function [bonds,components,n_vector_bonds] = rbg2abg(name,rbonds,rstrokes,rcomponents,\
## ###############################################################
## ## Version control history
## ###############################################################
## ## $Id$
## ## $Log$
## ## Revision 1.43 1999/10/18 04:08:46 peterg
## ## Now computes n_vector_bonds -- number apparent (maybe vector) bonds per component.
## ## Neeeded to vectorise junctions.
## ##
## ## Revision 1.42 1999/08/25 21:45:03 peterg
## ## Spurious start to vector 0 and 1
## ##
## ## Revision 1.41 1999/08/19 21:12:33 peterg
## ## Tidied and started implementaation of vector junctions
## ##
## ## Revision 1.40 1999/08/19 05:39:55 peterg
## ## Put into octave format
## ##
## ## Revision 1.39 1999/08/19 05:22:16 peterg
## ## To RCS prior to inplementing vector junctions
## ##
## ## Revision 1.38 1999/03/12 00:58:06 peterg
## ## Now gets portlist from the _abg.m file NOT the _rbg.m file
## ## - this allows expansion of vector SS ports.
## ##
## ## Revision 1.37 1998/07/28 19:06:43 peterg
## ## Still some bugs (vector SS ports)??
## ##
## ## Revision 1.36 1998/07/28 10:30:50 peterg
## ## Implemented vector SS ports.
## ##
## ## Revision 1.35 1998/07/08 15:35:15 peterg
## ## Added errorfile argument
## ##
## ## Revision 1.34 1998/07/02 19:41:29 peterg
## ## Fixed empty port string bug - set to null string.
## ##
## ## Revision 1.33 1998/07/02 17:16:06 peterg
## ## Commented out redundent code -- obsolete due to new default mechanism
## ##
## ## Revision 1.32 1998/07/02 15:12:05 peterg
## ## Added hard error reporting
## ## Added error when two unlabled bonds point in.
## ##
## ## Revision 1.31 1998/07/02 14:30:50 peterg
## ## Corrected various bugs - including resettting n_ports to correct value
## ##
## ## Revision 1.30 1998/07/02 13:40:50 peterg
## ## Added extra ports names (due to defaults) to relevant lists:
## ## port_name
## ## port_bond
## ##
## ## Revision 1.29 1998/07/02 13:28:31 peterg
## ## Added defaults in new form BEFORE alias expansion
## ##
## ## Revision 1.28 1998/07/02 12:36:05 peterg
## ## Removed debugging lines
## ##
## ## Revision 1.27 1998/07/02 12:24:02 peterg
## ## Expand port aliases
## ##
## ## Revision 1.26 1998/04/16 14:07:51 peterg
## ## Sorted out [] problem with vector ports -- new octave function
## ## split_port
## ##
## ## Revision 1.25 1998/04/12 15:01:04 peterg
## ## Converted to uniform port notation - always use []
## ##
## ## Revision 1.24 1998/02/19 08:57:16 peterg
## ## Fixed mtt-info bug -- confused filename with number
## ##
## ## Revision 1.23 1997/12/04 14:24:22 peterg
## ## Removed error message about through-pointing arrows
## ##
## ## Revision 1.22 1997/09/18 19:49:37 peterg
## ## Added test for uniquness of bonds on a component -- if non-unique
## ## implies same component at both ends of a bond.
## ##
## ## Revision 1.21 1997/09/16 15:14:14 peterg
## ## Added warning if a component has no bonds.
## ##
## ## Revision 1.20 1997/08/18 19:39:48 peterg
## ## Now generates (exampaded) port_bond list correctely
## ##
## ## Revision 1.19 1997/08/14 11:59:47 peterg
## ## Vector ports added!!
## ##
## ## Revision 1.18 1997/08/14 11:01:42 peterg
## ## Reordered algorithms as follows:
## ## bond end coordinates
## ## associate port labels with bonds (port_bond)
## ## associate bonds with components
## ## unsorted list of bonds on each component (components)
## ## interpret strokes and setup the causality of the bonds (bonds)
## ## expand vector ports & add new bonds and connections
## ## sort bonds on each component according to the labels -- two ports
## ## default included here.
## ##
## ## Revision 1.17 1997/08/09 11:31:16 peterg
## ## Default two port list is [in;out] (or [out;in])
## ## Dont do global default if no ports labels.
## ##
## ## Revision 1.16 1997/08/07 16:12:36 peterg
## ## Fixed sorting bug: now puts the jth component from the unsorted list
## ## into the kth component of the sorted list .. not vice versa!
## ##
## ## Revision 1.15 1997/08/06 21:43:19 peterg
## ## Corrected error in creating component list: the kth component of the
## ## list is given by the jth component of the original list NOT vice
## ## versa.
## ##
## ## Revision 1.14 1997/08/04 14:18:55 peterg
## ## If no ports labels at all, just use the default component list.
## ##
## ## Revision 1.13 1997/08/04 12:50:39 peterg
## ## Many bug fixes to the named port version + tied up the logic and
## ## supporting comments.
## ##
## ## Revision 1.12 1997/08/02 19:37:53 peterg
## ## Now uses named ports.
## ##
## ## Revision 1.11 1997/04/29 09:12:37 peterg
## ## Added error message if port label near to >1 bond.
## ##
## ## Revision 1.10 1997/03/17 13:45:42 peterg
## ## Added more error info.
## ##
## ## Revision 1.9 1996/12/31 11:25:57 peterg
## ## Clearer error messages for incorrect ports.
## ##
## ## Revision 1.8 1996/12/04 21:52:39 peterg
## ## Now uses fopen.
## ##
## ## Revision 1.7 1996/11/01 18:01:57 peterg
## ## Rationalised port ordering.
## ## Fixed port bug.
## ##
## ## Revision 1.6 1996/08/25 08:27:14 peter
## ## Now checks ports correctely - I hope.
## ##
## ## Revision 1.5 1996/08/24 19:21:26 peter
## ## More specific error messages.
## ##
## ## Revision 1.4 1996/08/24 18:00:33 peter
## ## Fixed bug with finding ports.
## ##
## ## Revision 1.3 1996/08/09 08:26:35 peter
## ## Cosmetic tidy up.
## ##
## ## Revision 1.2 1996/08/04 18:37:57 peter
## ## Fixed no causal strokes bug.
## ##
## ## Revision 1.1 1996/08/04 18:30:14 peter
## ## Initial revision
## ##
## ###############################################################
##Default to no components
components = [0];
## Xfig scaling factor
scale = 1200.0/2.54546;
## Rotation matrix
rot = [0 -1; 1 0];
## Find number of strokes
[n_strokes,columns] = size(rstrokes);
if (columns ~= 4)&(n_strokes>0)
error('Incorrect rstrokes matrix: must have 4 columns');
## Find number of bonds
[n_bonds,columns] = size(rbonds);
if (columns ~= 6)&(n_bonds>0)
error('Incorrect rbonds matrix: must have 6 columns');
## Find number of components
[n_components,columns] = size(rcomponents);
## Find the number of ports refered to within the component
[n_ports,columns] = size(port_coord)
## If port_name is empty, make it a empty string
if (length(port_name)==0)
## Determine coordinates of the arrow end of the bond and the other end
other_end_1 = rbonds(:,1:2);
arrow_end = rbonds(:,3:4);
other_end_2 = rbonds(:,5:6);
distance_1 = length2d(other_end_1 - arrow_end);
distance_2 = length2d(other_end_2 - arrow_end);
which_end = (distance_1>distance_2)*[1 1];
one = ones(size(which_end));
other_end = which_end.*other_end_1 + (one-which_end).*other_end_2;
arrow_vector = ( which_end.*other_end_2 + (one-which_end).*other_end_1 ) - ...
## Locate the bond end nearest to each port
## col 1 of port_near_bond contains a signed bond number (+ for arrow end)
## col 2 of port_near_bond contains the corresponding port index
port_bond = [];
for i = 1:n_ports
near_bond = adjbond(port_coord(i,1:2),arrow_end,other_end);
if rows>1
error(sprintf ...
("A port is near to more than one bond at coordinates %g,%g\n", ...
port_coord(i,1)/scale, port_coord(i,2)/scale));
##The (signed) bond corresponding to the ith port label
port_bond(i) = near_bond(1)*sign(1.5-near_bond(2));
##We now have the (signed) bond (port_bond(i)) correponding to the
## ith port label within the component
## Locate the components at the ends of each bond
## col 1 of comp_near_bond contain the component nearest to the arrow end
## col 2 of comp_near_bond contain the component nearest to the other end
for i = 1:n_bonds
comp_near_bond(i,:) = adjcomp(arrow_end(i,:),other_end(i,:),rcomponents);
## We now have a list (comp_near_bond) of the component(s) at each end
## of each bond
## Now do a list of the bonds on each component - unsorted at this stage.
## Also expand aliases using the alias list for each component
components = [];
i_vector=0; # Counter for vector components
for i = 1:n_components
##Get component type
eval(['[comp_type, comp_name] = ', name, '_cmp(i)']);
## There are n_comp_bonds bonds on this component with corresponding index
[index,n_comp_bonds] = getindex(comp_near_bond,i);
if index(1,1)==0
mtt_error(sprintf("Component %s (%s) has no bonds", comp_name,
## Create the signed list of bonds on this component
one = ones(n_comp_bonds,1);
bond_list = index(:,1); % bond at component
## Check that all bonds are unique -- error if not
if unique(bond_list)==0
mtt_error(sprintf("Component %s (%s) is at both ends of a bond", comp_name,
## which end of bond at component?
bond_end = index(:,2);
direction = -sign(bond_end-1.5*one);
signed_bond_list = bond_list.*direction;
components = add_bond(components,signed_bond_list',i);
## Unalias and/or default all the ports on this componen
unlabelled_ports = 0;
in_bonds = 0;
out_bonds = 0;
if ((comp_type=="0")||(comp_type=="1")) # A junction
disp("---- default junctions ---- ");
junction_names = 0;
for j=1:n_comp_bonds
port_name_index = getindex(port_bond,signed_bond_list(j));
if port_name_index>0
junction_port_name = port_name(port_name_index,:);
junction_names, junction_port_name
if junction_names==1 # one named port
mtt_info(sprintf("Defaulting all ports on junction %s to %s", comp_name, junction_port_name));
## Make the other n-1 names the same.
for j=1:n_comp_bonds-1;
port_name = [port_name; ["[" junction_port_name "]"]]; # add to list
[port_name_index,junk] = size(port_name); # the corresponding index
port_bond(port_name_index,:) = signed_bond_list(j); # add to port bond
elseif (junction_names!=0)&&(junction_names!=n_comp_bonds) # not allowed
mtt_error(sprintf("Junction %s must have 0, 1 or %i port labels", comp_name,n_comp_bonds),errorfile);
else # Not a junction
for j=1:n_comp_bonds
signed_bond = signed_bond_list(j);
port_name_index = getindex(port_bond,signed_bond);
port_direction = sign(signed_bond);
if port_name_index==0 # There is no port on this bond - so try
# to default
if port_direction>0
port_name_i = "in";
port_name_i = "out";
elseif (unlabelled_ports==2)
if port_direction>0
if (++in_bonds>1)
mtt_error(["More than one unlabelled INport on component " \
comp_name " (" comp_type ")"],errorfile);
port_name_i = "in";
if (++out_bonds>1)
mtt_error(["More than one unlabelled OUTport on component " \
comp_name " (" comp_type ")"],errorfile);
port_name_i = "out";
mtt_error(["More than two unlabelled ports on component " \
comp_name " (" comp_type ")"],errorfile);
mtt_info(["Defaulting port name [" port_name_i "]\t on component " \
comp_name " (" comp_type ")" ],infofile);
port_name = [port_name; ["[" port_name_i "]"]]; # add to list
[port_name_index,junk] = size(port_name); # the corresponding
# index
port_bond(port_name_index,:) = signed_bond; # add to port bond
port_name_i = deblank(port_name(port_name_index,:));
port_name_i = port_name_i(2:length(port_name_i)-1) # strip []
## Replace by alias -- if any
eval( ["alias = ", comp_type, '_alias';]); # Get aliases
if is_struct(alias) # are there any aliases
if struct_contains(alias,port_name_i) # Is this an alias?
eval(["new_port_name_i = alias.",port_name_i]);
mtt_info(["Aliasing name [" port_name_i "]\t on component " \
comp_name " (" comp_type ")\t to [" new_port_name_i "]"],infofile);
port_name = replace_name(port_name, \
["[",new_port_name_i,"]"], \
## At this point, every port should be labeled (port_name) and \
## associated with a bond (port_bond).
disp("--- Completed portnames and the corresponding bonds ---")
port_name, port_bond
## Deduce causality from the strokes (if any) and create the list of bonds
causality = zeros(n_bonds,2);
if n_strokes>0
## Find out location of centre and ends of stroke.
stroke_end_1 = [rstrokes(:,1) rstrokes(:,2)];
stroke_end_2 = [rstrokes(:,3) rstrokes(:,4)];
stroke_centre = (stroke_end_1 + stroke_end_2)/2;
stroke_vector = (stroke_end_1 - stroke_end_2);
stroke_length = length2d(stroke_vector);
## Deduce bond causality from the strokes
for i = 1:n_strokes
stroke = [stroke_centre(i,:)
## Find the nearest bond end.
[index,distance] = adjbond(stroke(1,:),arrow_end,other_end);
if (distance>2*stroke_length(i))
info = sprintf('Stroke at (%4.3f,%4.3f) is %4.3f away from the nearest bond\n', ...
stroke(1,1)/scale, stroke(1,2)/scale, distance/scale);
## Bond end coordinates
j = index(1,1);
which_end = index(1,2)==1;
bond_end = arrow_end(j,:)*which_end + other_end(j,:)*(1-which_end);
## Now decide which bit of the stroke is nearest
stroke_index = adjbond(bond_end,stroke,zeros(size(stroke)));
if stroke_index(1)==1 ## uni-causal stroke
causality(j,1:2) = (2*which_end-1)*[1 1];
else ## bicausal stroke
## Find out whether stroke is on flow side of bond
stroke_direction = stroke(1,:) - stroke(stroke_index(1),:);
flow_side = stroke_direction*arrow_vector(j,:)'>0;
causality(j,1+flow_side) = 2*which_end-1;
bonds = causality;
## Find number of bonds on each component BEFORE vectorisation
for i=1:n_components
n_vector_bonds(i) = length(nozeros(components(i,:)))
## Now expand vector ports
disp("Expanding vector ports");
[n_bonds,junk] = size(bonds);
n_ports = length(port_bond);
exp_port_bond = [];
##exp_comps = [];
for i=1:n_ports
port_name_i = port_name(i,:)
[subport,n_subports] = split_port(port_name_i, ','); ## Find the components of the vector port
if n_subports==1 ## an ordinary port
exp_port_name = [exp_port_name; subport(1,:)]; ## Write out the only port
exp_port_bond = [exp_port_bond; port_bond(i)]; ## and the port_bond
else ## its a vector port
## Check that there is a corresponding vector port at the other end of the
## bond
signed_bond_index = port_bond(i);
[other_bond_index,n_other] = getindex(port_bond,-signed_bond_index);
if n_other == 1
other_port_name = port_name(other_bond_index,:);
[other_subport,n_other_subports] = split_port(other_port_name, ',');
if n_other_subports~=n_subports
mtt_error(['Vector ports ', port_name_i, ' and ', other_port_name, 'are not compatible'],errorfile);
else # No explicit matching vector port
mtt_error(['Vector port ', port_name_i, ' has no matching port'], errorfile);
if other_bond_index>i ##then its not been done yet
mtt_info(["Vector port: ", port_name_i],infofile);
mtt_info(["matching: ", other_port_name],infofile);
## Remove sign info.
bond_index = abs(signed_bond_index);
sig = sign(signed_bond_index);
## Put the first element of each port list in the expanded list
exp_port_name = [exp_port_name; subport(1,:)];
exp_port_name = [exp_port_name; other_subport(1,:)];
## Add to the expanded port_bond list
exp_port_bond = [exp_port_bond; signed_bond_index; ...
## Add the other names to the expanded list and augment the bonds,
## components and port_bond lists.
for j=2:n_subports
## Add a new name (for each end) to give a non-vector list
exp_port_name = [exp_port_name; subport(j,:)];
exp_port_name = [exp_port_name; other_subport(j,:)];
## Add one more bond to the list
bonds = [bonds; bonds(bond_index,:)];
n_bonds = n_bonds + 1;
## Add bond to the expanded port_bond list (ports at both ends)
exp_port_bond = [exp_port_bond; sig*n_bonds; -sig*n_bonds];
## Add the new bond to the component at both ends (taking note
## of the direction).
arrow_index = comp_near_bond(bond_index,1);
components = add_bond(components, n_bonds, arrow_index);
other_index = comp_near_bond(bond_index,2);
components = add_bond(components, -n_bonds, other_index);
##Replace old list by new
port_name = exp_port_name
port_bond = exp_port_bond
## Resize the lists
[n_ports,junk] = size(port_name);
port_name, components
## Produce a list of bonds on each component (within this component)
## - sorted if explicit port numbers
for i = 1:n_components
##Get component type
eval(['[comp_type, comp_name] = ', name, '_cmp(i)']);
##Convert junction names
if comp_type(1)=='0' # Zero junction
comp_type = 'zero';
isa_junction = 1;
elseif comp_type(1)=='1' # One junction
comp_type = 'one';
isa_junction = 1;
isa_junction = 0;
## Find the (unsorted) bond list on this component
signed_bond_list = nozeros(components(i,:));
n_comp_bonds = length(signed_bond_list);
direction = sign(signed_bond_list);
##Find the port list for this component
if exist([comp_type, '_cause'])==0
eval(["ABG = ",comp_type, "_abg;"]);
port_list = ABG.portlist;
[n_comp_ports,m_comp_ports] = size(port_list);
for p=1:n_comp_ports # Expand any vector ports
[subport,n_sub] = split_port(port_list(p,:), ','); # Find the components
# of the vector port
if n_sub>1
mtt_info(sprintf("Expanding vector port %s of component type %s",\
port_list(p,:), comp_type, infofile));
subport_list = [subport_list; subport];
port_list = subport_list; # Set the expanded port list.
## Check that number of bonds on the component is the same as the number of
## ports
[n_comp_ports,m_comp_ports] = size(port_list);
if (n_comp_ports~=n_comp_bonds) & ...
message=sprintf('Component %s (%s) has %1.0f impinging bonds but has %1.0f ports', ...
mtt_error(message, errorfile);
if n_ports>0 ## then there are some named ports
## so find those associated with the bonds on this component.
for j = 1:n_comp_bonds
b = signed_bond_list(j);
## Find the port label on component end of bond (if any)
[port_index,m] = getindex(port_bond,b);
if m==1
unsorted_port_list(k,:) = port_name(port_index,:);
%Compute the number of labeled ports
[n_unsorted_ports,m_unsorted_ports] = size(unsorted_port_list);
if m_unsorted_ports==0
n_unsorted_ports = 0;
## Junctions (order of ports unimportant)
if strcmp(comp_type,'zero')|strcmp(comp_type,'one')
for j = 1:n_comp_bonds
components(i,j) = signed_bond_list(j);
else ##Order of ports is important
unsorted_port_list, port_list
if n_unsorted_ports==0
mtt_error(['Component ', comp_name, ' (', comp_type, ') has no labeled ports'], errorfile);
##Write out the signed bond list in the correct order
[n_list,m_list] = size(unsorted_port_list);
if n_list!=n_comp_bonds
error(sprintf("Component %s (%s) has %i bonds but %i port lables",\
comp_name, comp_type, n_comp_bonds, n_list))
for j = 1:n_comp_bonds
name_k = unsorted_port_list(j,:)
k = name_in_list(name_k, port_list);
## Check that it only appears once in port list
if length(k)>1
mtt_error(['Component ', comp_name, ' (', comp_type, ') has ports with the same name: ', name_k], errorfile);
##Check that it only appears one in the label list
kk = name_in_list(name_k,unsorted_port_list);
if length(kk)>1
mtt_error(['Component ', comp_name, ' (', comp_type, ') has multiple port labels: ', name_k], errorfile);
if k==0
mtt_error(['Component ', comp_name, ' (', comp_type, ') has an unrecognised port: ', name_k], errorfile);
components(i,k) = signed_bond_list(j);