% GRGdecl.sl Internal Variables, Flags, Properties %
% GRG 3.2 Standard Lisp Source Code (C) 1988-2000 Vadim V. Zhytnikov %
% This file is distributed without any warranty. You may modify it but you %
% are not allowed to remove author's name and/or distribute modified file. %
% Notation for GRG symbols :
% !!sym!! - Self-Quoted Symbols
% ![sys!] - Internal GRG Control or Working System Variables
% !#id - Internal Variables of Built-in Objects
% !+flag - GRG Specific Flags
% !=prop - GRG Specific Properties
% !*switch - GRG and REDUCE Switches
% funtion!> - GRG functions
%========== (1) Internal GRG Control Variables ==========================
(put 'grg 'stat 'endstat) % Making grg; REDUCE command ...
%---------- GRG System Variables --------------------------------------
(global '(
![version!] % Version number
% Start mode :
![autostart!] % Run (grg) atomatically during load grg; or not
% General Status :
![dim!] % Current Dimension 4
![dim1!] % dim-1
![sgn!] % Current Signature (-1 1 1 1)
![sigprod!] % prod(-1 1 1 1)
![dim0!] % Initial Dimension and
![sgn0!] % Signature in the session
![umod!] % Current basis mode
% Metric and Frame Type :
![mtype!] % Metric type: nil - unknown
![mitype!] % 1 - null 2 - diagonal 3 - general
![dtype!] % Metric differentiability: nil - unknown
![ditype!] % 1 - constant 2 - general
![ftype!] % Frame type: nil - unknown
![fitype!] % 1 - holonomic 2 - diagonal 3 - general
![nullm!] % Standard Null Metric for -,+,+,+
![nullm1!] % Standard Null Metric for +,-,-,-
% Others working variables :
![w!] % General purpose
![instr!] % All Commands list
![datl!] % All Objects
![abbr!] % All User-Defined Objects (Abbreviations)
![rconstl!] % List of reserved constants
![sublist!] % Substitutions List
![rpfl!] % Flags and properties which must be cleared
![rpflcr!] % for Coordinates
![rpflcn!] % for Constants
![rpflap!] % for Affine Parameter
![rpflfu!] % for Functions
![tlst!] % List of Energy-Momentum tensors
![slst!] % List of spin forms
![solveq!] % Equations for solve
![allprops!] % All Flags and Props
![allflags!] % important for Load/Unload
![icompos!] % List of Commands allowed in composites
![newabbr!] % New object in assignment
![wi!] ![wh!] ![wf!] ![ws!]
![gfun!] % Generic functions list
% Session Control :
![er!] % Error type
![firsti!] % First instruction indicator for Dimension
![time!] % Timer
![gctime!] % GC Timer
![ttime!] % Total Session Time
![tgctime!] % Total GC Time
![pause!] % Pause regim indicator
% Switches control :
![flaghis!] % Flags On/Off history list
![flagl!] % GRG Flags list
![flaglo!] % GRG Output-Flags list
![iflago!] % Initial mode of output
![echo!] % Echo in LISTOK>
![flagnil!] % Swithes initailly to nil
![flagt!] % Swithes initially t
![fldtuned!] % nil tuning of FANCY-LOWER-DIGITS is needded
% OS scpecific :
![dirsep!] % The directories separator. This symbol is
% added to the end of GRG environ. var. when
% trying to open files.
% \ for DOS, / for UNIX, : for VMS (?)
% if nil then nothing added.
![syscall!] % Temporary exit to OS and OS commands
% 1 - via SYSTEM (UNIX,DOS)
% 2 - via QUIT (VAX/VMS)
% nil - forbidden
![grgdir!] % Standard Input Didrectory Expanded
![grgdir1!] % Standard Input Didrectory
% Version specific:
![lower!] % If t then background lisp internally is in lower case
% Debugging :
![erst1!] % First ERRORSET debuggin parameter
![erst2!] % Second ERRORSET debuggin parameter
% GRG printing:
![line!] % Current Line for GPRIN
![lline!] % Current Line Length
![gptab!] % Tabulation for GPRIN
![gpfirst!] % First Line marker for GPRIN
![modp!] % Basis mode for write
![allzero!] % Zero-Nonzero components indicator for write
![idwri!] % Writed Data Identifier
% Files manipulation :
![fromf!] % In file
![loa!] % Load file
![unl!] % Global Unload file
![lunl!] % Local Unload file
![wri!] % Global Write file
![lwri!] % Local Write file
% Data evaluation control :
![chain!] % Chain of required data in REQUEST
![way!] % Way for Find/Calculate
% Translation control:
![cs!] % Chanhe Sign
![ch!] % Change Conjugation
![lsrs!] % Left or Right side in equation
![extvar!] % External variables list
![extvara!] % Additional external variables list
![idl!] % For T(J) = expr(J)
![texpr!] % translation
![ivs!] % Iteration vars stack
% Coordinates transformation:
![ocord!] % Old coordinates list
![x!] % X
![dfx!] % d X
![dex!] % @ X
% Basis mode:
![xb!] % d X/\d Y/\...
![xf!] % d X = b
![xv!] % @ X = e
![ccb!] % ~ b
![ccbi!] % ~ e
![dbas!] % d(b/\...) accumulation
% Rotations:
![l!] % L - frame rotaion matrix
![dl!] % det(L) - its det
![sdl!] % sgn(det(L)) - the sign of its det
![li!] % L^(-1) - its inverse
![ls!] % LS - spinor rotation matrix
![dens!] % density factor for an object
% Processor internals:
![tlow!] % T_a (lower index a) for Duialisation
(setq ![autostart!] t) % By default we start (grg) during load grg;
%------- Self Quoted Atoms -------------------------------------------
(global '( !!stop!! !!next!! !!er!! ))
(setq !!stop!! '!!stop!!) % This is STOP
(setq !!er!! '!!er!!) % This is ERROR
(setq !!next!! '!!next!!) % This is NEXT
%========== (2) Built-In Objects =======================================
%---- Flags and Properties for Internal Data variables #ID -------------
% Prop =type - Type of Component:
% -1 - vector; 0 - algebraic expression, n - n-form.
% Prop =idxl - List of Indices. Absent for Scalars. In The List:
% nil - lower frame, t - upper frame,
% 0 - lower holonomic, 1 - upper holonomic,
% (u . n) - un. spinor, (d . n) - do. spinor,
% (uu . n) - up un. spinor, (ud . n) - up do. spinor,
% (n . n) - enimerating, (n) - enum. d-dimensional.
% Prop =sidxl - Symmetries List is (sy1 sy2 ...)
% sy = (type el1 el2 ...)
% with type = a | s | h | c which stands for
% Antisymmetric, Symmetric, Hermitian, Cyclic
% el = n | (n1 n2 ...) | sy
% where n is the index number and sy as above.
% Prop =way - Ways of Calculation is (el1 el2 ...)
% el = ( (name) (cond) (evfun) data ... )
% data = id | (cond id1 id2 ...) | (t id)
% the second form is included iff cond=true
% the third form defines Main data.
% Prop =constr - Restriction when data can be used is
% (fn1 fn2 ...)
% where fn is function call.
% Prop =dens - Pseudo-tensor and Density properties
% List of four elements (a b c d)
% a=t/nil - Pseudo for coodrinate transform sgnD
% b=n - Density for coordinate transform D^n
% c=t/nil - Pseudo for rotations sgnL
% d=n - Density for rotations L^n
% Flag +noncov - Marks Noncovariant data types for
% preventing Dc and Lie calculation.
% But don't prevent rotations.
% Flags +fconn +hconn +uconn +dconn
% types of connection are
% Frame, Holonomic, Spinorial, Conjugate Spinorial
% Flag +hold - Prevents rotation or coordinate
% transformation of the object.
% Flag +pl - Marks oblects with plural name.
% Flag +equ - Marks equations.
% Flag +ivar - Marks all internal variables.
% Flag +abbr - Marks new user created objects (abbreviations).
% Prop =unl - Special function call for Unload.
% Prop =datl - Special function call for Write.
% Prop =tex - Writre in FANCY/TEX output mode.
% If ID than ID both in TEX and FANCY mode
% If (IT . IF) IT for TEX IF for FANCY
%----- Flags and Prop. for Funs and Vars (Cord, Const, Fun) --------
% Flag +grg - Already used by GRG (Can't be declared once again).
% Prop =depend - Dependence List for Functions.
% Flag +grgvar - Marks Variables: Cord, Const, Implicit Fun.
% So, can be used as var in any expression.
% Flag +fun - Marks Functions.
% Prop =cord - Coordinate number N (0 1 ... dim-1).
% Prop =conj - Complex Conjugated Object.
% Prop =subind - Value of Iteration Variable.
% Flag +redbad - Specially blocks some atoms.
% Reduce Flags: used!* constant
% Reduce Flags: subfn symmetric antisymmetric odd even
% Reduce Props: simpfn kvalue klist narg
%------- Data List -------------------------------------------------
(setq ![datl!] '(
% Coordinates, Constants, Functions, Solutions ...
((Coordinates) ![cord!] )
((Functions) ![fun!] )
((Constants) ![const!] )
((Affine Parameter) ![apar!] )
((Solutions) ![sol!] )
% Metric, Frame, Basis, Volume ...
((Frame) !#!T )
((Vector Frame) !#!D )
((Metric) !#!G )
((Inverse Metric) !#!G!I )
((Det of Metric) !#!d!e!t!G )
((Det of Holonomic Metric) !#!d!e!t!g )
((Sqrt Det of Metric) !#!s!d!e!t!G )
((Volume) !#!V!O!L )
((Basis) !#!b )
((Vector Basis) !#!e )
((S - forms) !#!S )
% Rotation Matrices ...
((Frame Transformation) !#!L )
((Spinorial Transformation) !#!L!S )
% Connection and related objects ...
((Frame Connection) !#!o!m!e!g!a )
((Holonomic Connection) !#!G!A!M!M!A )
((Undotted Connection) !#!o!m!e!g!a!u )
((Dotted Connection) !#!o!m!e!g!a!d )
((Spinorial Connection) ( !#!o!m!e!g!a!u !#!o!m!e!g!a!d ))
((Riemann Frame Connection) !#!r!o!m!e!g!a )
((Riemann Holonomic Connection) !#!R!G!A!M!M!A )
((Riemann Undotted Connection) !#!r!o!m!e!g!a!u )
((Riemann Dotted Connection) !#!r!o!m!e!g!a!d )
((Riemann Spinorial Connection) ( !#!r!o!m!e!g!a!u !#!r!o!m!e!g!a!d ))
((Connection Defect) !#!K )
((Undotted S - forms) !#!S!U )
((Dotted S - forms) !#!S!D )
((Spinorial S - forms) ( !#!S!U !#!S!D ))
% Torsion ...
((Torsion) !#!T!H!E!T!A )
((Contorsion) !#!K!Q )
((Torsion Trace 1 - form) !#!Q!Q )
((Antisymmetric Torsion 3 - form) !#!Q!Q!A )
((Undotted Contorsion) !#!K!U )
((Dotted Contorsion) !#!K!D )
((Spinorial Contorsion) ( !#!K!U !#!K!D ))
((Torsion Trace) !#!Q!T )
((Torsion Pseudo Trace) !#!Q!P )
((Traceless Torsion Spinor) !#!Q!C )
((Torsion Spinors) ( !#!Q!C !#!Q!T !#!Q!P ))
((Torsion Components) ( !#!Q!C !#!Q!T !#!Q!P ))
((Traceless Torsion 2 - form) !#!T!H!Q!C )
((Torsion Trace 2 - form) !#!T!H!Q!T )
((Antisymmetric Torsion 2 - form) !#!T!H!Q!A )
((Torsion 2 - forms) ( ((geq ![dim!] 3) !#!T!H!Q!C)
((geq ![dim!] 3) !#!T!H!Q!A) ))
((Undotted Torsion Trace 2 - form) !#!T!H!Q!T!U )
((Undotted Antisymmetric Torsion 2 - form) !#!T!H!Q!A!U )
((Undotted Traceless Torsion 2 - form) !#!T!H!Q!C!U )
((Undotted Torsion 2 - forms) ( !#!T!H!Q!C!U !#!T!H!Q!T!U !#!T!H!Q!A!U ))
% Nonmetricity ...
((Nonmetricity) !#!N )
((Nonmetricity Defect ) !#!K!N )
((Weyl Vector) !#!N!N!W )
((Nonmetricity Trace) !#!N!N!T )
((Symmetric Nonmetricity 1 - form) !#!N!C )
((Antisymmetric Nonmetricity 1 - form) !#!N!A )
((Nonmetricity Trace 1 - form) !#!N!T )
((Weyl Nonmetricity 1 - form) !#!N!W )
((Nonmetricity 1 - forms) ( !#!N!C
((geq ![dim!] 3) !#!N!A)
!#!N!W ))
% Curvature ...
((Curvature) !#!O!M!E!G!A )
((Undotted Curvature) !#!O!M!E!G!A!U )
((Dotted Curvature) !#!O!M!E!G!A!D )
((Spinorial Curvature) ( !#!O!M!E!G!A!U !#!O!M!E!G!A!D ))
((Riemann Tensor) !#!R!I!M )
((Ricci Tensor) !#!R!I!C )
((A - Ricci Tensor) !#!R!I!C!A )
((S - Ricci Tensor) !#!R!I!C!S )
((Homothetic Curvature) !#!O!M!E!G!A!H )
((Scalar Curvature) !#!R!R )
((Einstein Tensor) !#!G!T )
((Weyl Spinor) !#!R!W)
((Traceless Ricci Spinor) !#!R!C)
((Ricanti Spinor) !#!R!A)
((Traceless Deviation Spinor) !#!R!B)
((Scalar Deviation) !#!R!D)
((Curvature Spinors) ( !#!R!W !#!R!C !#!R!R
(!*torsion !#!R!B !#!R!A !#!R!D ) ))
((Curvature Components) ( !#!R!W !#!R!C !#!R!R
(!*torsion !#!R!B !#!R!A !#!R!D ) ))
((Undotted Weyl 2 - form) !#!O!M!W!U )
((Undotted Traceless Ricci 2 - form) !#!O!M!C!U )
((Undotted Scalar Curvature 2 - form) !#!O!M!R!U )
((Undotted Ricanti 2 - form) !#!O!M!A!U )
((Undotted Traceless Deviation 2 - form) !#!O!M!B!U )
((Undotted Scalar Deviation 2 - form) !#!O!M!D!U )
((Undotted Curvature 2 - forms)
( !#!O!M!W!U !#!O!M!C!U !#!O!M!R!U (!*torsion !#!O!M!A!U !#!O!M!B!U !#!O!M!D!U )))
((Weyl 2 - form) !#!O!M!W )
((Traceless Ricci 2 - form) !#!O!M!C )
((Scalar Curvature 2 - form) !#!O!M!R )
((Ricanti 2 - form) !#!O!M!A )
((Traceless Deviation 2 - form) !#!O!M!B )
((Antisymmetric Curvature 2 - form) !#!O!M!D )
((Homothetic Curvature 2 - form) !#!O!S!H )
((Antisymmetric S - Ricci 2 - form) !#!O!S!A )
((Traceless S - Ricci 2 - form) !#!O!S!C )
((Antisymmetric S - Curvature 2 - form) !#!O!S!V )
((Symmetric S - Curvature 2 - form) !#!O!S!U )
((Curvature 2 - forms) (
((geq ![dim!] 4) !#!O!M!W )
((geq ![dim!] 3) !#!O!M!C )
((and (or !*torsion !*nonmetr) (geq ![dim!] 3)) !#!O!M!A )
((and (or !*torsion !*nonmetr) (geq ![dim!] 4)) !#!O!M!B )
((and (or !*torsion !*nonmetr) (geq ![dim!] 4)) !#!O!M!D )
(!*nonmetr !#!O!S!H )
((and !*nonmetr (geq ![dim!] 3)) !#!O!S!A )
(!*nonmetr !#!O!S!C )
((and !*nonmetr (geq ![dim!] 4)) !#!O!S!V )
((and !*nonmetr (geq ![dim!] 3)) !#!O!S!U )
% Various constants ...
((A - Constants) !#!A!C!O!N!S!T )
((L - Constants) !#!L!C!O!N!S!T )
((M - Constants) !#!M!C!O!N!S!T )
% Scalar field ...
((Scalar Equation) !#!S!C!q )
((Scalar Field) !#!F!I )
((Scalar Action) !#!S!A!C!T )
((Minimal Scalar Action) !#!S!A!C!T!M!I!N )
((Minimal Scalar Energy - Momentum Tensor) !#!T!S!C!L!M!I!N )
% EM field ...
% for all dim ...
((EM Potential) !#!A )
((Current 1 - form) !#!J )
((EM Action) !#!E!M!A!C!T )
((EM 2 - form) !#!F!F )
((EM Tensor) !#!F!T )
((First Maxwell Equation) !#!M!W!F!q )
((Second Maxwell Equation) !#!M!W!S!q )
((Maxwell Equations) ( !#!M!W!F!q !#!M!W!S!q ))
((Continuity Equation) !#!C!O!q )
((EM Energy - Momentum Tensor) !#!T!E!M )
% dim=4 only ...
((First EM Scalar) !#!S!C!F )
((Second EM Scalar) !#!S!C!S )
((EM Scalars) ( !#!S!C!F !#!S!C!S ))
((Selfduality Equation) !#!S!D!q )
((Complex EM 2 - form) !#!F!F!U )
((Complex Maxwell Equation) !#!M!W!U!q )
((Undotted EM Spinor) !#!F!I!U )
((Complex EM Scalar) !#!S!C!U )
((EM Energy - Momentum Spinor) !#!T!E!M!S )
% YM field ...
((YM Potential) !#!A!Y!M )
((Structural Constants) !#!S!C!O!N!S!T )
((YM Action) !#!Y!M!A!C!T )
((YM 2 - form) !#!F!F!Y!M )
((YM Tensor) !#!F!T!Y!M )
((First YM Equation) !#!Y!M!F!q )
((Second YM Equation) !#!Y!M!S!q )
((YM Equations) ( !#!Y!M!F!q !#!Y!M!S!q ))
((YM Energy - Momentum Tensor) !#!T!Y!M )
% Dirac field ...
((Phi Spinor) !#!P!H!I )
((Chi Spinor) !#!C!H!I )
((Dirac Spinor) ( !#!P!H!I !#!C!H!I ))
((Dirac Action 4 - form) !#!D!A!C!T )
((Undotted Dirac Spin 3 - Form) !#!S!P!D!I!U )
((Dirac Energy - Momentum Tensor) !#!T!D!I )
((Phi Dirac Equation) !#!D!P!q )
((Chi Dirac Equation) !#!D!C!q )
((Dirac Equation) ( !#!D!P!q !#!D!C!q ))
% Geodesics and congruences ...
((Geodesic Equation) !#!G!E!O!q )
% Null congruence ...
((Congruence) !#!K!V )
((Null Congruence Condition) !#!N!C!o )
((Geodesics Congruence Condition) !#!G!C!o )
((Congruence Expansion) !#!t!h!e!t!a!O )
((Congruence Squared Rotation) !#!o!m!e!g!a!S!Q!O )
((Congruence Squared Shear) !#!s!i!g!m!a!S!Q!O )
((Optical Scalars)
(!#!t!h!e!t!a!O !#!o!m!e!g!a!S!Q!O !#!s!i!g!m!a!S!Q!O ))
% Kinematics ...
((Velocity Vector) !#!U!V )
((Velocity) !#!U!U )
((Velocity Square) !#!U!S!Q )
((Projector) !#!P!R )
((Acceleration) !#!a!c!c!U )
((Vorticity) !#!o!m!e!g!a!U )
((Volume Expansion) !#!t!h!e!t!a!U )
((Shear) !#!s!i!g!m!a!U )
( !#!a!c!c!U !#!o!m!e!g!a!U !#!t!h!e!t!a!U !#!s!i!g!m!a!U ))
% Ideal Fluid ...
((Pressure) !#!P!R!E!S )
((Energy Density) !#!E!N!E!R )
((Ideal Fluid Energy - Momentum Tensor) !#!T!I!F!L )
% Spin Fluid ...
((Spin Fluid Energy - Momentum Tensor) !#!T!S!F!L )
((Spin Density) !#!S!P!F!L!T )
((Spin Density 2 - form) !#!S!P!F!L )
((Undotted Fluid Spin 3 - form) !#!S!P!F!L!U )
((Frenkel Condition) !#!F!C!o )
% Total Energy-Momentum and Spin ...
((Total Energy - Momentum Tensor) !#!T!E!N!M!O!M )
((Total Energy - Momentum Spinor) !#!T!E!N!M!O!M!S )
((Total Energy - Momentum Trace) !#!T!E!N!M!O!M!T )
((Total Undotted Spin 3 - form) !#!S!P!I!N!U )
% Einstein Equations ...
((Einstein Equation) !#!E!E!q )
((Traceless Einstein Equation) !#!C!E!E!q )
((Trace of Einstein Equation) !#!T!E!E!q )
((Spinor Einstein Equations) ( !#!C!E!E!q !#!T!E!E!q ))
% Gravitational Equations ...
((Action) !#!L!A!C!T )
((Undotted Curvature Momentum) !#!P!O!M!E!G!A!U )
((Torsion Momentum) !#!P!T!H!E!T!A )
((Metric Equation) !#!M!E!T!R!q )
((Torsion Equation) !#!T!O!R!S!q )
((Gravitational Equations) ( !#!M!E!T!R!q
(!*torsion !#!T!O!R!S!q )))
(prog ( ![idatl!] )
(foreach!> ![www!] in ![datl!] do
(cond ((atom (cadr ![www!]))
(setq ![idatl!] (cons (cadr ![www!]) ![idatl!] )))))
(global ![idatl!])
(flag ![idatl!] '!+ivar))
%------- Plural ----------------------------------------------------
(flag '(
![cord!] ![const!] ![fun!]
!#!T !#!b !#!S !#!S!U !#!S!D
!#!A!C!O!N!S!T !#!M!C!O!N!S!T !#!L!C!O!N!S!T
) '!+pl)
%-------- Equations ----------------------------------------------------
(flag '(
!#!D!P!q !#!D!C!q
!#!Y!M!F!q !#!Y!M!S!q
!#!M!W!F!q !#!M!W!S!q !#!C!O!q !#!S!D!q !#!M!W!U!q
!#!N!C!o !#!G!C!o !#!F!C!o
!#!E!E!q !#!T!E!E!q !#!C!E!E!q
!#!M!E!T!R!q !#!T!O!R!S!q
) '!+equ)
%-------- Total Enargy-Momentum and Spin -------------------------------
(setq ![tlst!] '( !#!T!D!I !#!T!E!M !#!T!Y!M !#!T!S!C!L!M!I!N
!#!T!I!F!L !#!T!S!F!L ))
(setq ![slst!] '( !#!S!P!D!I!U !#!S!P!F!L!U ))
%-------- Properties of the Built-In Objects ---------------------------
(put '![sol!] '!=type 0)
% word!!! in =way
% Metric, Farame, Volume ...
(put '!#!T '!=type 1)
(put '!#!T '!=idxl '(t))
(put '!#!T '!=way '( ((By Default) nil (frame0!>) )
((From Vector Frame) nil (frame1!>) (t !#!D) ) ))
(put '!#!T '!=tex "\theta")
(put '!#!D '!=type -1)
(put '!#!D '!=idxl '(nil))
(put '!#!D '!=way '( ((From Frame)
nil (iframe1!>) !#!V!O!L !#!T ) ))
(put '!#!D '!=tex '("\partial" . 182))
(put '!#!G '!=type 0)
(put '!#!G '!=idxl '(nil nil))
(put '!#!G '!=sidxl '((s 1 2)))
(put '!#!G '!=way '( ((By Default) nil (metr0!>) )
((From Inverse Metric) nil (metr1!>) (t !#!G!I) ) ))
(put '!#!G '!=tex '!g)
(put '!#!G!I '!=type 0)
(put '!#!G!I '!=idxl '(t t))
(put '!#!G!I '!=sidxl '((s 1 2)))
(put '!#!G!I '!=way '( ((From Metric) nil (imetr1!>) !#!G ) ))
(put '!#!G!I '!=tex '!g)
(put '!#!d!e!t!G '!=type 0)
(put '!#!d!e!t!G '!=way '( (nil nil (detg1!>) !#!G ) ))
(put '!#!d!e!t!G '!=dens '(nil nil nil -2))
(put '!#!d!e!t!G '!=tex '!g)
(put '!#!d!e!t!g '!=type 0)
(put '!#!d!e!t!g '!=way '( (nil nil (dethg1!>) !#!G !#!T ) ))
(put '!#!d!e!t!g '!=dens '(nil -2 nil nil))
(put '!#!d!e!t!g '!=tex '!g)
(put '!#!s!d!e!t!G '!=type 0)
(put '!#!s!d!e!t!G '!=way '((nil nil (sdetg1!>) !#!G ) ))
(put '!#!s!d!e!t!G '!=dens '(nil nil t -1))
(put '!#!s!d!e!t!G '!=tex "\sqrt{-g}")
(put '!#!V!O!L '!=type '![dim!]) % Variable Type !!!
(put '!#!V!O!L '!=way '((nil nil (vol0!>) !#!s!d!e!t!G !#!T ) ))
(put '!#!V!O!L '!=dens '(t nil t nil))
(put '!#!V!O!L '!=tex "\upsilon")
(put '!#!b '!=type 1)
(put '!#!b '!=idxl '((n)))
(put '!#!b '!=way '(((From Frame) nil (base!>) !#!V!O!L !#!T )
((From Vector Basis) nil (base1!>) (t !#!e) ) ))
(put '!#!e '!=type -1)
(put '!#!e '!=idxl '((n)))
(put '!#!e '!=way '(((From Basis) nil (ibase!>) !#!b ) ))
(put '!#!S '!=type 2)
(put '!#!S '!=idxl '(t t))
(put '!#!S '!=sidxl '((a 1 2)))
(put '!#!S '!=way '((nil nil (makesforms!>) !#!T)))
% Rotation matrices ...
(put '!#!L '!=type 0)
(put '!#!L '!=idxl '(t nil))
(put '!#!L '!=tex '!L)
(put '!#!L!S '!=type 0)
(put '!#!L!S '!=idxl '((u . 1) (uu . 1)))
(put '!#!L!S '!=tex '("\Lambda" . 76))
% Spinorial S-forms ...
(put '!#!S!U '!=type 2)
(put '!#!S!U '!=idxl '((u . 2)))
(put '!#!S!U '!=way '( (nil nil (ssform!> '!#!S!U 2 3) !#!T ) ))
(put '!#!S!U '!=constr '((sp!>)))
(put '!#!S!D '!=type 2)
(put '!#!S!D '!=idxl '((d . 2)))
(put '!#!S!D '!=way '( (nil nil (ssform!> '!#!S!D 3 2) !#!T ) ))
(put '!#!S!D '!=constr '((sp!>)))
% Connection and related objects ...
(flag '( !#!G!A!M!M!A !#!o!m!e!g!a !#!o!m!e!g!a!u !#!o!m!e!g!a!d )
(flag '( !#!R!G!A!M!M!A !#!r!o!m!e!g!a !#!r!o!m!e!g!a!u !#!r!o!m!e!g!a!d )
(put '!#!G!A!M!M!A '!=type 1)
(put '!#!G!A!M!M!A '!=idxl '(1 0))
(put '!#!G!A!M!M!A '!=way '(
((From Frame Connection) nil
(gfromo!>) !#!T !#!D !#!o!m!e!g!a )
(flag '(!#!G!A!M!M!A) '!+hconn)
(put '!#!G!A!M!M!A '!=tex '("\Gamma" . 71))
(put '!#!R!G!A!M!M!A '!=type 1)
(put '!#!R!G!A!M!M!A '!=idxl '(1 0))
(put '!#!R!G!A!M!M!A '!=way '(
((From Riemann Frame Connection) nil
(rgfromro!>) !#!T !#!D !#!r!o!m!e!g!a )
(flag '(!#!R!G!A!M!M!A) '!+hconn)
(put '!#!o!m!e!g!a '!=type 1)
(put '!#!o!m!e!g!a '!=idxl '(t nil))
(put '!#!o!m!e!g!a '!=way '(
(nil nil (connec!>) !#!T !#!D !#!G !#!G!I
(!*torsion !#!T!H!E!T!A)
(!*nonmetr !#!N))
((From Spinorial Connection) (sp!-n!>)
(ofromos!> '!#!o!m!e!g!a !#!o!m!e!g!a!u !#!o!m!e!g!a!d)
(t !#!o!m!e!g!a!u) !#!o!m!e!g!a!d )
((From Connection Defect) (tttqandn!>)
(connecplus!> !#!K) !#!T !#!D !#!G !#!G!I (t !#!K))
((From Contorsion) (tttq!>)
(connecplus!> !#!K!Q) !#!T !#!D !#!G !#!G!I (t !#!K!Q))
((From Nonmetricity Defect) (tttn!>)
(connecplus!> !#!K!N) !#!T !#!D !#!G !#!G!I (t !#!K!N))
((From Holonomic Connection) nil
(ofromg!>) !#!T !#!D !#!G!A!M!M!A )
(flag '(!#!o!m!e!g!a) '!+fconn)
(put '!#!r!o!m!e!g!a '!=type 1)
(put '!#!r!o!m!e!g!a '!=idxl '(t nil))
(put '!#!r!o!m!e!g!a '!=way '(
(nil nil (connecplus!> nil) !#!T !#!D !#!G !#!G!I) ))
(put '!#!r!o!m!e!g!a '!=constr '((tttqorn!>)))
(flag '(!#!r!o!m!e!g!a) '!+fconn)
(put '!#!o!m!e!g!a!u '!=type 1)
(put '!#!o!m!e!g!a!u '!=idxl '((u . 2)))
(put '!#!o!m!e!g!a!u '!=way '(
(nil nil (uconnec!>) !#!T !#!S!U !#!V!O!L (!*torsion !#!K!U))
((By Conjugation) nil
(conj3!> '!#!o!m!e!g!a!u !#!o!m!e!g!a!d) !#!o!m!e!g!a!d)
((From Frame Connection) nil
(oufromo!> '!#!o!m!e!g!a!u !#!o!m!e!g!a) !#!o!m!e!g!a )
(put '!#!o!m!e!g!a!u '!=tex "\omega")
(put '!#!o!m!e!g!a!u '!=constr '((sp!-n!>)))
(flag '(!#!o!m!e!g!a!u) '!+uconn)
(put '!#!o!m!e!g!a!d '!=type 1)
(put '!#!o!m!e!g!a!d '!=idxl '((d . 2)))
(put '!#!o!m!e!g!a!d '!=way '(
(nil nil (dconnec!>) !#!T !#!S!D !#!V!O!L (!*torsion !#!K!D))
((By Conjugation) nil
(conj3!> '!#!o!m!e!g!a!d !#!o!m!e!g!a!u) !#!o!m!e!g!a!u)
((From Frame Connection) nil
(odfromo!> '!#!o!m!e!g!a!d !#!o!m!e!g!a) !#!o!m!e!g!a )
(put '!#!o!m!e!g!a!d '!=tex "\omega")
(put '!#!o!m!e!g!a!d '!=constr '((sp!-n!>)))
(flag '(!#!o!m!e!g!a!d) '!+dconn)
(put '!#!r!o!m!e!g!a!u '!=type 1)
(put '!#!r!o!m!e!g!a!u '!=idxl '((u . 2)))
(put '!#!r!o!m!e!g!a!u '!=way '(
(nil nil (ruconnec!>) !#!T !#!S!U !#!V!O!L) ))
(put '!#!r!o!m!e!g!a!u '!=constr '((tttqorn!>) (sp!>)))
(flag '(!#!r!o!m!e!g!a!u) '!+uconn)
(put '!#!r!o!m!e!g!a!d '!=type 1)
(put '!#!r!o!m!e!g!a!d '!=idxl '((d . 2)))
(put '!#!r!o!m!e!g!a!d '!=way '(
(nil nil (rdconnec!>) !#!T !#!S!D !#!V!O!L) ))
(put '!#!r!o!m!e!g!a!d '!=constr '((tttqorn!>) (sp!>)))
(flag '(!#!r!o!m!e!g!a!d) '!+dconn)
% Torsion ...
(put '!#!T!H!E!T!A '!=type 2)
(put '!#!T!H!E!T!A '!=idxl '(t))
(put '!#!T!H!E!T!A '!=constr '((tttq!>)))
(put '!#!T!H!E!T!A '!=way '(
((From Connection Defect) (tttqandn!>) (qfromk!> '!#!K) !#!T !#!K )
((From Contorsion) (tttq!>) (qfromk!> '!#!K!Q) !#!T !#!K!Q )
(put '!#!T!H!E!T!A '!=tex '("\Theta" . 81))
(put '!#!Q!Q '!=type 1)
(put '!#!Q!Q '!=way '((nil nil (qqq!>) !#!T!H!E!T!A !#!D )))
(put '!#!Q!Q '!=constr '((tttq!>)))
(put '!#!Q!Q!A '!=type 1)
(put '!#!Q!Q!A '!=way '((nil nil (qqqa!>) !#!T!H!E!T!A !#!T )))
(put '!#!Q!Q!A '!=constr '((dg2!>)(tttq!>)))
(put '!#!K!Q '!=type 1)
(put '!#!K!Q '!=idxl '(t nil))
(put '!#!K!Q '!=way '(
((From Torsion) nil (contor!>) !#!T !#!D !#!G !#!G!I !#!T!H!E!T!A )
((From Spinorial Contorsion) (sp!>)
(ofromos!> '!#!K!Q !#!K!U !#!K!D) (t !#!K!U) (t !#!K!D) )
(put '!#!K!Q '!=constr '((tttq!>)))
(put '!#!K!U '!=type 1)
(put '!#!K!U '!=idxl '((u . 2)))
(put '!#!K!U '!=way '(
((From Contorsion) (sp!>) (oufromo!> '!#!K!U !#!K!Q) !#!K!Q)
((By Conjugation) nil (conj3!> '!#!K!U !#!K!D) (t !#!K!D))
(put '!#!K!U '!=constr '((tttq!>)(sp!>)))
(put '!#!K!D '!=type 1)
(put '!#!K!D '!=idxl '((d . 2)))
(put '!#!K!D '!=way '(
((From Contorsion) (sp!>) (odfromo!> '!#!K!D !#!K!Q) !#!K!Q)
((By Conjugation) nil (conj3!> '!#!K!D !#!K!U) (t !#!K!U))
(put '!#!K!D '!=constr '((tttq!>)(sp!>)))
(put '!#!Q!T '!=type 0)
(put '!#!Q!T '!=idxl '(t))
(put '!#!Q!T '!=way '(
((From Torsion using Spinors) (sp!>) (qtfromthsp!>)
!#!T!H!E!T!A !#!S!U !#!S!D !#!V!O!L )
((From Torsion Trace 1 - form) nil (qtfromqq!>)
!#!Q!Q !#!D !#!G!I )
(put '!#!Q!T '!=constr '((tttq!>)))
(put '!#!Q!P '!=type 0)
(put '!#!Q!P '!=idxl '(t))
(put '!#!Q!P '!=way '(
((From Torsion using Spinors) (sp!>) (qpfromthsp!>)
!#!T!H!E!T!A !#!S!U !#!S!D !#!V!O!L )
((From Antisymmetric Torsion 3 - form) (ttt4!>) (qpfromqqa!>)
!#!Q!Q!A !#!D !#!G!I !#!T !#!G )
(put '!#!Q!P '!=constr '((tttq!>)(ttt4!>)))
(put '!#!Q!C '!=type 0)
(put '!#!Q!C '!=idxl '((u . 3)(d . 1)))
(put '!#!Q!C '!=way '(
((From Torsion) (sp!>) (qcfromth!>) !#!T!H!E!T!A !#!S!U !#!V!O!L) ))
(put '!#!Q!C '!=constr '((tttq!>)(sp!>)))
(put '!#!T!H!Q!C '!=type 2)
(put '!#!T!H!Q!C '!=idxl '(t))
(put '!#!T!H!Q!C '!=way '(
(nil nil (qcfcomp!>) !#!T!H!E!T!A !#!T!H!Q!T !#!T!H!Q!A )))
(put '!#!T!H!Q!C '!=constr '((tttq!>)(dg2!>)))
(put '!#!T!H!Q!T '!=type 2)
(put '!#!T!H!Q!T '!=idxl '(t))
(put '!#!T!H!Q!T '!=way '(
(nil nil (qtfcomp!>) !#!Q!Q !#!T )))
(put '!#!T!H!Q!T '!=constr '((tttq!>)))
(put '!#!T!H!Q!A '!=type 2)
(put '!#!T!H!Q!A '!=idxl '(t))
(put '!#!T!H!Q!A '!=way '(
(nil nil (qafcomp!>) !#!Q!Q!A !#!D !#!G!I )))
(put '!#!T!H!Q!A '!=constr '((tttq!>)(dg2!>)))
(put '!#!T!H!Q!C!U '!=type 2)
(put '!#!T!H!Q!C!U '!=idxl '(t))
(put '!#!T!H!Q!C!U '!=way '(
(nil (sp!>) (trfr!> '!#!T!H!Q!C!U 'gcf!> '!#!S!U) !#!S!U !#!Q!C ) ))
(put '!#!T!H!Q!C!U '!=constr '((sp!>)(tttq!>)))
(put '!#!T!H!Q!T!U '!=type 2)
(put '!#!T!H!Q!T!U '!=idxl '(t))
(put '!#!T!H!Q!T!U '!=way '(
(nil (sp!>) (trfr!> '!#!T!H!Q!T!U 'gqf!> '!#!S!U) !#!S!U !#!Q!T ) ))
(put '!#!T!H!Q!T!U '!=constr '((sp!>)(tttq!>)))
(put '!#!T!H!Q!A!U '!=type 2)
(put '!#!T!H!Q!A!U '!=idxl '(t))
(put '!#!T!H!Q!A!U '!=way '(
(nil (sp!>) (trfr!> '!#!T!H!Q!A!U 'gpf!> '!#!S!U) !#!S!U !#!Q!P ) ))
(put '!#!T!H!Q!A!U '!=constr '((sp!>)(tttq!>)))
% Nonmetricity ...
(put '!#!N '!=type 1)
(put '!#!N '!=idxl '(nil nil))
(put '!#!N '!=sidxl '((s 1 2)))
(put '!#!N '!=way '(
((From Connection Defect) (tttqandn!>) (nfromk!> '!#!K) !#!G !#!K )
((From Nonmetricity Defect) (tttn!>) (nfromk!> '!#!K!N) !#!G !#!K!N )
(put '!#!N '!=constr '((tttn!>)))
(put '!#!K!N '!=type 1)
(put '!#!K!N '!=idxl '(t nil))
(put '!#!K!N '!=way '(
((From Nonmetricity) nil (nondef!>) !#!T !#!D !#!G !#!G!I !#!N )
(put '!#!K!N '!=constr '((tttn!>)))
(put '!#!K '!=type 1)
(put '!#!K '!=idxl '(t nil))
(put '!#!K '!=way '(
(nil nil (conndef!>) !#!T !#!D !#!G !#!G!I !#!T!H!E!T!A !#!N )
(put '!#!K '!=constr '((tttqandn!>)))
(put '!#!N!N!W '!=type 1)
(put '!#!N!N!W '!=way '( (nil nil (compnnw!>) !#!N !#!G!I )) )
(put '!#!N!N!W '!=constr '((tttn!>)))
(put '!#!N!N!T '!=type 1)
(put '!#!N!N!T '!=way '(
(nil nil (compnnt!>) !#!N !#!G!I !#!D !#!T !#!N!N!W )) )
(put '!#!N!N!T '!=constr '((tttn!>)))
(put '!#!N!W '!=type 1)
(put '!#!N!W '!=idxl '(nil nil))
(put '!#!N!W '!=sidxl '((s 1 2)))
(put '!#!N!W '!=way '(
(nil nil (compnw!>) !#!G !#!N!N!W )) )
(put '!#!N!W '!=constr '((tttn!>)))
(put '!#!N!T '!=type 1)
(put '!#!N!T '!=idxl '(nil nil))
(put '!#!N!T '!=sidxl '((s 1 2)))
(put '!#!N!T '!=way '(
(nil nil (compnt!>) !#!G !#!T !#!N!N!T )) )
(put '!#!N!T '!=constr '((tttn!>)))
(put '!#!N!A '!=type 1)
(put '!#!N!A '!=idxl '(nil nil))
(put '!#!N!A '!=sidxl '((s 1 2)))
(put '!#!N!A '!=way '(
(nil nil (compna!>) !#!D !#!T !#!N !#!N!W !#!N!T )))
(put '!#!N!A '!=constr '((tttn!>)(dg2!>)))
(put '!#!N!C '!=type 1)
(put '!#!N!C '!=idxl '(nil nil))
(put '!#!N!C '!=sidxl '((s 1 2)))
(put '!#!N!C '!=way '(
(nil nil (compnc!>) !#!N ((geq ![dim!] 3) !#!N!A) !#!N!T !#!N!W )))
(put '!#!N!C '!=constr '((tttn!>)))
% Curvature ...
(put '!#!O!M!E!G!A '!=type 2)
(put '!#!O!M!E!G!A '!=idxl '(t nil))
(put '!#!O!M!E!G!A '!=way '(
(nil nil (curvature!>) !#!o!m!e!g!a )
((From Spinorial Curvature) (sp!-n!>)
(ofromos!> '!#!O!M!E!G!A !#!O!M!E!G!A!U !#!O!M!E!G!A!D)
(t !#!O!M!E!G!A!U) !#!O!M!E!G!A!D )
(put '!#!O!M!E!G!A '!=tex '("\Omega" . 87))
(put '!#!O!M!E!G!A!U '!=type 2)
(put '!#!O!M!E!G!A!U '!=idxl '((u . 2)))
(put '!#!O!M!E!G!A!U '!=way '(
(nil nil (scurvature!> '!#!O!M!E!G!A!U !#!o!m!e!g!a!u)
!#!o!m!e!g!a!u )
((By Conjugation) nil
(conj3!> '!#!O!M!E!G!A!U !#!O!M!E!G!A!D) !#!O!M!E!G!A!D)
((From Curvature) nil
(oufromo!> '!#!O!M!E!G!A!U !#!O!M!E!G!A) !#!O!M!E!G!A )
(put '!#!O!M!E!G!A!U '!=constr '((sp!-n!>)))
(put '!#!O!M!E!G!A!U '!=tex '("\Omega" . 87))
(put '!#!O!M!E!G!A!D '!=type 2)
(put '!#!O!M!E!G!A!D '!=idxl '((d . 2)))
(put '!#!O!M!E!G!A!D '!=way '(
(nil nil (scurvature!> '!#!O!M!E!G!A!D !#!o!m!e!g!a!d)
!#!o!m!e!g!a!d )
((By Conjugation) nil
(conj3!> '!#!O!M!E!G!A!D !#!O!M!E!G!A!U) !#!O!M!E!G!A!U)
((From Curvature) nil
(odfromo!> '!#!O!M!E!G!A!D !#!O!M!E!G!A) !#!O!M!E!G!A )
(put '!#!O!M!E!G!A!D '!=constr '((sp!-n!>)))
(put '!#!O!M!E!G!A!D '!=tex '("\Omega" . 87))
(put '!#!R!I!M '!=type 0)
(put '!#!R!I!M '!=idxl '(t nil nil nil))
(put '!#!R!I!M '!=sidxl '((a 3 4)))
(put '!#!R!I!M '!=way '(
(nil nil (riemm!>) !#!D !#!O!M!E!G!A ) ))
(put '!#!R!I!M '!=tex '!R)
(put '!#!R!I!C '!=type 0)
(put '!#!R!I!C '!=idxl '( nil nil))
(put '!#!R!I!C '!=sidxl '((s 1 2)))
(put '!#!R!I!C '!=way '(
((From Curvature) nil (riccio!>) !#!D !#!G !#!G!I !#!O!M!E!G!A )
((From Riemann Tensor) nil (ricci!>) !#!R!I!M ) ))
(put '!#!R!I!C '!=tex '!R)
(put '!#!R!I!C!A '!=type 0)
(put '!#!R!I!C!A '!=idxl '( nil nil))
(put '!#!R!I!C!A '!=way '(
((From Curvature) nil (riccioa!>) !#!D !#!G !#!G!I !#!O!M!E!G!A )))
(put '!#!R!I!C!A '!=constr '((tttn!>)))
(put '!#!R!R '!=type 0)
(put '!#!R!R '!=way '(
((From A - Ricci Tensor) (tttn!>) (rscalara!>) !#!G!I (t !#!R!I!C!A) )
((From Ricci Tensor) nil (rscalar!>) !#!G!I !#!R!I!C )
((From Spinor Curvature) (sp!-n!>)
(rrsp!>) (t !#!O!M!E!G!A!U) !#!S!U !#!V!O!L )
(put '!#!R!R '!=tex '!R)
(put '!#!G!T '!=type 0)
(put '!#!G!T '!=idxl '( nil nil))
(put '!#!G!T '!=sidxl '((s 1 2)))
(put '!#!G!T '!=way '(
(nil nil (gtensor!>) !#!G !#!R!R !#!R!I!C ) ))
(put '!#!R!W '!=type 0)
(put '!#!R!W '!=idxl '((u . 4)))
(put '!#!R!W '!=way '(
((From Spinor Curvature) nil (rwsp!>) !#!O!M!E!G!A!U !#!S!U !#!V!O!L)))
(put '!#!R!W '!=tex '!C)
(put '!#!R!W '!=constr '((sp!-n!>)))
(put '!#!R!C '!=type 0)
(put '!#!R!C '!=idxl '((u . 2)(d . 2)))
(put '!#!R!C '!=sidxl '((h 1 2)))
(put '!#!R!C '!=way '(
((From Spinor Curvature) nil (rcsp!>)
!#!O!M!E!G!A!U !#!S!D !#!V!O!L
(!*torsion !#!O!M!E!G!A!D !#!S!U))))
(put '!#!R!C '!=tex '!C)
(put '!#!R!C '!=constr '((sp!-n!>)))
(put '!#!R!A '!=type 0)
(put '!#!R!A '!=idxl '((u . 2)))
(put '!#!R!A '!=way '(
((From Spinor Curvature) nil (rasp!>) !#!O!M!E!G!A!U !#!S!U !#!V!O!L)))
(put '!#!R!A '!=tex '!A)
(put '!#!R!A '!=constr '((tttq!>)(sp!-n!>)))
(put '!#!R!B '!=type 0)
(put '!#!R!B '!=idxl '((u . 2)(d . 2)))
(put '!#!R!B '!=sidxl '((h 1 2)))
(put '!#!R!B '!=way '(
((From Spinor Curvature) nil
(rbsp!>) !#!O!M!E!G!A!U !#!O!M!E!G!A!D !#!S!U !#!S!D !#!V!O!L)))
(put '!#!R!B '!=tex '!B)
(put '!#!R!B '!=constr '((tttq!>)(sp!-n!>)))
(put '!#!R!D '!=type 0)
(put '!#!R!D '!=way '(
((From Spinor Curvature) (sp!-n!>)
(rdsp!>) !#!O!M!E!G!A!U !#!S!U !#!V!O!L)))
(put '!#!R!D '!=tex '!D)
(put '!#!R!D '!=constr '((tttq!>)(ttt4!>)))
(put '!#!O!M!W!U '!=type 2)
(put '!#!O!M!W!U '!=idxl '((u . 2)))
(put '!#!O!M!W!U '!=way '(
(nil nil (crfr!> '!#!O!M!W!U 'gwf!> '!#!S!U) !#!S!U !#!R!W ) ))
(put '!#!O!M!W!U '!=constr '((sp!-n!>)))
(put '!#!O!M!C!U '!=type 2)
(put '!#!O!M!C!U '!=idxl '((u . 2)))
(put '!#!O!M!C!U '!=way '(
(nil nil (crfr!> '!#!O!M!C!U 'gtf!> '!#!S!D) !#!S!D !#!R!C ) ))
(put '!#!O!M!C!U '!=constr '((sp!-n!>)))
(put '!#!O!M!R!U '!=type 2)
(put '!#!O!M!R!U '!=idxl '((u . 2)))
(put '!#!O!M!R!U '!=way '(
(nil nil (crfr!> '!#!O!M!R!U 'gsf!> '!#!S!U) !#!S!U !#!R!R ) ))
(put '!#!O!M!R!U '!=constr '((sp!-n!>)))
(put '!#!O!M!A!U '!=type 2)
(put '!#!O!M!A!U '!=idxl '((u . 2)))
(put '!#!O!M!A!U '!=way '(
(nil nil (crfr!> '!#!O!M!A!U 'gaf!> '!#!S!U) !#!S!U !#!R!A ) ))
(put '!#!O!M!A!U '!=constr '((sp!-n!>)(tttqnotn!>)))
(put '!#!O!M!B!U '!=type 2)
(put '!#!O!M!B!U '!=idxl '((u . 2)))
(put '!#!O!M!B!U '!=way '(
(nil nil (crfr!> '!#!O!M!B!U 'gbf!> '!#!S!D) !#!S!D !#!R!B ) ))
(put '!#!O!M!B!U '!=constr '((sp!-n!>)(tttqnotn!>)))
(put '!#!O!M!D!U '!=type 2)
(put '!#!O!M!D!U '!=idxl '((u . 2)))
(put '!#!O!M!D!U '!=way '(
(nil nil (crfr!> '!#!O!M!D!U 'gdf!> '!#!S!U) !#!S!U !#!R!D ) ))
(put '!#!O!M!D!U '!=constr '((sp!-n!>)(tttqnotn!>)))
(put '!#!O!M!W '!=type 2)
(put '!#!O!M!W '!=idxl '(nil nil))
(put '!#!O!M!W '!=sidxl '((a 1 2)))
(put '!#!O!M!W '!=way '(
(nil nil (mkrwf!>) !#!G !#!O!M!E!G!A !#!O!M!C !#!O!M!R
((or !*torsion !*nonmetr) !#!O!M!A !#!O!M!B !#!O!M!D )
(put '!#!O!M!W '!=constr '((dg3!>)))
(put '!#!O!M!C '!=type 2)
(put '!#!O!M!C '!=idxl '(nil nil))
(put '!#!O!M!C '!=sidxl '((a 1 2)))
(put '!#!O!M!C '!=way '(
(nil nil (mkrcf!>) !#!G !#!T (!*nonmetr !#!R!I!C!A)
((not !*nonmetr) !#!R!I!C) !#!R!R )))
(put '!#!O!M!C '!=constr '((dg2!>)))
(put '!#!O!M!R '!=type 2)
(put '!#!O!M!R '!=idxl '(nil nil))
(put '!#!O!M!R '!=sidxl '((a 1 2)))
(put '!#!O!M!R '!=way '(
(nil nil (mkrrf!>) !#!G !#!S !#!R!R )))
(put '!#!O!M!R '!=sidxl '((a 1 2)))
(put '!#!O!M!A '!=type 2)
(put '!#!O!M!A '!=idxl '(nil nil))
(put '!#!O!M!A '!=sidxl '((a 1 2)))
(put '!#!O!M!A '!=way '(
(nil nil (mkraf!>) !#!G !#!T (!*nonmetr !#!R!I!C!A)
((not !*nonmetr) !#!R!I!C) )))
(put '!#!O!M!A '!=constr '((tttqorn!>)(dg2!>)))
(put '!#!O!M!B '!=type 2)
(put '!#!O!M!B '!=idxl '(nil nil))
(put '!#!O!M!B '!=sidxl '((a 1 2)))
(put '!#!O!M!B '!=way '(
(nil nil (mkrbf!>) !#!G !#!T !#!D !#!O!M!E!G!A
!#!O!M!R !#!O!M!C !#!O!M!A !#!O!M!D )))
(put '!#!O!M!B '!=constr '((tttqorn!>)(dg3!>)))
(put '!#!O!M!D '!=type 2)
(put '!#!O!M!D '!=idxl '(nil nil))
(put '!#!O!M!D '!=sidxl '((a 1 2)))
(put '!#!O!M!D '!=way '(
(nil nil (mkrdf!>) !#!G !#!D !#!S !#!T !#!O!M!E!G!A )))
(put '!#!O!M!D '!=constr '((tttqorn!>)(dg3!>)))
(put '!#!R!I!C!S '!=type 0)
(put '!#!R!I!C!S '!=idxl '(nil nil))
(put '!#!R!I!C!S '!=way '(
((From Curvature) nil (riccios!>) !#!D !#!G !#!G!I !#!O!M!E!G!A )))
(put '!#!R!I!C!S '!=constr '((tttn!>)))
(put '!#!O!M!E!G!A!H '!=type 2)
(put '!#!O!M!E!G!A!H '!=way '(
(nil nil (mkomegah!>) !#!O!M!E!G!A )))
(put '!#!O!M!E!G!A!H '!=constr '((tttn!>)))
(put '!#!O!S!H '!=type 2)
(put '!#!O!S!H '!=idxl '(nil nil))
(put '!#!O!S!H '!=sidxl '((s 1 2)))
(put '!#!O!S!H '!=way '(
(nil (deq2!>) (mkrshf2!>) !#!G !#!T !#!O!M!E!G!A #!O!S!C )
(nil (dg2!>) (mkrshf!>) !#!G !#!O!M!E!G!A!H )
% (nil (dg2!>) (mkrshf!>) !#!G !#!T !#!O!M!E!G!A!H )
(put '!#!O!S!H '!=constr '((tttn!>)))
(put '!#!O!S!A '!=type 2)
(put '!#!O!S!A '!=idxl '(nil nil))
(put '!#!O!S!A '!=sidxl '((s 1 2)))
(put '!#!O!S!A '!=way '(
(nil nil (mkrsaf!>) !#!G !#!T !#!S !#!D !#!R!I!C!S !#!O!M!E!G!A!H )
% (nil nil (mkrsaf!>) !#!G !#!T !#!S !#!R!I!C!S )
(put '!#!O!S!A '!=constr '((tttn!>)(dg2!>)))
(put '!#!O!S!C '!=type 2)
(put '!#!O!S!C '!=idxl '(nil nil))
(put '!#!O!S!C '!=sidxl '((s 1 2)))
(put '!#!O!S!C '!=way '(
(nil nil (mkrscf!>) !#!G !#!T !#!S !#!R!I!C!S )))
(put '!#!O!S!C '!=constr '((tttn!>)))
(put '!#!O!S!V '!=type 2)
(put '!#!O!S!V '!=idxl '(nil nil))
(put '!#!O!S!V '!=sidxl '((s 1 2)))
(put '!#!O!S!V '!=way '(
(nil nil (mkrsvf!>) !#!T !#!D !#!G !#!O!S!H !#!O!S!A !#!O!S!C )))
(put '!#!O!S!V '!=constr '((tttn!>)(dg3!>)))
(put '!#!O!S!U '!=type 2)
(put '!#!O!S!U '!=idxl '(nil nil))
(put '!#!O!S!U '!=sidxl '((s 1 2)))
(put '!#!O!S!U '!=way '(
(nil nil (mkrsuf!>) !#!G !#!O!M!E!G!A
((geq ![dim!] 4) !#!O!S!V )
!#!O!S!H !#!O!S!A !#!O!S!C )))
(put '!#!O!S!U '!=constr '((tttn!>)(dg2!>)))
% Dirac field ...
(put '!#!P!H!I '!=type 0)
(put '!#!P!H!I '!=idxl '((u . 1)))
(put '!#!C!H!I '!=type 0)
(put '!#!C!H!I '!=idxl '((u . 1)))
(put '!#!P!H!I '!=tex "\phi")
(put '!#!C!H!I '!=tex "\chi")
(put '!#!P!H!I '!=constr '((sp!-n!>)))
(put '!#!C!H!I '!=constr '((sp!-n!>)))
(put '!#!D!A!C!T '!=type 4)
(put '!#!D!A!C!T '!=way '(
(nil (sp!-n!>) (dact!>)
!#!P!H!I !#!C!H!I !#!D !#!T !#!o!m!e!g!a!u !#!G
!#!V!O!L !#!s!d!e!t!G !#!G!I (!*torsion !#!Q!Q)) ))
(put '!#!D!A!C!T '!=dens '(t nil t nil))
(put '!#!T!D!I '!=type 0)
(put '!#!T!D!I '!=idxl '(nil nil))
(put '!#!T!D!I '!=sidxl '((s 1 2)))
(put '!#!T!D!I '!=way '(
(nil (sp!-n!>) (tdi!>)
!#!T !#!D !#!G !#!G!I !#!s!d!e!t!G !#!V!O!L
!#!D!A!C!T !#!P!H!I !#!C!H!I !#!o!m!e!g!a!u ) ))
(put '!#!T!D!I '!=constr '((tttnotn!>)))
(put '!#!S!P!D!I!U '!=type 3)
(put '!#!S!P!D!I!U '!=idxl '((u . 2)))
(put '!#!S!P!D!I!U '!=way '(
(nil nil (spinsd!>)
!#!C!H!I !#!P!H!I !#!T !#!s!d!e!t!G !#!G !#!V!O!L ) ))
(put '!#!S!P!D!I!U '!=constr '((sp!-n!>)))
(put '!#!D!P!q '!=type 0)
(put '!#!D!P!q '!=idxl '((d . 1)))
(put '!#!D!P!q '!=way '(
(nil nil (dequ!> !#!P!H!I !#!C!H!I '!#!D!P!q t)
!#!P!H!I !#!C!H!I !#!D !#!o!m!e!g!a!u (!*torsion !#!Q!Q)) ))
(put '!#!D!P!q '!=constr '((sp!-n!>)))
(put '!#!D!C!q '!=type 0)
(put '!#!D!C!q '!=idxl '((d . 1)))
(put '!#!D!C!q '!=way '(
(nil nil (dequ!> !#!C!H!I !#!P!H!I '!#!D!C!q nil)
!#!P!H!I !#!C!H!I !#!D !#!o!m!e!g!a!u (!*torsion !#!Q!Q)) ))
(put '!#!D!C!q '!=constr '((sp!-n!>)))
% EM field ...
(put '!#!A '!=type 1)
(put '!#!A '!=constr '((dg2!>)))
(put '!#!F!F '!=type 2)
(put '!#!F!F '!=way '(
((From EM Potential) nil (fffroma!>) !#!A)
((From EM Tensor) nil (fffromft!>) !#!S (t !#!F!T))
((From Complex EM 2 - form) (sp!>) (fffromffu!>) (t !#!F!F!U))
(put '!#!F!F '!=constr '((dg2!>)))
(put '!#!J '!=type 1)
(put '!#!J '!=way '(
((From Dirac Spinor) (sp!>) (dcurr!>) !#!P!H!I !#!C!H!I !#!T ) ))
(put '!#!J '!=constr '((dg2!>)))
(put '!#!F!T '!=type 0)
(put '!#!F!T '!=idxl '(nil nil))
(put '!#!F!T '!=sidxl '((a 1 2)))
(put '!#!F!T '!=way '(
(nil nil (ftfromff!>) !#!D !#!F!F) ))
(put '!#!F!T '!=constr '((dg2!>)))
(put '!#!E!M!A!C!T '!=type '![dim!])
(put '!#!E!M!A!C!T '!=way '(
(nil nil (emact!>) !#!F!F !#!V!O!L !#!s!d!e!t!G !#!T !#!G )
(put '!#!E!M!A!C!T '!=constr '((dg2!>)))
(put '!#!E!M!A!C!T '!=dens '(t nil t nil))
(put '!#!T!E!M '!=type 0)
(put '!#!T!E!M '!=idxl '(nil nil))
(put '!#!T!E!M '!=sidxl '((s 1 2)))
(put '!#!T!E!M '!=way '(
(nil nil (tembydef!>)
!#!G!I !#!G !#!V!O!L !#!F!T !#!E!M!A!C!T )
(put '!#!T!E!M '!=constr '((dg2!>)))
(put '!#!M!W!F!q '!=type '![dim1!])
(put '!#!M!W!F!q '!=way '(
(nil nil (firstmw!>) !#!T !#!G !#!s!d!e!t!G !#!V!O!L !#!F!F ) ))
(put '!#!M!W!F!q '!=constr '((dg2!>)))
(put '!#!M!W!S!q '!=type 3)
(put '!#!M!W!S!q '!=way '(
(nil nil (secondmw!>) !#!F!F )))
(put '!#!M!W!S!q '!=constr '((dg2!>)))
(put '!#!C!O!q '!=type '![dim!])
(put '!#!C!O!q '!=way '(
(nil nil (contineq!>) !#!T !#!G !#!s!d!e!t!G !#!V!O!L !#!J ) ))
(put '!#!C!O!q '!=constr '((dg2!>)))
(put '!#!S!C!F '!=type 0)
(put '!#!S!C!F '!=way '(
(nil (ttt4!>) (firstscal!>)
!#!T !#!G !#!s!d!e!t!G !#!V!O!L !#!F!F ) ))
(put '!#!S!C!F '!=constr '((ttt4!>)))
(put '!#!S!C!S '!=type 0)
(put '!#!S!C!S '!=way '(
(nil (ttt4!>) (secondscal!>)
!#!T !#!G !#!s!d!e!t!G !#!V!O!L !#!F!F ) ))
(put '!#!S!C!F '!=constr '((ttt4!>)))
(put '!#!F!I!U '!=type 0)
(put '!#!F!I!U '!=idxl '((u . 2)))
(put '!#!F!I!U '!=way '(
((From Complex EM 2 - form) nil (fiufromffu!>) !#!S!U !#!V!O!L !#!F!F!U )
((From EM 2 - form) nil (fiufromff!>) !#!S!U !#!V!O!L !#!F!F )
(put '!#!F!I!U '!=constr '((sp!>)))
(put '!#!F!I!U '!=tex '("\Phi" . 70))
(put '!#!S!D!q '!=type 4)
(put '!#!S!D!q '!=idxl '((d . 2)))
(put '!#!S!D!q '!=way '(
(nil nil (sduality!>) !#!S!D !#!F!F!U )
(put '!#!S!D!q '!=constr '((sp!>)))
(put '!#!F!F!U '!=type 2)
(put '!#!F!F!U '!=way '(
((From EM 2 - form) nil (ffufromff!>)
!#!V!O!L !#!T !#!G !#!s!d!e!t!G !#!F!F )
((From EM Spinor) (sp!>) (ffufromfiu!>)
!#!S!U !#!F!I!U )
(put '!#!F!F!U '!=constr '((sp!>)))
(put '!#!F!F!U '!=tex '("\Phi" . 70))
(put '!#!S!C!U '!=type 0)
(put '!#!S!C!U '!=way '(
((From EM Spinor) nil (scufromfiu!>) !#!F!I!U )
((From Complex EM 2 - form) nil (scufromffu!>) !#!V!O!L !#!F!F!U )
(put '!#!S!C!U '!=constr '((sp!>)))
(put '!#!M!W!U!q '!=type 3)
(put '!#!M!W!U!q '!=way '(
(nil nil (complexmw!>)
!#!T !#!G !#!s!d!e!t!G !#!V!O!L !#!F!F!U ) ))
(put '!#!M!W!U!q '!=constr '((sp!>)))
(put '!#!T!E!M!S '!=type 0)
(put '!#!T!E!M!S '!=idxl '((u . 2)(d . 2)))
(put '!#!T!E!M!S '!=sidxl '((h 1 2)))
(put '!#!T!E!M!S '!=way '(
(nil nil (tems!>) !#!F!I!U )))
(put '!#!T!E!M!S '!=constr '((sp!>)))
% YM field ...
(put '!#!A!Y!M '!=type 1)
(put '!#!A!Y!M '!=idxl '((n . 9)))
(put '!#!A!Y!M '!=constr '((dg2!>)))
(put '!#!S!C!O!N!S!T '!=type 0)
(put '!#!S!C!O!N!S!T '!=idxl '((n . 9)(n . 9)(n . 9)))
(put '!#!S!C!O!N!S!T '!=sidxl '((a 1 2 3)))
(put '!#!S!C!O!N!S!T '!=constr '((dg2!>)))
(put '!#!F!F!Y!M '!=type 2)
(put '!#!F!F!Y!M '!=idxl '((n . 9)))
(put '!#!F!F!Y!M '!=way '(
((From YM Potential) nil (ffymfromaym!>) !#!A!Y!M !#!S!C!O!N!S!T )
((From YM Tensor) nil (ffymfromftym!>) !#!S (t !#!F!T!Y!M))
(put '!#!F!F!Y!M '!=constr '((dg2!>)))
(put '!#!F!T!Y!M '!=type 0)
(put '!#!F!T!Y!M '!=idxl '((n . 9) nil nil))
(put '!#!F!T!Y!M '!=sidxl '((a 2 3)))
(put '!#!F!T!Y!M '!=way '(
(nil nil (ftymfromffym!>) !#!D !#!F!F!Y!M) ))
(put '!#!F!T!Y!M '!=constr '((dg2!>)))
(put '!#!Y!M!A!C!T '!=type '![dim!])
(put '!#!Y!M!A!C!T '!=way '(
(nil nil (ymact!>) !#!F!F!Y!M !#!V!O!L !#!s!d!e!t!G !#!T !#!G )
(put '!#!Y!M!A!C!T '!=constr '((dg2!>)))
(put '!#!Y!M!A!C!T '!=dens '(t nil t nil))
(put '!#!T!Y!M '!=type 0)
(put '!#!T!Y!M '!=idxl '(nil nil))
(put '!#!T!Y!M '!=sidxl '((s 1 2)))
(put '!#!T!Y!M '!=way '(
(nil nil (tymbydef!>)
!#!G!I !#!G !#!V!O!L !#!F!T!Y!M !#!Y!M!A!C!T )
(put '!#!T!Y!M '!=constr '((dg2!>)))
(put '!#!Y!M!F!q '!=type '![dim1!])
(put '!#!Y!M!F!q '!=idxl '((n . 9)))
(put '!#!Y!M!F!q '!=way '(
(nil nil (firstym!>)
!#!T !#!G !#!s!d!e!t!G !#!V!O!L !#!F!F!Y!M !#!S!C!O!N!S!T ) ))
(put '!#!Y!M!F!q '!=constr '((dg2!>)))
(put '!#!Y!M!S!q '!=type 3)
(put '!#!Y!M!S!q '!=idxl '((n . 9)))
(put '!#!Y!M!S!q '!=way '(
(nil nil (secondym!>) !#!F!F!Y!M !#!S!C!O!N!S!T ) ))
(put '!#!Y!M!S!q '!=constr '((dg2!>)))
% Scalar field ...
(put '!#!F!I '!=type 0)
(put '!#!S!A!C!T!M!I!N '!=type '![dim!])
(put '!#!S!A!C!T!M!I!N '!=way '(
(nil nil (sactmin!>) !#!F!I !#!V!O!L !#!G!I !#!D )))
(put '!#!S!A!C!T!M!I!N '!=dens '(t nil t nil))
(put '!#!S!A!C!T '!=type '![dim!])
(put '!#!S!A!C!T '!=way '(
(nil nil (sact!>) !#!F!I !#!V!O!L !#!G!I !#!D
(!*nonmin !#!R!R !#!A!C!O!N!S!T ) )))
(put '!#!S!A!C!T '!=dens '(t nil t nil))
(put '!#!S!C!q '!=type 0)
(put '!#!S!C!q '!=way '(
(nil nil (kgeq!>) !#!V!O!L !#!s!d!e!t!G !#!D !#!T !#!F!I
(!*nonmin !#!A!C!O!N!S!T !#!R!R ))))
(put '!#!T!S!C!L!M!I!N '!=type 0)
(put '!#!T!S!C!L!M!I!N '!=idxl '(nil nil))
(put '!#!T!S!C!L!M!I!N '!=sidxl '((s 1 2)))
(put '!#!T!S!C!L!M!I!N '!=way '(
(nil nil (tsclmin!>)
!#!F!I !#!V!O!L !#!G !#!D !#!S!A!C!T!M!I!N )))
% Constants ...
(put '!#!A!C!O!N!S!T '!=type 0)
(put '!#!A!C!O!N!S!T '!=idxl '((n . 2)))
(put '!#!A!C!O!N!S!T '!=way '((nil nil (aconst!>))))
(put '!#!M!C!O!N!S!T '!=type 0)
(put '!#!M!C!O!N!S!T '!=idxl '((n . 3)))
(put '!#!M!C!O!N!S!T '!=way '((nil nil (mconst!>))))
(put '!#!L!C!O!N!S!T '!=type 0)
(put '!#!L!C!O!N!S!T '!=idxl '((n . 6)))
(put '!#!L!C!O!N!S!T '!=way '((nil nil (lconst!>))))
% Einstein Equations ...
(put '!#!E!E!q '!=type 0)
(put '!#!E!E!q '!=idxl '(nil nil))
(put '!#!E!E!q '!=sidxl '((s 1 2)))
(put '!#!E!E!q '!=way '(
(nil nil (einstein!>) !#!G !#!R!I!C !#!R!R !#!T!E!N!M!O!M )))
(put '!#!E!E!q '!=constr '((tttnotqn!>)))
(put '!#!T!E!E!q '!=type 0)
(put '!#!T!E!E!q '!=way '(
(nil nil (einsteint!>) !#!R!R !#!T!E!N!M!O!M!T )))
(put '!#!T!E!E!q '!=constr '((sp!>)(tttnotqn!>)))
(put '!#!C!E!E!q '!=type 0)
(put '!#!C!E!E!q '!=idxl '((u . 2)(d . 2)))
(put '!#!C!E!E!q '!=sidxl '((h 1 2)))
(put '!#!C!E!E!q '!=way '(
(nil nil (einsteinc!>) !#!R!C !#!T!E!N!M!O!M!S )))
(put '!#!C!E!E!q '!=constr '((sp!>)(tttnotqn!>)))
% Gravitational Equations ...
(put '!#!P!O!M!E!G!A!U '!=type 2)
(put '!#!P!O!M!E!G!A!U '!=idxl '((u . 2)))
(put '!#!P!O!M!E!G!A!U '!=way '(
(nil nil (pomegau!>) !#!L!C!O!N!S!T !#!S!U
(!*nonmin !#!A!C!O!N!S!T !#!F!I) )))
(put '!#!P!O!M!E!G!A!U '!=constr '((sp!-n!>)))
(put '!#!P!T!H!E!T!A '!=type 2)
(put '!#!P!T!H!E!T!A '!=idxl '(t))
(put '!#!P!T!H!E!T!A '!=way '(
(nil nil (ptheta!>) !#!M!C!O!N!S!T )))
(put '!#!P!T!H!E!T!A '!=constr '((sp!-n!>)(tttq!>)))
(put '!#!L!A!C!T '!=type 4)
(put '!#!L!A!C!T '!=way '(
(nil (sp!-n!>) (lact!>)
!#!V!O!L !#!R!R !#!L!C!O!N!S!T
!#!P!O!M!E!G!A!U !#!O!M!E!G!A!U
(!*torsion !#!P!T!H!E!T!A !#!T!H!E!T!A)
(!*nonmin !#!A!C!O!N!S!T !#!F!I) )
(put '!#!L!A!C!T '!=constr '((ttt4!>)))
(put '!#!L!A!C!T '!=dens '(t nil t nil))
(put '!#!M!E!T!R!q '!=type 0)
(put '!#!M!E!T!R!q '!=idxl '(nil nil))
(put '!#!M!E!T!R!q '!=sidxl '((s 1 2)))
(put '!#!M!E!T!R!q '!=way '(
(nil nil (metrequation!>)
!#!D !#!T !#!S!U !#!V!O!L !#!L!A!C!T !#!T!E!N!M!O!M
!#!o!m!e!g!a!u !#!o!m!e!g!a!d
!#!O!M!E!G!A!U !#!P!O!M!E!G!A!U
(!*torsion !#!T!H!E!T!A !#!P!T!H!E!T!A ) )
(put '!#!M!E!T!R!q '!=constr '((sp!-n!>)))
(put '!#!T!O!R!S!q '!=type 3)
(put '!#!T!O!R!S!q '!=idxl '((u . 2)))
(put '!#!T!O!R!S!q '!=way '(
(nil nil (torsequation!>)
!#!T !#!S!U !#!o!m!e!g!a!u !#!P!O!M!E!G!A!U !#!P!T!H!E!T!A
!#!S!P!I!N!U )
(put '!#!T!O!R!S!q '!=constr '((sp!-n!>)(tttq!>)))
% Geodesics and congruences ...
(put '!#!G!E!O!q '!=type 0)
(put '!#!G!E!O!q '!=idxl '(1))
(put '!#!G!E!O!q '!=way '(
(nil (tttapar!>) (geodesics!>) !#!G !#!G!I !#!T !#!D )))
(put '!#!G!E!O!q '!=constr '((tttapar!>)))
% Null congruence ...
(put '!#!K!V '!=type -1)
(put '!#!N!C!o '!=type 0)
(put '!#!N!C!o '!=way '(
(nil nil (ncnq!>) !#!T !#!D !#!G !#!G!I !#!K!V )))
(put '!#!G!C!o '!=type 0)
(put '!#!G!C!o '!=idxl '(t))
(put '!#!G!C!o '!=way '(
(nil nil (ncgq!>)
!#!T !#!D !#!G !#!G!I !#!K!V
((or !*torsion !*nonmetr) !#!r!o!m!e!g!a)
((and (null !*torsion) (null !*nonmetr)) !#!o!m!e!g!a) )
(put '!#!t!h!e!t!a!O '!=type 0)
(put '!#!t!h!e!t!a!O '!=way '(
(nil nil (nctheta!>)
!#!T !#!D !#!G !#!G!I !#!K!V !#!N!C!o !#!G!C!o
((or !*torsion !*nonmetr) !#!r!o!m!e!g!a)
((and (null !*torsion) (null !*nonmetr)) !#!o!m!e!g!a) )
(put '!#!t!h!e!t!a!O '!=constr '((ttt4!>)))
(put '!#!o!m!e!g!a!S!Q!O '!=type 0)
(put '!#!o!m!e!g!a!S!Q!O '!=way '(
(nil nil (ncomega!>)
!#!T !#!D !#!G !#!G!I !#!K!V !#!N!C!o !#!G!C!o
((or !*torsion !*nonmetr) !#!r!o!m!e!g!a)
((and (null !*torsion) (null !*nonmetr)) !#!o!m!e!g!a) )
(put '!#!o!m!e!g!a!S!Q!O '!=constr '((ttt4!>)))
(put '!#!s!i!g!m!a!S!Q!O '!=type 0)
(put '!#!s!i!g!m!a!S!Q!O '!=way '(
(nil nil (ncsigma!>)
!#!T !#!D !#!G !#!G!I !#!K!V !#!t!h!e!t!a!O
!#!N!C!o !#!G!C!o
((or !*torsion !*nonmetr) !#!r!o!m!e!g!a)
((and (null !*torsion) (null !*nonmetr)) !#!o!m!e!g!a) )
(put '!#!s!i!g!m!a!S!Q!O '!=constr '((ttt4!>)))
% Kinematics ...
(put '!#!U!V '!=type -1)
(put '!#!U!V '!=way '((nil nil (uvfromuup!>) !#!D !#!U!U )))
(put '!#!U!U '!=type 0)
(put '!#!U!U '!=idxl '(t))
(put '!#!U!U '!=way '(
((By Default) (tttdiag!>) (uudefault!>) )
((From Velocity Vector) nil (uupfromuv!>) !#!T (t !#!U!V) )
(put '!#!U!S!Q '!=type 0)
(put '!#!U!S!Q '!=way '((nil nil (usquare!>) !#!U!U !#!G )))
(put '!#!P!R '!=type 0)
(put '!#!P!R '!=idxl '(t nil))
(put '!#!P!R '!=way '((nil nil (projector!>) !#!U!U !#!U!S!Q )))
(put '!#!a!c!c!U '!=type 0)
(put '!#!a!c!c!U '!=idxl '(t))
(put '!#!a!c!c!U '!=way '(
(nil nil (accelerat!>)
!#!T !#!D !#!G !#!G!I !#!U!U
((or !*torsion !*nonmetr) !#!r!o!m!e!g!a)
((and (null !*torsion) (null !*nonmetr)) !#!o!m!e!g!a) )
(put '!#!o!m!e!g!a!U '!=type 0)
(put '!#!o!m!e!g!a!U '!=idxl '(nil nil))
(put '!#!o!m!e!g!a!U '!=sidxl '((a 1 2)))
(put '!#!o!m!e!g!a!U '!=way '(
(nil nil (uomega!>)
!#!T !#!D !#!G !#!G!I !#!U!U !#!P!R
((or !*torsion !*nonmetr) !#!r!o!m!e!g!a)
((and (null !*torsion) (null !*nonmetr)) !#!o!m!e!g!a) )
(put '!#!s!i!g!m!a!U '!=type 0)
(put '!#!s!i!g!m!a!U '!=idxl '(nil nil))
(put '!#!s!i!g!m!a!U '!=sidxl '((s 1 2)))
(put '!#!s!i!g!m!a!U '!=way '(
(nil nil (usigma!>)
!#!T !#!D !#!G !#!G!I !#!U!U !#!P!R !#!t!h!e!t!a!U
((or !*torsion !*nonmetr) !#!r!o!m!e!g!a)
((and (null !*torsion) (null !*nonmetr)) !#!o!m!e!g!a) )
(put '!#!t!h!e!t!a!U '!=type 0)
(put '!#!t!h!e!t!a!U '!=way '(
(nil nil (utheta!>)
!#!T !#!D !#!G !#!G!I !#!U!U
((or !*torsion !*nonmetr) !#!r!o!m!e!g!a)
((and (null !*torsion) (null !*nonmetr)) !#!o!m!e!g!a) )
% Ideal Fluid ...
(put '!#!P!R!E!S '!=type 0)
(put '!#!E!N!E!R '!=type 0)
(put '!#!T!I!F!L '!=type 0)
(put '!#!T!I!F!L '!=idxl '(nil nil))
(put '!#!T!I!F!L '!=sidxl '((s 1 2)))
(put '!#!T!I!F!L '!=way '(
(nil nil (tfli!>) !#!G !#!U!S!Q !#!U!U !#!E!N!E!R !#!P!R!E!S )))
% Spin Fluid ...
(put '!#!T!S!F!L '!=type 0)
(put '!#!T!S!F!L '!=idxl '(nil nil))
(put '!#!T!S!F!L '!=sidxl '((s 1 2)))
(put '!#!T!S!F!L '!=way '(
(nil nil (tsfluid!>) !#!T !#!D !#!G !#!G!I
!#!U!S!Q !#!U!U !#!U!V !#!E!N!E!R !#!P!R!E!S
!#!S!P!F!L!T !#!F!C!o !#!o!m!e!g!a )))
(put '!#!T!S!F!L '!=constr '((tttnotn!>)))
(put '!#!S!P!F!L '!=type 2)
(put '!#!S!P!F!L '!=way '(
((From Spin Density) nil (spfl!>) !#!S !#!S!P!F!L!T )))
(put '!#!S!P!F!L!T '!=type 0)
(put '!#!S!P!F!L!T '!=idxl '(nil nil))
(put '!#!S!P!F!L!T '!=sidxl '((a 1 2)))
(put '!#!S!P!F!L!T '!=way '(
((From Spin Density 2 - form) nil (spflt!>) !#!D !#!S!P!F!L )))
(put '!#!S!P!F!L!U '!=type 3)
(put '!#!S!P!F!L!U '!=idxl '((u . 2)))
(put '!#!S!P!F!L!U '!=way '(
(nil nil (spflu!>) !#!D !#!T !#!G !#!G!I !#!S!P!F!L!T !#!U!U !#!F!C!o )))
(put '!#!S!P!F!L!U '!=constr '((sp!>)))
(put '!#!F!C!o '!=type 1)
(put '!#!F!C!o '!=way '(
(nil nil (frenkel!>) !#!U!V !#!S!P!F!L )))
% Total Energy-Momentum and Spin ...
(put '!#!T!E!N!M!O!M '!=type 0)
(put '!#!T!E!N!M!O!M '!=idxl '(nil nil))
(put '!#!T!E!N!M!O!M '!=sidxl '((s 1 2)))
(put '!#!T!E!N!M!O!M '!=way '((nil nil (tenmom!>) )))
(put '!#!T!E!N!M!O!M!T '!=type 0)
(put '!#!T!E!N!M!O!M!T '!=way '(
(nil nil (tenmomt!>) !#!G!I !#!T!E!N!M!O!M )))
(put '!#!T!E!N!M!O!M!S '!=type 0)
(put '!#!T!E!N!M!O!M!S '!=idxl '((u . 2)(d . 2)))
(put '!#!T!E!N!M!O!M!S '!=sidxl '((h 1 2)))
(put '!#!T!E!N!M!O!M!S '!=way '(
(nil nil (tenmoms!>) !#!G !#!T!E!N!M!O!M !#!T!E!N!M!O!M!T )))
(put '!#!T!E!N!M!O!M!S '!=constr '((sp!>)))
(put '!#!S!P!I!N!U '!=type 3)
(put '!#!S!P!I!N!U '!=idxl '((u . 2)))
(put '!#!S!P!I!N!U '!=way '((nil nil (spinu!>) )))
(put '!#!S!P!I!N!U '!=constr '((sp!>)))
%------ Macros ---------------------------------------------------------
% Macro Functions. Work like functions. Recognized by property =MACROS
% its value is the evaluator function. Additional flags:
% +MACROS - marks corresponding evaluating functions
% +grgmac - protect external names from additional usage
(flag '(
ima!> re!> getsoln!>
) '!+macros)
(flag '(
!I!m !R!e !S!o!l !E!R!R!O!R
) '!+grgmac)
(put '!I!m '!=macros 'ima!>)
(put '!R!e '!=macros 're!>)
(put '!S!o!l '!=macros 'getsoln!>)
%--- Macros 2 and 3 ----------------------------------------------------
% Macro Tensor. Work in expressions like tensors.
% They are flagged by +MACROS2 falg. They have their properties:
% =type =idxl - as usual, and in addition properties:
% =evf - function evaluator for the component
% =ndl - list of required data
(flag '(
!#!x !#!X !#!d!i!m !#!s!i!g!n !#!s!g!n!t !#!s!d!i!a!g
!#!p!m!s!g!n !#!m!p!s!g!n
!#!h !#!h!i !#!g !#!g!i
!#!d!e!l !#!d!e!l!h !#!e!p!s !#!e!p!s!i !#!e!p!s!h !#!e!p!s!i!h
!#!E!P!S !#!E!P!S!I !#!D!E!L !#!s!i!g!m!a !#!s!i!g!m!a!i
!#!C!H!R !#!C!H!R!F !#!C!H!R!T !#!S!P!C!O!E!F !#!c!c!i
!#!P!H!I!N!P !#!P!S!I!N!P
!#!a!l!p!h!a!n!p !#!b!e!t!a!n!p !#!g!a!m!m!a!n!p !#!e!p!s!i!l!o!n!n!p
!#!k!a!p!p!a!n!p !#!r!h!o!n!p !#!s!i!g!m!a!n!p !#!t!a!u!n!p
!#!m!u!n!p !#!n!u!n!p !#!l!a!m!b!d!a!n!p !#!p!i!n!p
!#!D!D !#!D!T !#!d!d !#!d!u
) '!+macros2)
% Coordinates
(put '!#!x '!=type 0)
(put '!#!x '!=idxl '(1))
(put '!#!x '!=evf 'x!>)
(put '!#!X '!=type 0)
(put '!#!X '!=idxl '(1))
(put '!#!X '!=evf 'x!>)
% Conjugate spinorial index
(put '!#!c!c!i '!=type 0)
(put '!#!c!c!i '!=idxl '((n . 3)))
(put '!#!c!c!i '!=evf 'ccin!>)
% Signature
(put '!#!s!d!i!a!g '!=type 0)
(put '!#!s!d!i!a!g '!=idxl '((n)))
(put '!#!s!d!i!a!g '!=evf 'diagonal!>)
% Frame components
(put '!#!h '!=type 0)
(put '!#!h '!=idxl '(t 0))
(put '!#!h '!=ndl '(!#!T))
(put '!#!h '!=evf 'ham!>)
(put '!#!h!i '!=type 0)
(put '!#!h!i '!=idxl '(nil 1))
(put '!#!h!i '!=ndl '(!#!D))
(put '!#!h!i '!=evf 'hiam!>)
% Holonomic metric
(put '!#!g '!=type 0)
(put '!#!g '!=idxl '(0 0))
(put '!#!g '!=sidxl '((s 1 2)))
(put '!#!g '!=ndl '(!#!G !#!T))
(put '!#!g '!=evf 'gmetr!>)
(put '!#!g '!=tex '!g)
(put '!#!g!i '!=type 0)
(put '!#!g!i '!=idxl '(1 1))
(put '!#!g!i '!=sidxl '((s 1 2)))
(put '!#!g!i '!=ndl '(!#!G!I !#!D))
(put '!#!g!i '!=evf 'gimetr!>)
(put '!#!g!i '!=tex '!g)
% Delta symbols
(put '!#!d!e!l '!=type 0)
(put '!#!d!e!l '!=idxl '(t nil))
(put '!#!d!e!l '!=evf 'delta!>)
(put '!#!d!e!l '!=tex "\delta")
(put '!#!d!e!l!h '!=type 0)
(put '!#!d!e!l!h '!=idxl '(1 0))
(put '!#!d!e!l!h '!=evf 'delta!>)
(put '!#!d!e!l!h '!=tex "\delta")
(put '!#!D!E!L '!=type 0)
(put '!#!D!E!L '!=idxl '((uu . 1) (u . 1)))
(put '!#!D!E!L '!=evf 'delta!>)
(put '!#!D!E!L '!=tex "\delta")
% Antysymmetric tensors
(put '!#!e!p!s '!=type 0)
(put '!#!e!p!s '!=idxl '(nil nil nil nil))
(put '!#!e!p!s '!=sidxl '((a 1 2 3 4)))
(put '!#!e!p!s '!=ndl '(!#!s!d!e!t!G))
(put '!#!e!p!s '!=evf 'epsilf!>)
(put '!#!e!p!s '!=tex '!E)
(put '!#!e!p!s!i '!=type 0)
(put '!#!e!p!s!i '!=idxl '(t t t t))
(put '!#!e!p!s!i '!=sidxl '((a 1 2 3 4)))
(put '!#!e!p!s!i '!=ndl '(!#!s!d!e!t!G))
(put '!#!e!p!s!i '!=evf 'epsiuf!>)
(put '!#!e!p!s!i '!=tex '!E)
(put '!#!e!p!s!h '!=type 0)
(put '!#!e!p!s!h '!=idxl '(0 0 0 0))
(put '!#!e!p!s!h '!=sidxl '((a 1 2 3 4)))
(put '!#!e!p!s!h '!=ndl '(!#!d!e!t!g))
(put '!#!e!p!s!h '!=evf 'epsilh!>)
(put '!#!e!p!s!h '!=tex '!E)
(put '!#!e!p!s!i!h '!=type 0)
(put '!#!e!p!s!i!h '!=idxl '(1 1 1 1))
(put '!#!e!p!s!i!h '!=sidxl '((a 1 2 3 4)))
(put '!#!e!p!s!i!h '!=ndl '(!#!d!e!t!g))
(put '!#!e!p!s!i!h '!=evf 'epsiuh!>)
(put '!#!e!p!s!i!h '!=tex '!E)
(put '!#!E!P!S '!=type 0)
(put '!#!E!P!S '!=idxl '((u . 1) (u . 1)))
(put '!#!E!P!S '!=sidxl '((a 1 2)))
(put '!#!E!P!S '!=evf 'epss!>)
(put '!#!E!P!S '!=constr '((sp!>)))
(put '!#!E!P!S '!=tex "\epsilon")
(put '!#!E!P!S!I '!=type 0)
(put '!#!E!P!S!I '!=idxl '((uu . 1) (uu . 1)))
(put '!#!E!P!S!I '!=sidxl '((a 1 2)))
(put '!#!E!P!S!I '!=evf 'epss!>)
(put '!#!E!P!S!I '!=constr '((sp!>)))
(put '!#!E!P!S!I '!=tex "\epsilon")
% Sigma matrices
(put '!#!s!i!g!m!a '!=type 0)
(put '!#!s!i!g!m!a '!=idxl '(t (u . 1) (d . 1)))
(put '!#!s!i!g!m!a '!=evf 'sigma!>)
(put '!#!s!i!g!m!a '!=constr '((sp!>)))
(put '!#!s!i!g!m!a '!=tex '"\sigma")
(put '!#!s!i!g!m!a!i '!=type 0)
(put '!#!s!i!g!m!a!i '!=idxl '(nil (uu . 1) (ud . 1)))
(put '!#!s!i!g!m!a!i '!=evf 'sigmai!>)
(put '!#!s!i!g!m!a!i '!=constr '((sp!>)))
(put '!#!s!i!g!m!a!i '!=tex '"\sigma")
% Christoffel symbols
% of first kind
(put '!#!C!H!R!F '!=type 0)
(put '!#!C!H!R!F '!=idxl '(0 0 0))
(put '!#!C!H!R!F '!=sidxl '((s 2 3)))
(put '!#!C!H!R!F '!=evf 'chrf!>)
(put '!#!C!H!R!F '!=ndl '( !#!G !#!D ))
% of second kind
(put '!#!C!H!R '!=type 0)
(put '!#!C!H!R '!=idxl '(1 0 0))
(put '!#!C!H!R '!=sidxl '((s 2 3)))
(put '!#!C!H!R '!=evf 'chr!>)
(put '!#!C!H!R '!=ndl '( !#!G !#!D !#!G!I !#!T ))
% trace
(put '!#!C!H!R!T '!=type 0)
(put '!#!C!H!R!T '!=idxl '(0))
(put '!#!C!H!R!T '!=evf 'chrt!>)
(put '!#!C!H!R!T '!=ndl '( !#!d!e!t!g ))
(put '!#!S!P!C!O!E!F '!=type 0)
(put '!#!S!P!C!O!E!F '!=idxl '((u . 2) nil))
(put '!#!S!P!C!O!E!F '!=constr '((sp!-n!>)))
(put '!#!S!P!C!O!E!F '!=evf 'spcoef!>)
(put '!#!S!P!C!O!E!F '!=ndl '( !#!D !#!o!m!e!g!a!u ))
(put '!#!P!H!I!N!P '!=type 0)
(put '!#!P!H!I!N!P '!=idxl '((u . 2)(d . 2)))
(put '!#!P!H!I!N!P '!=evf 'phinp!>)
(put '!#!P!H!I!N!P '!=ndl '( !#!R!C ))
(put '!#!P!S!I!N!P '!=type 0)
(put '!#!P!S!I!N!P '!=idxl '((u . 4)))
(put '!#!P!S!I!N!P '!=evf 'psinp!>)
(put '!#!P!S!I!N!P '!=ndl '( !#!R!W ))
% Macros 3 extension of Macros 2. For quantities without indices.
(flag '(
!#!d!i!m !#!s!i!g!n !#!s!g!n!t
!#!p!m!s!g!n !#!m!p!s!g!n
!#!a!l!p!h!a!n!p !#!b!e!t!a!n!p !#!g!a!m!m!a!n!p !#!e!p!s!i!l!o!n!n!p
!#!k!a!p!p!a!n!p !#!r!h!o!n!p !#!s!i!g!m!a!n!p !#!t!a!u!n!p
!#!m!u!n!p !#!n!u!n!p !#!l!a!m!b!d!a!n!p !#!p!i!n!p
!#!D!D !#!D!T !#!d!d !#!d!u
) '!+macros3)
(flag '( !d!i!m !s!i!g!n !s!g!n!t ) '!+grgmac)
% Dimension
(put '!#!d!i!m '!=type 0)
(put '!#!d!i!m '!=evf 'dim!>)
% Signature
(put '!#!s!i!g!n '!=type 0)
(put '!#!s!i!g!n '!=evf 'sigprod!>)
(put '!#!s!g!n!t '!=type 0)
(put '!#!s!g!n!t '!=evf 'sigprod!>)
(put '!#!p!m!s!g!n '!=type 0)
(put '!#!p!m!s!g!n '!=evf 'pmsgn!>)
(put '!#!m!p!s!g!n '!=type 0)
(put '!#!m!p!s!g!n '!=evf 'mpsgn!>)
% NP spin coefficients
(put '!#!a!l!p!h!a!n!p '!=type 0)
(put '!#!b!e!t!a!n!p '!=type 0)
(put '!#!g!a!m!m!a!n!p '!=type 0)
(put '!#!e!p!s!i!l!o!n!n!p '!=type 0)
(put '!#!k!a!p!p!a!n!p '!=type 0)
(put '!#!r!h!o!n!p '!=type 0)
(put '!#!s!i!g!m!a!n!p '!=type 0)
(put '!#!t!a!u!n!p '!=type 0)
(put '!#!m!u!n!p '!=type 0)
(put '!#!n!u!n!p '!=type 0)
(put '!#!l!a!m!b!d!a!n!p '!=type 0)
(put '!#!p!i!n!p '!=type 0)
(put '!#!a!l!p!h!a!n!p '!=evf 'alphanp!>)
(put '!#!b!e!t!a!n!p '!=evf 'betanp!>)
(put '!#!g!a!m!m!a!n!p '!=evf 'gammanp!>)
(put '!#!e!p!s!i!l!o!n!n!p '!=evf 'epsilonnp!>)
(put '!#!k!a!p!p!a!n!p '!=evf 'kappanp!>)
(put '!#!r!h!o!n!p '!=evf 'rhonp!>)
(put '!#!s!i!g!m!a!n!p '!=evf 'sigmanp!>)
(put '!#!t!a!u!n!p '!=evf 'taunp!>)
(put '!#!m!u!n!p '!=evf 'munp!>)
(put '!#!n!u!n!p '!=evf 'nunp!>)
(put '!#!l!a!m!b!d!a!n!p '!=evf 'lambdanp!>)
(put '!#!p!i!n!p '!=evf 'pinp!>)
(put '!#!a!l!p!h!a!n!p '!=ndl '( !#!D !#!o!m!e!g!a!u ))
(put '!#!b!e!t!a!n!p '!=ndl '( !#!D !#!o!m!e!g!a!u ))
(put '!#!g!a!m!m!a!n!p '!=ndl '( !#!D !#!o!m!e!g!a!u ))
(put '!#!e!p!s!i!l!o!n!n!p '!=ndl '( !#!D !#!o!m!e!g!a!u ))
(put '!#!k!a!p!p!a!n!p '!=ndl '( !#!D !#!o!m!e!g!a!u ))
(put '!#!r!h!o!n!p '!=ndl '( !#!D !#!o!m!e!g!a!u ))
(put '!#!s!i!g!m!a!n!p '!=ndl '( !#!D !#!o!m!e!g!a!u ))
(put '!#!t!a!u!n!p '!=ndl '( !#!D !#!o!m!e!g!a!u ))
(put '!#!m!u!n!p '!=ndl '( !#!D !#!o!m!e!g!a!u ))
(put '!#!n!u!n!p '!=ndl '( !#!D !#!o!m!e!g!a!u ))
(put '!#!l!a!m!b!d!a!n!p '!=ndl '( !#!D !#!o!m!e!g!a!u ))
(put '!#!p!i!n!p '!=ndl '( !#!D !#!o!m!e!g!a!u ))
(put '!#!D!D '!=type -1)
(put '!#!D!T '!=type -1)
(put '!#!d!d '!=type -1)
(put '!#!d!u '!=type -1)
(put '!#!D!D '!=ndl '( !#!D ))
(put '!#!D!T '!=ndl '( !#!D ))
(put '!#!d!d '!=ndl '( !#!D ))
(put '!#!d!u '!=ndl '( !#!D ))
(put '!#!D!D '!=evf 'dddop!>)
(put '!#!D!T '!=evf 'dtop!>)
(put '!#!d!d '!=evf 'ddop!>)
(put '!#!d!u '!=evf 'duop!>)
%====== (3) Other Internals =============================================
%--------- Properties for Scaner -----------------------------------
(flag '( !/ !* !_ !~ !< !> !- !| !. ) '!=fc)
%%-------- Properties for Translator -------------------------------
(put '!* '!=op2 'times2!>)
(put '!/ '!=op2 'quoti!>)
(put '!/!\ '!=op2 'dfpr2!>)
(put '!_!| '!=op2 'inpr!>)
(put '!| '!=op2 'vef!>)
(put '!. '!=op2 'vpr!>)
(flag '(times2!> quoti!> dfpr2!> inpr!> vef!> vpr!>) '!+multop2)
(put '!@ '!=sysfun 'bvec!>)
(put '!# '!=sysfun 'dualis!>)
(put '!d '!=sysfun 'dx!>)
(put '!~ '!=sysfun 'co!>)
(put '!S!u!m '!=spectr 'sumtr!>)
(put '!P!r!o!d '!=spectr 'prodtr!>)
(put '!L!i!e '!=spectr 'lietr!>)
(put '!D!c '!=spectr 'dctran!>)
(put '!D!f!c '!=spectr 'dfctran!>)
%(put '!L!i!m '!=spectr 'limtr!>)
%(put '!L!i!m!M '!=spectr 'limtrm!>)
%(put '!L!i!m!P '!=spectr 'limtrp!>)
(put '!L!H!S '!=spectr 'lhs0!>)
(put '!R!H!S '!=spectr 'rhs0!>)
(put 'sub '!=spectr 'subtr!>)
(put '!I!f '!=spectr 'iftran!>)
%(put '!D!f '!=spectr 'pdftra!>)
%(put '!D!f!p '!=spectr 'dfptra!>)
(put '!E!R!R!O!R '!=spectr 'errortr!>)
(flag '(
funapply!> sumexec!> prodexec!> lhs!> rhs!> dummyvar!>
subexec!> ifexec!> lieexec!> dcexec!> dfcexec!> error!>
% limexec!>
) '!+specexec)
%------- Boollean Expressions --------------------------------------
(put '!O!B!J!E!C!T '!=boolmac 'objexe!>)
(put '!O!N '!=boolmac 'onexe!>)
(put '!O!F!F '!=boolmac 'offexe!>)
(put '!Z!E!R!O '!=boolmac 'zeroexe!>)
(put '!H!A!S!V!A!L!U!E '!=boolmac 'valexe!>)
(put '!N!U!L!L!M '!=boolmac 'nullexe!>)
(flag '(objexe!> onexe!> offexe!> zeroexe!> valexe!> nullexe!>)
%------- Flags and properties which must be cleared ----------------
(setq ![rpfl!] '(
((![const!]) (!+grg !+grgvar used!* constant)
!=conj )
((![fun!]) ( !+grg subfn !+grgvar !+fun used!*
symmetric antisymmetric odd even)
simpfn kvalue klist narg !=conj !=depend)
((![cord!]) (!+grg !+grgvar used!*)
!=cord !=conj)
((![ocord!]) (!+grg !+grgvar used!*)
!=cord !=conj)
((![apar!]) (!+grg !+grgvar used!*) )
(setq ![rpflcr!] '(
((![cord!]) (!+grg !+grgvar used!*) !=cord !=conj)
(setq ![rpflcn!] '(
((![const!]) (!+grg !+grgvar used!* constant) !=conj)
(setq ![rpflap!] '(
((![apar!]) (!+grg !+grgvar used!* constant) )
(setq ![rpflfu!] '(
((![fun!]) ( !+grg subfn !+grgvar !+fun used!*
symmetric antisymmetric odd even dfp!_commute )
subfunc generic!_function
simpfn kvalue klist narg !=conj !=depend)
%------- List of Flags and Props important for Load/Unload ------
(setq ![allflags!]
'( !+equ !+pl !+ivar !+abbr !+noncov !+hconn !+fconn !+uconn !+dconn ))
(setq ![allprops!]
'( !=type !=idxl !=sidxl !=constr !=tex !=dens ))
%------- Commands ----------------------------------------------
% word!!!
(setq ![instr!] '(
(On !!!! onoff!> t)
(Off !!!! onoff!> nil)
(Quit !! grgquit!>)
(System !!!! grgsystem!>)
(Stop !! stop!>)
(Find !!!! find!>)
% (Calculate !!!! find!>)
(Write !!!! write!>)
(Zero !!!! zero!>)
% (Nullify !!!! zero!>)
(Print !!!! printi!>)
(Evaluate !!!! evalcomm!> (function evel!>))
% (Simplify !!!! evalcomm!> (function evel!>))
(Erase !!!! erase!>)
% (Delete !!!! erase!>)
(Let !!!! leti!> t)
(Match !!!! matchi!> t)
(Clear !!!! cleri!> t)
(For !!!! forinstrs!>)
(Input !!!! from!>)
(Dimension !!!! dimension!>)
(!% !!!! comment!>)
(Comment !!!! comment!>)
(File !!!! showfil!>)
(Factor !!!! orfare!> 'factor)
(RemFac !!!! orfare!> 'remfac)
(Order !!!! orfare!> 'order)
(Holonomic !! turnbg!> nil)
(Anholonomic !! turnbg!> t)
(Show !!!! shcommands!>)
(ds2 !! showlinel!>)
(Time !! timei!>)
(Time !! gctime!>))
(Switch !!!! sflag!>)
(Status !! shstatus!>)
(Load !!!! loa!>)
% (Restore !!!! loa!>)
(Unload !!!! unl!>)
% (Save !!!! unl!>)
(Next !! next!>)
(Pause !! pause!>)
(Normalize !!!! evalcomm!> (function normel!>))
(Classify !!!! classify!>)
(Output !!!! grgout!>)
(Symmetric !!!! funsym!> 0)
!!!! funsym!> 1)
(Odd !!!! funsym!> 2)
(Even !!!! funsym!> 3)
!!!! datrc!> '![cord!] ![dim!])
(Constants !!!! datrc!> '![const!] nil)
(Functions !!!! fun!>)
!!!! genfun!>))
(New !!!! newcommands!>)
(Object !!!! obdec!> 0)
(Equation !!!! obdec!> 1)
!!!! obdec!> 2)
!! showlinel!>))
(Length !!!! setlinel!>) )
!!!! rotas!>))
!!!! rotat!> nil))
!!!! rotas!>))
(Rotation !!!! rotat!> nil)
(Metric !!!! rotat!> t))
(Forget !!!! forget!>)
(Solve !!!! solvei!>)
(EndO !! closewrite!>)
(EndW !! closewrite!>)
(EndU !! closeunload!>)
(End (of
(Output !! closewrite!>)
(Write !! closewrite!>)
(Unload !! closeunload!>) ))
(Inverse !!!! invi!>)
(Metric !! nullmetric!>))
(Package !!!! loadpack!> t)
(Hold !!!! hold!> t)
(Release !!!! hold!> nil)
!!!! affpar!>))
(copyright !! copyrzw!>)
(lisp !! lisp!>)
(debug !! otladka!>)
%------- Commands allowed as composites ------------------------------
% word!!!
(setq ![icompos!] '(
Find Write Calculate Nullify Zero Save Unload Forget
Erase Delete Simplify Evaluate Normalize Hold Release
%------- Unlocked Commands when coordinates are undefined ------------
(flag '(
onoff!> grgquit!> stop!> pause!> next!> from!> showfil!>
erase!> zero!> comment!> timei!> datrc!> fun!> copyrzw!>
loa!> sflag!> shobj!> obdec!> gctime!> shstatus!> shall!>
forget!> grgsystem!> grgout!> setlinel!> hold!>
lisp!> loadpack!> closewrite!> closeunload!>
shcommands!> dimension!> otladka!>
) '!+unloc)
%------- Reserved Variables ------------------------------------------
(setq ![rconstl!] '(
e i pi infinity failed
!E!C!O!N!S!T !D!M!A!S!S !S!M!A!S!S !G!C!O!N!S!T !C!C!O!N!S!T
!L!C0 !L!C1 !L!C2 !L!C3 !L!C4 !L!C5 !L!C6
!A!C0 !M!C1 !M!C2 !M!C3
(operator '(arbcomplex!~))
(put 'arbcomplex '!=conj 'arbcomplex!~)
(put 'arbcomplex!~ '!=conj 'arbcomplex)
% These can not be used in new declarations ...
(flag '( df nil sub
!d !L!H!S !R!H!S !S!u!m !P!r!o!d
!L!i!e !D!c !I!f !D!f !D!f!p !E!R!R!O!R
% !L!i!m !L!i!m!M !L!i!m!P
) '!+grg)
(flag ![rconstl!] '!+grg)
(flag ![rconstl!] 'used!*)
(flag ![rconstl!] '!+grgvar)
(flag ![rconstl!] 'constant)
%---- Specially Prohibiting the usage of some symbols in GRG ---------
(flag '( conj repart impart fix floor round interpol
ceiling set ws evenp list factorize ) '!+redbad )
%------- GRG Switches ----------------------------------------------
% GRG switches :
(global '(
!*aeval % If On REVAL(AEVAL()) else REVAL() (Off)
!*wrs % Evaluate expression before Write if On (On)
!*wmatr % Print 2-index scalars as matrices (Off)
!*torsion % Torsion (Off)
!*nonmetr % Nonmetricity (Off)
!*unlcord % Saves coordinates in Save/Unload (On)
!*auto % Automatical data calculation in expr (On)
!*trace % Tracing evaluation process (On)
!*showcommands % Show composite commands expansion (Off)
!*expandsym % Sym Asym and othre in expr (Off)
!*dfpcommute % Commutativity ofr DFP (On)
!*nonmin % Nonminimal Interaction (Off)
!*nofreevars % Prohibites free vars. in Print command (Off)
!*cconst % Include cosm.-const. in equation or not (Off)
!*full % Control number of components in Metr.Eq.(Off)
!*latex % O
!*grg % u
!*reduce % t
!*maple % p
!*math % u
!*macsyma % t
!*dfindexed % DF in indexed form (Off)
!*batch % Batch mode (Off)
!*holonomic % Keeps farme holonomic during cord. (On)
% and frame transformations
!*showexpr % If On then values of nonzero expr is (Off)
% shown in the process of classification
% oftenly this is already fluid
(cond ((not (or (fluidp '!*debug) (globalp '!*debug)))
(global '(
!*debug % Otladka
(setq ![flagl!] '(
aeval % If On REVAL(AEVAL()) else REVAL() (Off)
wrs % Evaluate expression before Write if On (On)
wmatr % Print 2-index scalars as matrices (Off)
torsion % Torsion (Off)
nonmetr % Nonmetricity (Off)
unlcord % Saves coordinates in Save/Unload (On)
auto % Automatical data calculation in expr (On)
trace % Tracing evaluation process (On)
showcommands % Show composite commands expansion (Off)
expandsym % Sym Asym and othre in expr (Off)
dfpcommute % Commutativity ofr DFP (On)
nonmin % Nonminimal Interaction (Off)
nofreevars % Prohibites free vars. in Print command (Off)
cconst % Include cosm.-const. in equation or not (Off)
full % Control number of components in Metr.Eq.(Off)
latex % O
grg % u
reduce % t
maple % p
math % u
macsyma % t
dfindexed % DF in indexed form (Off)
batch % Batch mode (Off)
holonomic % Keeps farme holonomic during cord. (On)
% and frame transformations
showexpr % If On then values of nonzero expr is (Off)
% shown in the process of classification
debug % Otladka (Off)
(flag ![flagl!] '!+switch)
% Set these initially to Off position ...
(setq ![flagnil!]
'( !*torsion !*nonmetr !*gc !*echo !*batch !*showcommands
!*expandsym !*dfindexed !*aeval !*wmatr !*showexpr
!*nonmin !*nofreevars !*cconst !*full
!*debug ))
% Set these initially to On position ...
(setq ![flagt!]
'( !*unlcord !*wrs !*trace !*auto !*holonomic
!*dfpcommute ))
% Output switches ...
(setq ![flaglo!] '(
grg reduce maple math macsyma
% Switches tuning ...
(put 'torsion '!=tuning 'tunetorsion!>)
(put 'nonmetr '!=tuning 'tunenonmetr!>)
(put 'fancy '!=tuning 'tunefancy!>)
(put 'latex '!=tuning 'tunetex!>)
(put 'grg '!=tuning 'tunegrg!>)
(put 'reduce '!=tuning 'tunereduce!>)
(put 'maple '!=tuning 'tunemaple!>)
(put 'math '!=tuning 'tunemath!>)
(put 'macsyma '!=tuning 'tunemacsyma!>)
(put 'dfindexed '!=tuning 'tunedfindexed!>)
(put 'debug '!=tuning 'swotladka!>)
%---------- Special Treatment for Write ----------------------------
(put '![cord!] '!=datl '((datlc!> ![cord!] "Coordinates" t)))
(put '![const!] '!=datl '((datlc!> ![const!] "Constants" t)))
(put '![apar!] '!=datl '((datlc!> ![apar!] "Affine Parameter" nil)))
(put '![fun!] '!=datl '((funl!>)))
(put '![sol!] '!=datl '((solwri!>)))
%---------- Special Actions For Load/Unload ------------------------
(put '![cord!] '!=unl
'((putpnu!> nil ![cord!] (used!* !+grgvar !+grg) !=cord 1)))
(put '![const!] '!=unl
'((putpnu!> nil ![const!] (used!* !+grgvar !+grg) nil 2)))
(put '![apar!] '!=unl
'((putpnu!> nil ![apar!] (used!* !+grgvar !+grg) nil 4)))
(put '![fun!] '!=unl
'((putpnu!> (putfndp!>) ![fun!] (used!* !+fun !+grg) nil 3)))
%---------- Standard Null Metric -----------------------------------
% Signature (-,+,+,+)
(setq ![nullm!] '( ( nil -1 nil nil )
( nil nil nil nil )
( nil nil nil 1 )
( nil nil nil nil ) ))
% Signature (+,-,-,-)
(setq ![nullm1!] '( ( nil 1 nil nil )
( nil nil nil nil )
( nil nil nil -1 )
( nil nil nil nil ) ))
%---------- For Nice Printing --------------------------------------
(flag '( !. !, !; !_ !/!\ !* !** !+ !- !_!| ![ !:!\! !=
!#! !] !^ !/ !' !.!. !'!' !# !| !@ !> !< !~
!>!= !<!= !:
) '!+nonsp)
(put 'em '!=printas '!E!M)
(put 'ym '!=printas '!Y!M)
%---------- Indices Manipulations ----------------------------------
(flag '( !' !^ !. !_ ) '!+indexman)
(put '!a '!=uc '!A) (put '!A '!=lc '!a)
(put '!b '!=uc '!B) (put '!B '!=lc '!b)
(put '!c '!=uc '!C) (put '!C '!=lc '!c)
(put '!d '!=uc '!D) (put '!D '!=lc '!d)
(put '!e '!=uc '!E) (put '!E '!=lc '!e)
(put '!f '!=uc '!F) (put '!F '!=lc '!f)
(put '!g '!=uc '!G) (put '!G '!=lc '!g)
(put '!h '!=uc '!H) (put '!H '!=lc '!h)
(put '!i '!=uc '!I) (put '!I '!=lc '!i)
(put '!j '!=uc '!J) (put '!J '!=lc '!j)
(put '!k '!=uc '!K) (put '!K '!=lc '!k)
(put '!l '!=uc '!L) (put '!L '!=lc '!l)
(put '!m '!=uc '!M) (put '!M '!=lc '!m)
(put '!n '!=uc '!N) (put '!N '!=lc '!n)
(put '!o '!=uc '!O) (put '!O '!=lc '!o)
(put '!p '!=uc '!P) (put '!P '!=lc '!p)
(put '!q '!=uc '!Q) (put '!Q '!=lc '!q)
(put '!r '!=uc '!R) (put '!R '!=lc '!r)
(put '!s '!=uc '!S) (put '!S '!=lc '!s)
(put '!t '!=uc '!T) (put '!T '!=lc '!t)
(put '!u '!=uc '!U) (put '!U '!=lc '!u)
(put '!v '!=uc '!V) (put '!V '!=lc '!v)
(put '!w '!=uc '!W) (put '!W '!=lc '!w)
(put '!x '!=uc '!X) (put '!X '!=lc '!x)
(put '!y '!=uc '!Y) (put '!Y '!=lc '!y)
(put '!z '!=uc '!Z) (put '!Z '!=lc '!z)
%------- Trigonometric Functions ---------------------------------------
(flag '( sin cos tan cot sec csc
sinh cosh tanh coth sech csch
asin acos atan acot asec acsc
asinh acosh atanh acoth asech acsch ) '!+trig)
%============ End of GRGdecl.sl =========================================%