_cmd "splot '${dat2}' using \$xcolumn:\$ycolumn:\$zcolumn title 'z:\$ztitle y:\$ytitle x:\$xtitle' " } Multi { do_cmd "set xlabel ''" do_cmd "set ylabel ''" do_cmd "set zlabel ''" do_cmd "set key" if {"\$lastplot" != "3D"} { do_cmd "splot '${dat2}' using \$xcolumn:\$ycolumn:\$zcolumn title 'z:\$ztitle y:\$ytitle x:\$xtitle' " } else { do_cmd "replot '${dat2}' using \$xcolumn:\$ycolumn:\$zcolumn title 'z:\$ztitle y:\$ytitle x:\$xtitle' " } } } } } set lastplot \$dimension } ## open gnuplot plot file proc "open_plotfile" "" { global parameter if {"\$parameter"==""} { set name "${sys}.plt" } else { set name "\$parameter.plt" } set filename [tk_getOpenFile\ -initialdir ".."\ -initialfile "\$name"\ -defaultextension ".plt"\ -filetypes { {{Gnuplot} {.plt}} {{All files} {*}} } ] do_cmd "load '\$filename'" } ## save gnuplot plot file proc "save_plotfile" "" { global parameter if {"\$parameter"==""} { set name "${sys}.plt" } else { set name "\$parameter.plt" } set filename [tk_getSaveFile\ -initialdir ".."\ -initialfile "\$name"\ -defaultextension ".plt"\ -filetypes { {{Gnuplot} {.plt}} {{All files} {*}} } ] do_cmd "save '\$filename'" } ## print output to postscript proc "print_postscript" "" { global parameter global windownum set filename [tk_getSaveFile\ -initialdir ".."\ -initialfile "\$"\ -defaultextension ".ps"\ -filetypes { {{Postscript} {.ps}} {{All files} {*}} } ] if {\$filename != ""} { do_cmd "set term postscript" do_cmd "set output '\$filename'" do_cmd "replot" do_cmd "set term x11 \$windownum" tk_dialog ".printed" "Graph Printed!" "PostScript saved as \$filename" "" "0" "Close" } } proc "get_value" "string initial" { frame .f frame .f.buttons global get_value_retval global get_value_status set get_value_retval "" set get_value_status "" button .f.buttons.ok -text "ok" -command { set get_value_status "ok" set get_value_retval [.f.entry get ] destroy .f } button .f.buttons.cancel -text "Cancel" -command { set get_value_status "cancel" destroy .f } entry .f.entry label .f.label -text "\$string" .f.entry insert 0 "\$initial" bind .f.entry <<Return>> { set get_value_status "ok" set get_value_retval [.f.entry get ] destroy .f } pack .f.buttons.ok -side left -expand false pack .f.buttons.cancel -side left -expand false pack .f.label -side top -expand false pack .f.entry -side top -expand false pack .f.buttons -side top -expand false place .f -in .parameters -relx 0 -rely 0 -relwidth 1 -relheight 1 -anchor nw -bordermode outside tkwait variable get_value_retval if {"\$get_value_status" == "ok"} { return "\$get_value_retval" } else { return "" } } proc "get_scale" "string min max" { frame .f frame .f.buttons global get_scale_retval global get_scale_status set get_scale_retval "" set get_scale_status "" button .f.buttons.ok -text "ok" -command { set get_scale_status "ok" set get_scale_retval [.f.scale get ] destroy .f } button .f.buttons.cancel -text "Cancel" -command { set get_scale_status "cancel" destroy .f } scale .f.scale -orient h -label "\$string" -from "\$min" -to "\$max" pack .f.buttons.ok -side left -expand false pack .f.buttons.cancel -side left -expand false pack .f.scale -side top -expand false pack .f.buttons -side top -expand false place .f -in .parameters -relx 0 -rely 0 -relwidth 1 -relheight 1 -anchor nw -bordermode outside tkwait variable get_value_retval if {"\$get_scale_status" == "ok"} { return "\$get_scale_retval" } else { return "" } } proc "do_rotate_3d" "var val" { switch -- \$var { xrot { do_cmd "set view \$val,,, ; replot" } zrot { do_cmd "set view ,\$val,, ; replot" } } } proc "show_gnuplot_prompt" "" { global gnuplot_command destroy .gcmd canvas .gcmd label .gcmd.l -text ">" entry .gcmd.e -textvariable gnuplot_command button .gcmd.b -text "<-" -relief flat -command { set gnuplot_command "" } pack .gcmd.b -side right pack .gcmd.l -side left pack .gcmd.e -side top -fill x -expand true pack .gcmd -expand false -fill x -side bottom -before .rotationbar focus .gcmd.e bind .gcmd.e <<Return>> { do_cmd "[.gcmd.e get]" } } proc "hide_gnuplot_prompt" "" { destroy .gcmd } proc "do_cmd" "string" { global gnuplot_command set gnuplot_command "\$string" puts "\$string" } event add <<Return>> <Return> # Defaults set parameter "" set windownum 0 set view outputs set lastplot "" set select "Select Y" set xcolumn 1 ; set xtitle "Time" set ycolumn 1 ; set ytitle "Time" set zcolumn 1 ; set ztitle "Time" do_cmd "set mouse" do_cmd "set timestamp" do_cmd "set grid" do_cmd "set nopolar" do_cmd "set term X11 0" do_cmd "set key" do_cmd "set data style lines" EOF chmod +x ${out}