#! /bin/sh
##### Model Transformation Tools #####
# Bourne shell script: abg2lbl_fig2txt
# Acausal bond graph to causal bond graph: mfile format
## Version control history
## $Id$
## $Log$
# P.J.Gawthrop March 1997
# Copyright (c) P.J.Gawthrop, 1997
# Remove the old log file
rm -f abg2lbl_fig2txt.log
rm -f $1_cbg.m
rm -f $typefile
rm -f $infofile
#Inform user
echo Creating $1_lbl.txt
( \
echo "%SUMMARY $1: <brief description here>"; \
echo "%DESCRIPTION <Detailed description here>"; \
echo "%% Label file for system $1 ($1_lbl.txt)"; \
cat $MTTPATH/trans/m/rcs_header.txt; \
echo "%% Each line should be of one of the following forms:"; \
echo "% a comment (ie starting with %)"; \
echo "% Component-name CR_name arg1,arg2,..argn"; \
echo "% blank"; \
echo; \
echo \
)> $1_lbl.txt
awk '/:/ {print $NF}' $1_abg.fig | \
sed 's/\\001//' | \
sort | \
tee $1_raw_list | \
sort -u> $1_unique_raw_list
grep -v '\[[0-9]*\]' $1_raw_list | awk --field-separator ':' \
'{if ($1 ~ "SS") \
print "% Component type", $1, "\n\t" $2 "\t\texternal\texternal";
else \
print "% Component type", $1, "\n\t" $2 "\t\tlin\t\targ1,arg2" }' \