% GRGgeom.sl Geometry %
% GRG 3.2 Standard Lisp Source Code (C) 1988-96 Vadim V. Zhytnikov %
% This file is distributed without any warranty. You may modify it but you %
% are not allowed to remove author's name and/or distribute modified file. %
%------ Coordinate --------------------------------------------------------
% Macro 2 for Coordinates ...
(de x!> (wm) (getel1!> ![cord!] wm))
%------ Dimension ---------------------------------------------------------
% Macro 3 for dim ...
(de dim!> nil ![dim!])
%------ Delta symbols -----------------------------------------------------
(de delta!> (wa wb) (cond ((equal wa wb) 1) (t nil)))
%------ Epsilon tensors 05.96 --------------------------------------------
(de epsilon!> (u)
((issame!> u) nil)
(t(proc (wt wp w ww wc)
(setq w u)
(setq wp nil)
(setq ww (ncons (car w)))
(setq w (cdr w))
(while!> w
(setq wc (car w))
(cond ((lessp wc (car ww))
(setq ww (cons (car ww)
(cons wc
(cdr ww))))
(setq wt (not wt))
(setq wp t))
(t (setq ww (cons wc ww))))
(setq w (cdr w)))
(cond ((null wp) (return (cond (wt -1) (t 1)))))
(setq w (reversip ww)))))))
(de issame!> (w)
(cond ((null w) nil)
((memq (car w) (cdr w)) t)
(t (issame!> (cdr w)))))
(dm epsilf!> (w) (list 'epsilf0!> (list 'quote (cdr w))))
(de epsilf0!> (w)
(setq w (epsilon!> w))
(cond (w (list 'times w (car !#!s!d!e!t!G)))
(t nil))))
(dm epsiuf!> (w) (list 'epsiuf0!> (list 'quote (cdr w))))
(de epsiuf0!> (w)
(setq w (epsilon!> w))
(cond (w (list 'quotient (list 'times w ![sigprod!]) (car !#!s!d!e!t!G)))
(t nil))))
(dm epsilh!> (w) (list 'epsilh0!> (list 'quote (cdr w))))
(de epsilh0!> (w)
(setq w (epsilon!> w))
(cond (w (list 'times w (list 'sqrt
(list 'times ![sigprod!] (car !#!d!e!t!g)))))
(t nil))))
(dm epsiuh!> (w) (list 'epsiuh0!> (list 'quote (cdr w))))
(de epsiuh0!> (w)
(setq w (epsilon!> w))
(cond (w (list 'quotient (list 'times w ![sigprod!])
(list 'sqrt
(list 'times ![sigprod!] (car !#!d!e!t!g)))))
(t nil))))
(de epss!> (wa wb)
(cond ((equal wa wb) nil)
((eqn wa 0) 1)
((eqn wa 1) -1)
(t nil)))
%------ Basis and Inverse Basis 27.02.91, 05.96 --------------------------
% Basis ...
(de base!> nil
(setq !#!b (copy !#!T)))
(de base1!> nil % 05.96
(prog (w) (setq !#!b (mkt!> 1))
(setq w (aeval (list 'tp (list 'quotient 1 (mkmtetr!> !#!e)))))
(mktetrm!> (cdr w) !#!b)
(return t)))
% Inverse Basis ...
(de ibase!> nil
(prog (w)
(setq w (evalform!>(dfprod!> !#!b)))
(cond ((null w) (prog2 (setq ![er!] 8400) (return !!er!!))))
(setq !#!e (mkt!> 1))
(setq w (aeval (list 'tp (list 'quotient 1 (mkmtetr!> !#!b)))))
(mktetrm!> (cdr w) !#!e)
(return t)))
%------ Sigma Matrix -------------------------------------------------------
(de sigma!> (wm wa wb)
(prog (w)
(setq w
((and (eqn wm 0) (eqn wa 1) (eqn wb 1)) 1)
((and (eqn wm 1) (eqn wa 0) (eqn wb 0)) 1)
((and (eqn wm 2) (eqn wa 1) (eqn wb 0)) 1)
((and (eqn wm 3) (eqn wa 0) (eqn wb 1)) 1)
(t nil)))
(cond (w (setq w (car ![sgn!]))))
(return w)))
(de sigmai!> (wm wa wb)
(prog (w)
(setq w
((and (eqn wm 0) (eqn wa 1) (eqn wb 1)) 1)
((and (eqn wm 1) (eqn wa 0) (eqn wb 0)) 1)
((and (eqn wm 2) (eqn wa 1) (eqn wb 0)) 1)
((and (eqn wm 3) (eqn wa 0) (eqn wb 1)) 1)
(t nil)))
(return w)))
%------ Signature ----------------------------------------------------------
% Signum ...
(de signum!> (w) (cond ((lessp w 0) -1) (t 1)))
% Signum of Product of Signature, i.e. Signum of the Metric ...
(de sigprod!> nil (signum!> (eval (cons 'times ![sgn!]))))
% Macros 2 Signature diagonal ...
(de diagonal!> (w) (getel1!> ![sgn!] w))
(de pmsgn!> nil (pm!> 1))
(de mpsgn!> nil (mp!> 1))
%------ S - forms ----------------------------------------------------------
(de makesforms!> nil
(prog nil
(setq !#!S (mkt!> 2))
(fordim!> x do (fordim!> y do (cond ((lessp x y)
(putel!> (evalform!> (dfprod2!> (getframe!> x)
(getframe!> y)))
!#!S (list2 x y))))))
(return t)))
%------ Metric -------------------------------------------------------------
(de imetr1!> nil % 05.96
(prog (w)
(cond ((zerop (nz!>(eval!> (list 'det (setq w (mats!> !#!G))))))
(setq ![er!] 6800) (return !!er!!) ))
(setq !#!G!I (mkt!> 2))
(rmats!> !#!G!I (aeval (list 'quotient 1 w)))
(return t)))
(de metr0!> nil % 05.96
(prog nil
(msg!> 6801)
(setq !#!G (mkt!> 2))
(fordim!> i do
(putel!> (getel1!> ![sgn!] i) !#!G (list2 i i)))
(return t)))
(de metr1!> nil % 05.96
(prog (w)
(cond ((zerop (nz!>(eval!> (list 'det (setq w (mats!> !#!G!I))))))
(setq ![er!] 6800) (return !!er!!) ))
(setq !#!G (mkt!> 2))
(rmats!> !#!G (aeval (list 'quotient 1 w)))
(return t)))
(de nullmetric!> nil % 05.96
(prog nil
(!#!G (msg!> 6820) (return t))
((equal ![sgn!] '(-1 1 1 1))
(setq !#!G (copy ![nullm!]))
(setq ![mtype!] 1)
(setq ![dtype!] 1)
(return t))
((equal ![sgn!] '(1 -1 -1 -1))
(setq !#!G (copy ![nullm1!]))
(setq ![mtype!] 1)
(setq ![dtype!] 1)
(return t))
(t (setq ![er!] 7910) (return !!er!!)))))
(de detg1!> nil % 05.96
(prog (w)
(cond ((zerop (nz!> (setq w (eval!> (list 'det (mats!> !#!G))))))
(setq ![er!] 6800) (return !!er!!) ))
(setq !#!d!e!t!G (ncons w))
(return t)))
(de dethg1!> nil % 05.96
(prog (w)
(cond ((zerop (nz!> (setq w (eval!> (list 'det (matsf!> 'gmetr!>))))))
(setq ![er!] 6800) (return !!er!!) ))
(setq !#!d!e!t!g (ncons w))
(return t)))
(de sdetg1!> nil % 05.96
(prog (w)
(cond ((zerop (nz!> (setq w (eval!> (list 'det (mats!> !#!G))))))
(setq ![er!] 6800) (return !!er!!) ))
(setq !#!s!d!e!t!G (ncons (evalalg!>
(list 'sqrt (list 'times ![sigprod!] w)))))
(return t)))
%------ Volume -------------------------------------------------------------
(de vol0!> nil % 05.96
(prog (w)
(fordim!> i do
(cond ((eqn i 0) (setq w (getframe!> 0)))
(t (setq w (dfprod2!> w (getframe!> i))))))
(setq w (evalform!> (fndfpr!> (car !#!s!d!e!t!G) w)))
(cond ((null w) (setq ![er!] 4000) (return !!er!!)))
(setq !#!V!O!L (ncons w))
(return t)))
%------ Frame --------------------------------------------------------------
(de frame1!> nil % 05.96
(prog (w) (setq !#!T (mkt!> 1))
(setq w (aeval (list 'tp (list 'quotient 1 (mkmtetr!> !#!D)))))
(mktetrm!> (cdr w) !#!T)
(return t)))
(de iframe1!> nil % 05.96
(prog (w) (setq !#!D (mkt!> 1))
(setq w (aeval (list 'tp (list 'quotient 1 (mkmtetr!> !#!T)))))
(mktetrm!> (cdr w) !#!D)
(return t)))
(de frame0!> nil % 05.96
(prog nil
(msg!> 6803)
(setq !#!T (mkt1!>))
(fordim!> i do (putel1!> (mkdx!> i) !#!T i))
(return t)))
%----- Macros Metric/Frame components -------------------------------------
% Components of Frame/Inverse Frame ... 05.96
(de ham!> (wa wm) % h^a_m
(cond (![umod!] (vform1!> (getel1!> ![xv!] wm) (getel1!> !#!T wa)))
(t (getfdx!> (getel1!> !#!T wa) wm))))
(de hiam!> (wa wm) % h_a^m
(cond (![umod!] (vform1!> (getel1!> !#!D wa) (getel1!> ![xf!] wm)))
(t (getfdx!> (getel1!> !#!D wa) wm))))
(de gmetr!> (wi wk) % g_ik
(cond((fholop!>) % holonomic frame
(getmetr!> wi wk))
((motop!>) % `diagonal' metric
(cons 'plus
(foreach!> a in (dimlist!> 0) collect
(mktimes!> (list (diagm!> a)
(ham!> a wi)
(ham!> (ai!> a) wk))))))
(t(prog (w wc) % general case
(fordim!> a do
(fordim!> b do
(cond ((setq wc (getmetr!> a b))
(setq w (cons (mktimes!> (list wc
(ham!> a wi)
(ham!> b wk)))
(cond (w (return (cons 'plus w))) (t (return nil)))))))
(de gmetr0!> (wi wk) % g_ik
(cond((fholop!>) % holonomic frame
(getmetr!> wi wk))
((motop!>) % `diagonal' metric
(cons 'plus
(foreach!> a in (dimlist!> 0) collect
(mktimes!> (list (diagm!> a)
(ham0!> a wi)
(ham0!> (ai!> a) wk))))))
(t(prog (w wc) % general case
(fordim!> a do
(fordim!> b do
(cond ((setq wc (getmetr!> a b))
(setq w (cons (mktimes!> (list wc
(ham0!> a wi)
(ham0!> b wk)))
(cond (w (return (cons 'plus w))) (t (return nil)))))))
(de gimetr!> (wi wk) % g^ik
(cond((ifholop!>) % holonomic frame
(getimetr!> wi wk))
((imotop!>) % `diagonal' metric
(cons 'plus
(foreach!> a in (dimlist!> 0) collect
(mktimes!> (list (diagmi!> a)
(hiam!> a wi)
(hiam!> (ai!> a)wk))))))
(t(prog (w wc)
(fordim!> a do
(fordim!> b do
(cond ((setq wc (getimetr!> a b))
(setq w (cons (mktimes!> (list wc
(hiam!> a wi)
(hiam!> b wk)))
(cond (w (return(cons 'plus w))) (t (return nil)))))))
(de huam!> (wa wm) % h^a^mu
(cond ((imotop!>)
(mktimes!> (list (diagmi!> wa) (hiam!> (ai!> wa) wm))))
(t(cons 'plus
(foreach!> b in (dimlist!> 0) collect
(mktimes!> (list (getimetr!> wa b) (hiam!> b wm))))))))
(de hlam!> (wa wm) % h_a_mu
(cond ((motop!>)
(mktimes!> (list (diagm!> wa) (ham!> (ai!> wa) wm))))
(t(cons 'plus
(foreach!> b in (dimlist!> 0) collect
(mktimes!> (list (getmetr!> wa b) (ham!> b wm))))))))
%---------- Spin Coefficients -------------------------------------------
(de spcoef!> (waa wb)
(vform1!> (getiframe!> wb) (getel1!> !#!o!m!e!g!a!u waa)))
%---------- Line-element. 27.12.90, 05.96 ------------------------------
(de showlinel!> nil
(proc (w wx wy wf wm)
(setq wm "Cannot calculate Line-Element.")
(setq ![chain!] nil)
(setq w (request!> '!#!G))
(cond((eq w !!er!!) (return w))
((null w) (progn (trsf!> '!#!G)(prin2 wm)(terpri)
(setq ![er!] 6046) (return !!er!!))))
(setq ![chain!] nil)
(setq w (request!> '!#!T))
(cond((eq w !!er!!) (return w))
((null w) (progn (trsf!> '!#!T)(prin2 wm)(terpri)
(setq ![er!] 6046) (return !!er!!))))
(cond((not(and (fancyon!>) (not !*latex))) (terpri)))
(cond((ifmodo!>) (gprin!> "ds2"))
(algpri!> " d" )
(algpri!> '(expt !s 2) ))))
(wriassign!> nil)
(cond(!*math (gprin!> "(")))
(fordim!> x do (fordim!> y do
(cond((or(lessp x y)(eqn x y))(progn
(setq w(eval!>(cond ((eqn x y) (gmetr0!> x x))
(t(list 'times 2 (gmetr0!> x y))))))
(setq w (nz!> w))
(cond((and(not(ifmodo!>))(numberp w)(lessp w 0)(not(eqn w -1)))
(setq w (list 'minus (minus w)))))
(cond((or (null w) (eqn w 0)) nil)
(cond(wf (gprin!> "+")))
(setq wx (list2 '!dx (prepdx2!> x)))
(setq wy (list2 '!dx (prepdx2!> y)))
(ooprin!> (list 'times w wx wy))
(setq wf t)))
(algpri!>(cond((eqn w -1) " - ")(wf " + ")(t " ")) )
(cond((not(memq w '(1 -1))) (progn
(cond((pairp w)(algpri!> "(" )))
(algpri!> (aeval w) )
(cond((pairp w)(algpri!> ")" ))) )))
(setq wx (prepdx2!> x))
(setq wy (prepdx2!> y))
((eqn x y) (prog2
(cond((and ![umod!] (fancyon!>)) (progn
(algpri!> "(" )
(algpri!> wx )
(setq wx ")" ))))
(algpri!> (list 'expt wx 2) )))
(algpri!> wx )
(algpri!> wy ))))
(setq wf t)
))) )))))
(cond ((null wf) (alpri!> nil)))
(cond (!*math (gprin!> ")")))
(de prepdx2!> (wx)
(cond ((fancyon!>) (list 'expt '!#!#b wx))
(t (compress (cons '!b (explode2 wx))))))
(t (getel1!> ![cord!] wx))))
(de wridd!> nil
(cond (![umod!] (cond ((fancyon!>) "\,")
(t " ")))
(t (cond ((fancyon!>) "\,d\,")
(t " d "))))
%------ Spinorial S-forms 06.96 ------------------------------------------
(de ssform!> (wn w2 w3)
(prog (w)
(set wn (mkbox!> wn))
(setq wn (eval wn))
(setq w (evalform!> (chsignf!> (dfprod2!> (getframe!> 0)
(getframe!> w2)))))
(putel1!> w wn 0)
(setq w (evalform!> (fndfpr!> '(quotient 1 2) (dfsum!> (list2
(dfprod2!> (getframe!> 0) (getframe!> 1))
(chsignf!> (dfprod2!> (getframe!> w2) (getframe!> w3))))))))
(putel1!> w wn 1)
(setq w (evalform!> (dfprod2!> (getframe!> 1)
(getframe!> w3))))
(putel1!> w wn 2)
(return t)))
%------ Christoffel symbols 06.96 ---------------------------------------
(de chrt!> (wa)
(list 'times '(quotient 1 2)
(list 'quotient (list 'df (car !#!d!e!t!g) (getel1!> ![cord!] wa))
(car !#!d!e!t!g))))
(de chrf!> (wa wb wc)
(list 'times '(quotient 1 2)
(list 'plus
(list 'df (gmetr!> wa wc) (getel1!> ![cord!] wb))
(list 'df (gmetr!> wa wb) (getel1!> ![cord!] wc))
(chsigna!> (list 'df (gmetr!> wb wc) (getel1!> ![cord!] wa))))))
(de chr!> (wa wb wc)
(evalalg!> (getm!> '!#!C!H!R!F nil (list wa wb wc) '(3 nil nil))))
%------ Tensorial Solver 06.96 -------------------------------------------
% Genral solver for frame connection ...
% W - result, WT = t^a, WN = n_a_b (symmetric)
(de fsolver!> (wr wt wn)
(prog (w ww wc)
(setq ww (mkt!> 1))
(setq w (mkt!> 2))
(set wr (mkt!> 2))
(setq wr (eval wr))
% Creating t_a -> WT
(cond (wt
(fordim!> a do (putel1!> (getlo!> wt a) ww a))
(setq wt ww)
(setq ww nil)))
% Solving for 2*omega_a_b -> W (antisymmetric iff n_a_b=0)
(fordim!> a do (fordim!> b do
(cond ((or (lessp a b) wn)
(setq wc nil)
(fordim!> c do (progn
% ( D_a _| D_b _| t_c ) T^c
(cond (wt
(setq wc (cons
(fndfpr!> (vform1!> (getiframe!> a)
(vform!> (getiframe!> b)
(getel1!> wt c)))
(getframe!> c))
% ( D_b _| n_a_c - D_a _| n_b_c ) T^c
(cond (wn
(setq wc (cons
(fndfpr!> (list 'difference
(vform1!> (getiframe!> b) (getel2s!> wn a c))
(vform1!> (getiframe!> a) (getel2s!> wn b c)))
(getframe!> c))
(cond (wt
% - D_a _| t_b
(setq wc (cons
(chsignf!> (vform!> (getiframe!> a) (getel1!> wt b)))
% D_b _| t_a
(setq wc (cons
(vform!> (getiframe!> b) (getel1!> wt a))
(cond (wn
% n_a_b
(setq wc (cons (getel2s!> wn a b) wc))))
(setq wc (evalform!> (dfsum!> wc)))
(putel!> wc w (list2 a b))))))
% Now omega^a_b
(fordim!> a do (fordim!> b do (progn
(setq wc (evalform!>
(fndfpr!> (mktimes2!> '(quotient 1 2) (diagmi!> a))
(cond (wn (getel2!> w (ai!> a) b))
(t (getasy2!> w (ai!> a) b t)))))
(t (dfsum!> (foreach!> c in (dimlist!> 0) collect
(fndfpr!> (mktimes2!> '(quotient 1 2) (getimetr!> a c))
(cond (wn (getel2!> w c b))
(t (getasy2!> w c b t))))))))))
(putel!> wc wr (list2 a b)) ))) ))
%------ Spinorial Solver 06.96 ------------------------------------------
% General spinorial solver ...
% WD = T - dotted, NIL - undotted
% WR - destination, WZ - Z_AA 3-form
(de ssolver!> (wr wz wd)
(prog (wm00 wm10 wm20 wm01 wm11 wm21 w02 w12 w22 w03 w13 w23
i0 i1 i2 i3 w)
(set wr (mkbox!> wr))
(setq wr (eval wr))
(setq i0 0) (setq i1 1)
(cond (wd (setq i2 3) (setq i3 2)) % undotted
(t (setq i2 2) (setq i3 3))) % dotted
% #( Z_AA/\T^b )
(setq wm00 (dfp2!> (not wd) (getel1!> wz 0) (getframe!> i0)))
(setq wm10 (dfp2!> (not wd) (getel1!> wz 1) (getframe!> i0)))
(setq wm20 (dfp2!> (not wd) (getel1!> wz 2) (getframe!> i0)))
(setq wm01 (dfp2!> (not wd) (getel1!> wz 0) (getframe!> i1)))
(setq wm11 (dfp2!> (not wd) (getel1!> wz 1) (getframe!> i1)))
(setq wm21 (dfp2!> (not wd) (getel1!> wz 2) (getframe!> i1)))
(setq w02 (dfp2!> wd (getel1!> wz 0) (getframe!> i2)))
(setq w12 (dfp2!> wd (getel1!> wz 1) (getframe!> i2)))
(setq w22 (dfp2!> wd (getel1!> wz 2) (getframe!> i2)))
(setq w03 (dfp2!> wd (getel1!> wz 0) (getframe!> i3)))
(setq w13 (dfp2!> wd (getel1!> wz 1) (getframe!> i3)))
(setq w23 (dfp2!> wd (getel1!> wz 2) (getframe!> i3)))
% omega_0
(setq w (evalform!> (fndfpr!> 'i (dfsum!> (list
(fndfpr!> w12 (getframe!> i0))
(fndfpr!> wm00 (getframe!> i1))
(fndfpr!> wm10 (getframe!> i2))
(fndfpr!> w02 (getframe!> i3)))))))
(putel1!> w wr 0)
% omega_1
(setq w (evalform!> (fndfpr!> '(quotient i 2) (dfsum!> (list
(fndfpr!> (list 'plus w22 wm11) (getframe!> i0))
(fndfpr!> (list 'plus w03 wm10) (getframe!> i1))
(fndfpr!> (list 'plus w13 wm20) (getframe!> i2))
(fndfpr!> (list 'plus w12 wm01) (getframe!> i3)))))))
(putel1!> w wr 1)
% omega_2
(setq w (evalform!> (fndfpr!> 'i (dfsum!> (list
(fndfpr!> wm21 (getframe!> i0))
(fndfpr!> w13 (getframe!> i1))
(fndfpr!> w23 (getframe!> i2))
(fndfpr!> wm11 (getframe!> i3)))))))
(putel1!> w wr 2)
(de dfp2!> (wd w1 w2)
(eval!> (duald!>
((and wd (not(pmmm!>))) (dfprod2!> w1 w2))
((and (pmmm!>) (not wd)) (dfprod2!> w1 w2))
(t (dfprod2!> w2 w1)) ))))
% omega from dT with THETA and N ...
(de connec!> nil % 09.96
(prog (wt wn)
% t = dT + TH
(setq wt (mkt!> 1))
(fordim!> a do
(putel1!> (cond (!*torsion (dfsum!> (list
(dex!>(getframe!> a))
(getel1!> !#!T!H!E!T!A a))))
(t (dex!>(getframe!> a))))
wt a))
% n = dG + N
(setq wn (mkt!> 2))
(fordim!> a do (fordim!> b do
(cond ((leq a b)
(putel!> (cond (!*nonmetr (dfsum!> (list
(dfun!>(getmetr!> a b))
(getel2!> !#!N a b))))
(t (dfun!>(getmetr!> a b)) ))
wn (list2 a b))))))
% solving ...
(fsolver!> '!#!o!m!e!g!a wt wn)))
% Riem connection + wa
(de connecplus!> (wa) % 09.96
(prog (wt wn)
% t = dT
(setq wt (mkt!> 1))
(fordim!> a do
(putel1!> (dex!>(getframe!> a)) wt a))
% n = dG
(setq wn (mkt!> 2))
(fordim!> a do (fordim!> b do
(cond ((leq a b)
(putel!> (dfun!>(getmetr!> a b)) wn (list2 a b))))))
% solving ...
(cond (wa (fsolver!> '!#!o!m!e!g!a wt wn))
(t (fsolver!> '!#!r!o!m!e!g!a wt wn)))
% adding wa ...
(cond (wa
(fordim!> a do (fordim!> b do
(putel!> (evalform!> (dfsum!> (list (getel2!> !#!o!m!e!g!a a b)
(getel2!> wa a b))))
!#!o!m!e!g!a (list2 a b)))) ))
% K from THETA and N ...
(de conndef!> nil % 09.96
(prog (wt wn)
% t = TH
(setq wt (mkt!> 1))
(fordim!> a do
(putel1!> (getel1!> !#!T!H!E!T!A a) wt a))
% n = N
(setq wn (mkt!> 2))
(fordim!> a do (fordim!> b do
(cond ((leq a b)
(putel!> (getel2!> !#!N a b) wn (list2 a b))))))
% solving ...
(fsolver!> '!#!K wt wn)))
% KN from N ...
(de nondef!> nil % 09.96
(prog (wt wn)
(setq wt (mkt!> 1))
% n = N
(setq wn (mkt!> 2))
(fordim!> a do (fordim!> b do
(cond ((leq a b)
(putel!> (getel2!> !#!N a b) wn (list2 a b))))))
% solving ...
(fsolver!> '!#!K!N wt wn)))
% KQ from THETA ...
(de contor!> nil % 09.96
(prog (wt wn)
% t = TH
(setq wt (mkt!> 1))
(fordim!> a do
(putel1!> (getel1!> !#!T!H!E!T!A a) wt a))
(setq wn (mkt!> 2))
% solving ...
(fsolver!> '!#!K!Q wt wn)))
% GAMMA from omega ...
(de gfromo!> nil
(prog nil
(setq !#!G!A!M!M!A (mkt!> 2))
(fordim!> a do (fordim!> b do
(putel!> (evalform!> (dfsum!> (list
(getm!> '!#!o!m!e!g!a nil (list2 a b) '(7 8))
(addgamma!> a b))))
!#!G!A!M!M!A (list2 a b)))) ))
% RGAMMA from romega ...
(de rgfromro!> nil
(prog nil
(setq !#!R!G!A!M!M!A (mkt!> 2))
(fordim!> a do (fordim!> b do
(putel!> (evalform!> (dfsum!> (list
(getm!> '!#!r!o!m!e!g!a nil (list2 a b) '(7 8))
(addgamma!> a b))))
!#!R!G!A!M!M!A (list2 a b)))) ))
(de addgamma!> (wm wn)
(prog (w)
(fordim!> ww do
(setq w (cons (fndfpr!> (hiam!> ww wm) (dfun!>(ham!> ww wn))) w)))
(return(dfsum!> w))))
% omega from GAMMA ...
(de ofromg!> nil
(prog nil
(setq !#!o!m!e!g!a (mkt!> 2))
(fordim!> a do (fordim!> b do
(putel!> (evalform!> (dfsum!> (list
(getm!> '!#!G!A!M!M!A nil (list2 a b) '(5 6))
(addomega!> a b))))
!#!o!m!e!g!a (list2 a b)))) ))
(de addomega!> (wa wb)
(prog (w)
(fordim!> ww do
(setq w (cons (fndfpr!> (ham!> wa ww) (dfun!>(hiam!> wb ww))) w)))
(return(dfsum!> w))))
% N from K ...
(de nfromk!> (wk)
(prog nil
(setq !#!N (mkt!> 2))
(fordim!> a do (fordim!> b do (cond ((leq a b)
(putel!> (evalform!> (dfsum!> (list
(getm!> wk nil (list2 a b) '(2 nil))
(getm!> wk nil (list2 b a) '(2 nil))
!#!N (list2 a b)))) ))))
% THETA from K ...
(de qfromk!> (wk)
(prog (w)
(setq !#!T!H!E!T!A (mkt!> 1))
(setq wk (eval wk))
(fordim!> a do (progn
(setq w nil)
(fordim!> b do
(setq w (cons (dfprod2!> (getframe!> b) (getel2!> wk a b)) w)))
(putel1!> (evalform!> (dfsum!> w)) !#!T!H!E!T!A a)))))
% Torsion trace 1-form 08.01.91
(de qqq!> nil
(prog (w)
(fordim!> a do
(setq w (cons (vform!> (getiframe!> a)
(getel1!> !#!T!H!E!T!A a)) w)))
(setq !#!Q!Q (ncons(evalform!>(chsign!> t (dfsum!> w)))))
(return t)))
% Antisymmetric Torsion 3-form 10.96
(de qqqa!> nil
(prog (w)
(fordim!> a do
(setq w (cons (dfprod2!> (getlo!> !#!T a)
(getel1!> !#!T!H!E!T!A a)) w)))
(setq !#!Q!Q!A (ncons (evalform!> (dfsum!> w))))
(return t)))
% roumegau ...
(de ruconnec!> nil
(ssolver!> '!#!r!o!m!e!g!a!u (mapcar !#!S!U 'dex!>) nil))
% romegad ...
(de rdconnec!> nil
(ssolver!> '!#!r!o!m!e!g!a!d (mapcar !#!S!D 'dex!>) t))
% oumegau ...
(de uconnec!> nil
(prog nil
(ssolver!> '!#!o!m!e!g!a!u (mapcar !#!S!U 'dex!>) nil)
(cond (!*torsion
(for!> x (0 1 2) do
(putel1!> (evalform!> (dfsum2!> (getel1!> !#!o!m!e!g!a!u x)
(getel1!> !#!K!U x)))
!#!o!m!e!g!a!u x))))))
% omegad ...
(de dconnec!> nil
(prog nil
(ssolver!> '!#!o!m!e!g!a!d (mapcar !#!S!D 'dex!>) t)
(cond (!*torsion
(for!> x (0 1 2) do
(putel1!> (evalform!> (dfsum2!> (getel1!> !#!o!m!e!g!a!d x)
(getel1!> !#!K!D x)))
!#!o!m!e!g!a!d x))))))
% omegau from omega ...
(de oufromo!> (wu wo)
(prog nil
(set wu (mkbox!> wu))
(setq wu (eval wu))
(putel1!> (evalform!> (mpf!> (getel2!> wo 2 1))) wu 0)
(putel1!> (evalform!> (fndfpr!> (pma!> '(quotient 1 2))
(dfsum2!> (getel2!> wo 1 1) (getel2!> wo 3 3)))) wu 1)
(putel1!> (evalform!> (pmf!> (getel2!> wo 3 0))) wu 2)
% omegad from omega ...
(de odfromo!> (wu wo)
(prog nil
(set wu (mkbox!> wu))
(setq wu (eval wu))
(putel1!> (evalform!> (mpf!> (getel2!> wo 3 1))) wu 0)
(putel1!> (evalform!> (fndfpr!> (pma!> '(quotient 1 2))
(dfsum2!> (getel2!> wo 1 1) (getel2!> wo 2 2)))) wu 1)
(putel1!> (evalform!> (pmf!> (getel2!> wo 2 0))) wu 2)
% omega from omegau+omegad ...
(de ofromos!> (wo wu wd)
(prog (w)
(set wo (mkbox!> wo))
(setq wo (eval wo))
(setq w (dfsum2!> (getel1!> wu 1) (getel1!> wd 1)))
(putel!> (evalform!>(mpf!> w)) wo (list2 0 0))
(putel!> (evalform!>(pmf!> w)) wo (list2 1 1))
(setq w (dfsum2!> (getel1!> wd 1) (chsign!> t (getel1!> wu 1))))
(putel!> (evalform!>(pmf!> w)) wo (list2 2 2))
(putel!> (evalform!>(mpf!> w)) wo (list2 3 3))
(setq w (evalform!>(pmf!>(getel1!> wd 2))))
(putel!> w wo (list2 2 0))
(putel!> w wo (list2 1 3))
(setq w (evalform!>(mpf!>(getel1!> wu 0))))
(putel!> w wo (list2 2 1))
(putel!> w wo (list2 0 3))
(setq w (evalform!>(pmf!>(getel1!> wu 2))))
(putel!> w wo (list2 3 0))
(putel!> w wo (list2 1 2))
(setq w (evalform!>(mpf!>(getel1!> wd 0))))
(putel!> w wo (list2 3 1))
(putel!> w wo (list2 0 2))
% complex conjugation ...
(de conj3!> (wr wss)
(prog nil
(set wr (mkbox!> wr))
(setq wr (eval wr))
(putel1!> (evalform!>(coform!>(getel1!> wss 0))) wr 0)
(putel1!> (evalform!>(coform!>(getel1!> wss 1))) wr 1)
(putel1!> (evalform!>(coform!>(getel1!> wss 2))) wr 2)
% Curvature ...
(de curvature!> nil
(prog (w)
(setq !#!O!M!E!G!A (mkt!> 2))
(fordim!> a do (fordim!> b do (progn
(setq w (ncons (dex!> (getel2!> !#!o!m!e!g!a a b))))
(fordim!> x do
(setq w (cons (dfprod2!> (getel2!> !#!o!m!e!g!a a x)
(getel2!> !#!o!m!e!g!a x b) ) w)))
(putel!> (evalform!> (dfsum!> w)) !#!O!M!E!G!A (list2 a b)))))))
% Spinor Curvature
(de scurvature!> (wr wo)
(prog nil
(set wr (mkbox!> wr))
(setq wr (eval wr))
(putel1!> (evalform!>(dfsum2!> (dex!>(getel1!> wo 0))
(fndfpr!> (pma!> 2) (dfprod2!>
(getel1!> wo 0)
(getel1!> wo 1) )))) wr 0)
(putel1!> (evalform!>(dfsum2!> (dex!>(getel1!> wo 1))
(fndfpr!> (pma!> 1) (dfprod2!>
(getel1!> wo 0)
(getel1!> wo 2) )))) wr 1)
(putel1!> (evalform!>(dfsum2!> (dex!>(getel1!> wo 2))
(fndfpr!> (pma!> 2) (dfprod2!>
(getel1!> wo 1)
(getel1!> wo 2) )))) wr 2)
% Riemann Tensor ...
(de riemm!> nil
(prog (w)
(setq !#!R!I!M (mkt!> 4))
(fordim!> wa do (fordim!> wb do
(fordim!> wc do (fordim!> wd do (cond ((lessp wc wd)
(setq w (vform1!> (getiframe!> wd)
(vform!> (getiframe!> wc)
(getel2!> !#!O!M!E!G!A wa wb))))
(putel!> (evalalg!> w) !#!R!I!M (list wa wb wc wd))))))))))
% Ricci Tensor ...
(de ricci!> nil
(prog (w)
(setq !#!R!I!C (mkt!> 2))
(fordim!> wa do (fordim!> wb do
((and (null !*torsion) (null !*nonmetr) (greaterp wa wb)) nil)
(t (progn
(setq w nil)
(fordim!> wx do
(setq w (cons (getrim!> wx wa wx wb) w)))
(putel!> (summa!> w) !#!R!I!C (list2 wa wb)))))))))
% Scalar Curvature ...
(de rscalar!> nil
(prog (w)
(fordim!> wa do (fordim!> wb do
(setq w (cons (multa!> (getimetr!> wa wb)
(cond ((or !*torsion !*nonmetr)
(getel2!> !#!R!I!C wa wb))
(t (getel2s!> !#!R!I!C wa wb))) )
(setq w (summa!> w))
(setq !#!R!R (ncons w)) ))
% Einstein Tensor ...
(de gtensor!> nil
(prog (w)
(setq !#!G!T (mkt!> 2))
(fordim!> wa do (fordim!> wb do
((and (null !*torsion) (null !*nonmetr) (greaterp wa wb)) nil)
(t (progn
(setq w (list2 (getel2!> !#!R!I!C wa wb)
(multa!> '(quotient -1 2)
(multa!> (getmetr!> wa wb)
(car !#!R!R)))))
(putel!> (summa!> w) !#!G!T (list2 wa wb)))))))))
%------- Curvature spinors -------------------------------------------------
% local aux functions ...
(de ousu!> (wa wb)
(dualdi!> (dfprod2!> (getel1!> !#!O!M!E!G!A!U wa)
(getel1!> !#!S!U wb))))
(de ousd!> (wa wb)
(dualdi!> (dfprod2!> (getel1!> !#!O!M!E!G!A!U wa)
(getel1!> !#!S!D wb))))
(de odsu!> (wa wb)
(dualdi!> (dfprod2!> (getel1!> !#!O!M!E!G!A!D wa)
(getel1!> !#!S!U wb))))
(de odsd!> (wa wb)
(dualdi!> (dfprod2!> (getel1!> !#!O!M!E!G!A!D wa)
(getel1!> !#!S!D wb))))
% Scalar curvature ...
(de rrsp!> nil
(prog (wr)
(setq wr (summa!> (list (ousu!> 2 0) (ousu!> 0 2)
(multa!> -2 (ousu!> 1 1)))))
(setq wr (evalalg!>
(cond (!*torsion (multa!> 2 (list 'plus wr (coalg!> wr))))
(t (multa!> 4 wr))))) )
(setq wr (evalalg!> (multa!> 8 (list 'difference
(ousu!> 0 2) (ousu!> 1 1))))) ))
(setq !#!R!R (ncons wr))))
% Scalar deviation ...
(de rdsp!> nil
(prog (wr)
(setq wr (summa!> (list (ousu!> 2 0) (ousu!> 0 2)
(multa!> -2 (ousu!> 1 1)))))
(setq wr (evalalg!>
(multa!> '(times -2 i) (list 'difference wr (coalg!> wr)))))
(setq !#!R!D (ncons wr))))
% Weyl spinor ...
(de rwsp!> nil
(makebox!> '!#!R!W)
(putel1!> (evalalg!> (ousu!> 0 0)) !#!R!W 0)
(putel1!> (evalalg!> (multa!> '(quotient 1 2)
(list 'plus (ousu!> 0 1) (ousu!> 1 0)))) !#!R!W 1)
(putel1!> (evalalg!> (list 'plus
(multa!> '(quotient 1 6)
(list 'plus (ousu!> 2 0) (ousu!> 0 2)))
(multa!> '(quotient 2 3) (ousu!> 1 1)))) !#!R!W 2)
(putel1!> (evalalg!> (multa!> '(quotient 1 2)
(list 'plus (ousu!> 1 2) (ousu!> 2 1)))) !#!R!W 3)
(putel1!> (evalalg!> (ousu!> 2 2)) !#!R!W 4) )
(putel1!> (evalalg!> (ousu!> 0 0)) !#!R!W 0)
(putel1!> (evalalg!> (ousu!> 0 1)) !#!R!W 1)
(putel1!> (evalalg!> (list 'plus
(multa!> '(quotient 1 3) (ousu!> 0 2))
(multa!> '(quotient 2 3) (ousu!> 1 1)))) !#!R!W 2)
(putel1!> (evalalg!> (ousu!> 1 2)) !#!R!W 3)
(putel1!> (evalalg!> (ousu!> 2 2)) !#!R!W 4) ) )
% Ricanti spinor ...
(de rasp!> nil
(makebox!> '!#!R!A)
(putel1!> (evalalg!> (multa!> (cond ((mppp!>) 1) (t -1))
(list 'difference
(ousu!> 1 0) (ousu!> 0 1)))) !#!R!A 0)
(putel1!> (evalalg!> (multa!> (cond ((mppp!>) '(quotient 1 2))
(t '(quotient -1 2)))
(list 'difference
(ousu!> 2 0) (ousu!> 0 2)))) !#!R!A 1)
(putel1!> (evalalg!> (multa!> (cond ((mppp!>) 1) (t -1))
(list 'difference
(ousu!> 2 1) (ousu!> 1 2)))) !#!R!A 2)
% Traceless ricci spinor ...
(de rcsp!> nil
(makebox!> '!#!R!C)
(for!> x (0 1 2) do (for!> y (0 1 2) do
(cond ((leq x y)
(putel!> (cond (!*torsion (evalalg!> (mpa!> (list 'difference
(ousd!> x y) (odsu!> y x)))))
(t (evalalg!> (mpa!> (multa!> 2 (ousd!> x y))))))
!#!R!C (list2 x y))))))
% Traceless deviation spinor ...
(de rbsp!> nil
(makebox!> '!#!R!B)
(for!> x (0 1 2) do (for!> y (0 1 2) do
(cond ((leq x y)
(putel!> (evalalg!> (mpa!> (multa!> 'i (list 'plus
(ousd!> x y) (odsu!> y x)))))
!#!R!B (list2 x y))))))
%----- NP formalism via macro 10.96 ---------------------------------------
(de psinp!> (w)
(getel1!> !#!R!W w))
(de phinp!> (wa wb)
(prog (w)
(setq w (cond ((leq wa wb) (getel2!> !#!R!C wa wb))
(t (coalg!> (getel2!> !#!R!C wb wa)))))
(return (cond (w (list 'times (pma!> '(quotient 1 2)) w))
(t nil)))))
(de alphanp!> nil (pma!>(spcoef!> 1 2)))
(de betanp!> nil (pma!>(spcoef!> 1 3)))
(de gammanp!> nil (pma!>(spcoef!> 1 0)))
(de epsilonnp!> nil (pma!>(spcoef!> 1 1)))
(de kappanp!> nil (pma!>(spcoef!> 0 1)))
(de rhonp!> nil (pma!>(spcoef!> 0 2)))
(de sigmanp!> nil (pma!>(spcoef!> 0 3)))
(de taunp!> nil (pma!>(spcoef!> 0 0)))
(de munp!> nil (pma!>(spcoef!> 2 3)))
(de nunp!> nil (pma!>(spcoef!> 2 0)))
(de lambdanp!> nil (pma!>(spcoef!> 2 2)))
(de pinp!> nil (pma!>(spcoef!> 2 1)))
(de dtop!> nil (getiframe!> 0))
(de dddop!> nil (getiframe!> 1))
(de duop!> nil (getiframe!> 3))
(de ddop!> nil (getiframe!> 2))
%----- Geosedics. 10.96 ---------------------------------------------------
(de geodesics!> nil
(prog (w)
(setq !#!G!E!O!q (mkt!> 1))
(fordim!> x do (progn
(setq w (ncons (list 'df (getel1!> ![cord!] x) (car ![apar!]) 2)))
(fordim!> y do (fordim!> z do
(setq w (cons (list 'times (chr!> x y z)
(list 'df (getel1!> ![cord!] y) (car ![apar!]))
(list 'df (getel1!> ![cord!] z) (car ![apar!])))
(putel1!> (equation!> (evalalg!> (cons 'plus w)) nil) !#!G!E!O!q x)))))
%----- Null Congruence. 10.96 ---------------------------------------------
(de ncnq!> nil
(prog (w)
(setq w (evalalg!> (vprod!> (car !#!K!V) (car !#!K!V))))
(setq !#!N!C!o (ncons(equation!> w nil)))
(cond (w (msg!> 6700)))))
% vec'w
(de getncv!> (w)
(vform1!> (car !#!K!V) (getframe!> w)))
% vec.w
(de getncvlo!> (w)
(vform1!> (car !#!K!V) (getlo!> !#!T w)))
% Riemann omega'a.b
(de rimomega!> (wa wb)
(cond ((or !*torsion !*nonmetr) (getel2!> !#!r!o!m!e!g!a wa wb))
(t (getel2!> !#!o!m!e!g!a wa wb))))
% Riemann omega'a.b.c
(de rimomegac!> (wa wb wc)
(vform1!> (getiframe!> wc) (rimomega!> wa wb)))
(de ncgq!> nil
(prog (w wc)
(setq !#!G!C!o (mkt!> 1))
(fordim!> x do (progn
(setq w (ncons (vfun!> (car !#!K!V) (getncv!> x))))
(fordim!> y do
(setq w (cons (list 'times
(vform1!> (car !#!K!V) (rimomega!> x y))
(getncv!> y)) w)))
(setq w (evalalg!> (cons 'plus w)))
(cond (w (setq wc t)))
(putel1!> (equation!> w nil) !#!G!C!o x)))
(cond (wc (msg!> 6701)))))
% D.a ( vec.b ) = D.a | vec.b - omega'm.b.a vec.m
(de dcnc!> (wa wb)
(prog (w)
(setq w (ncons (vfun!> (getiframe!> wa) (getncvlo!> wb))))
(fordim!> m do
(setq w (cons (list 'times -1 (rimomegac!> m wb wa)
(getncvlo!> m)) w)))
(setq w (evalalg!> (cons 'plus w)))
(return w)))
(de nctheta!> nil
(prog (w)
(fordim!> x do (fordim!> y do
(setq w (cons (list 'times '(quotient 1 2)
(dcnc!> x y)
(getimetr!> x y)) w))))
(setq w (evalalg!> (cons 'plus w)))
(setq !#!t!h!e!t!a!O (ncons w)) ))
% omega^2
(de ncomega!> nil
(prog (w wa wb)
(fordim!> x do (fordim!> y do
(fordim!> p do (fordim!> q do (progn
(setq wa (getimetr!> x p))
(setq wb (getimetr!> y q))
(cond ((and wa wb)
(setq w (cons (list 'times '(quotient 1 4) wa wb (dcnc!> p q)
(list 'difference (dcnc!> x y) (dcnc!> y x)))
(setq w (evalalg!> (cons 'plus w)))
(setq !#!o!m!e!g!a!S!Q!O (ncons w)) ))
% sigma*~sigma
(de ncsigma!> nil
(prog (w wa wb)
(fordim!> x do (fordim!> y do
(fordim!> p do (fordim!> q do (progn
(setq wa (getimetr!> x p))
(setq wb (getimetr!> y q))
(cond ((and wa wb)
(setq w (cons (list 'times '(quotient 1 4) wa wb (dcnc!> p q)
(list 'plus (dcnc!> x y) (dcnc!> y x)))
(setq w (cons 'plus w))
(setq w (list 'difference w (list 'expt (car !#!t!h!e!t!a!O) 2)))
(setq w (evalalg!> w))
(setq !#!s!i!g!m!a!S!Q!O (ncons w)) ))
%----- Kinematics 10.96 ----------------------------------------------------
% UV = UUP'a D.a
(de uvfromuup!> nil
(prog (w)
(fordim!> x do
(setq w (cons (fndfpr!> (getel1!> !#!U!U x) (getiframe!> x)) w)))
(setq !#!U!V (ncons (evalform!> (dfsum!> w))))))
% UUp'a = UV _| T'a
(de uupfromuv!> nil
(prog nil
(setq !#!U!U (mkt!> 1))
(fordim!> x do
(putel1!> (evalalg!> (vform1!> (car !#!U!V) (getframe!> x)))
!#!U!U x))
(de uudefault!> nil
(prog nil
(setq !#!U!U (mkt!> 1))
(putel1!> 1 !#!U!U 0)
(msg!> 6805)
% USQ = UUP'a UUP.a
(de usquare!> nil
(prog (w)
(fordim!> x do
(setq w (cons (list 'times (getel1!> !#!U!U x)
(getloa!> !#!U!U x)) w)))
(setq w (evalalg!> (cons 'plus w)))
(cond ((null w) (setq ![er!] 6702) (return !!er!!))
((eqn (exprtype!> w) 2) (msg!> 9001)))
(setq !#!U!S!Q (ncons w))))
% PRO'a.b
(de projector!> nil
(prog (w)
(setq !#!P!R (mkt!> 2))
(cond ((null (car !#!U!S!Q)) (setq ![er!] 6702) (return !!er!!)))
(setq w (list 'quotient 1 (car !#!U!S!Q)))
(fordim!> a do (fordim!> b do
(putel!> (evalalg!> (list 'difference (delta!> a b)
(list 'times w (getel1!> !#!U!U a)
(getloa!> !#!U!U b))))
!#!P!R (list2 a b))))))
(de dcuup!> (wa wb)
(prog (w)
(setq w (ncons (vfun!> (getiframe!> wa) (getel1!> !#!U!U wb))))
(fordim!> wm do
(setq w (cons (list 'times (getel1!> !#!U!U wm)
(rimomegac!> wb wm wa)) w)))
(return (cons 'plus w))))
(de dcudown!> (wa wb)
(prog (w)
(setq w (ncons (vfun!> (getiframe!> wa) (getloa!> !#!U!U wb))))
(fordim!> wm do
(setq w (cons (list 'times -1 (getloa!> !#!U!U wm)
(rimomegac!> wm wb wa)) w)))
(return (cons 'plus w))))
(de accelerat!> nil
(prog (w)
(setq !#!a!c!c!U (mkt!> 1))
(fordim!> a do (progn
(setq w nil)
(fordim!> m do
(setq w (cons (list 'times (getel1!> !#!U!U m)
(dcuup!> m a)) w)))
(putel1!> (evalalg!> (cons 'plus w)) !#!a!c!c!U a)))))
(de utheta!> nil
(prog (w)
(fordim!> m do (setq w (cons (dcuup!> m m) w)))
(setq !#!t!h!e!t!a!U (ncons (evalalg!> (cons 'plus w))))))
(de uomega!> nil
(prog (w)
(setq !#!o!m!e!g!a!U (mkt!> 2))
(fordim!> a do (fordim!> b do (cond ((lessp a b)
(setq w nil)
(fordim!> m do (fordim!> n do
(setq w (cons (list 'times '(quotient 1 2)
(getel2!> !#!P!R m a) (getel2!> !#!P!R n b)
(list 'difference (dcudown!> m n)
(dcudown!> n m))) w))))
(putel!> (evalalg!> (cons 'plus w)) !#!o!m!e!g!a!U (list2 a b))))))))
(de usigma!> nil
(prog (w)
(setq !#!s!i!g!m!a!U (mkt!> 2))
(fordim!> a do (fordim!> b do (cond ((leq a b)
(setq w (ncons (list 'times (list 'quotient -1 ![dim1!])
(car !#!t!h!e!t!a!U)
(getm!> '!#!P!R nil (list2 a b) '(2 nil)))))
(fordim!> m do (fordim!> n do
(setq w (cons (list 'times '(quotient 1 2)
(getel2!> !#!P!R m a) (getel2!> !#!P!R n b)
(list 'plus (dcudown!> m n)
(dcudown!> n m))) w))))
(putel!> (evalalg!> (cons 'plus w)) !#!s!i!g!m!a!U (list2 a b))))))))
%------- Irreducible torsion components. 01.91 ---------------------------
% Local aux functions ...
(de qsu!> (wq wss)
(dualdi!> (dfprod2!> (getel1!> !#!T!H!E!T!A wq) (getel1!> !#!S!U wss))))
(de qsd!> (wq wss)
(dualdi!> (dfprod2!> (getel1!> !#!T!H!E!T!A wq) (getel1!> !#!S!D wss))))
% Tracelass torsion spinor ...
(de qcfromth!> nil
(makebox!> '!#!Q!C)
(putel!> (evalalg!> (list 'times 1 (qsu!> 0 0)))
!#!Q!C (list 0 0))
(putel!> (evalalg!> (list 'times 1 '(quotient -1 3)
(list 'plus (qsu!> 3 0) (list 'times -2 (qsu!> 0 1)))))
!#!Q!C (list 1 0))
(putel!> (evalalg!> (list 'times 1 (qsu!> 1 2)))
!#!Q!C (list 3 1))
(putel!> (evalalg!> (list 'times 1 '(quotient 1 3)
(list 'plus (qsu!> 0 2) (list 'times -2 (qsu!> 3 1)))))
!#!Q!C (list 2 0))
(putel!> (evalalg!> (list 'times -1 (qsu!> 3 2)))
!#!Q!C (list 3 0))
(putel!> (evalalg!> (list 'times 1 '(quotient 1 3)
(list 'plus (qsu!> 1 0) (list 'times -2 (qsu!> 2 1)))))
!#!Q!C (list 1 1))
(putel!> (evalalg!> (list 'times -1 (qsu!> 2 0)))
!#!Q!C (list 0 1))
(putel!> (evalalg!> (list 'times 1 '(quotient -1 3)
(list 'plus (qsu!> 2 2) (list 'times -2 (qsu!> 1 1)))))
!#!Q!C (list 2 1))
% Torsion trace vector with spinors ...
(de qtfromthsp!> nil
(setq !#!Q!T (mkt!> 1))
(putel1!> (evalalg!> (list 'times (car ![sgn!])
(list 'plus (qsu!> 1 0) (qsu!> 2 1) (qsd!> 2 1) (qsd!> 0 2))))
!#!Q!T 2)
(putel1!> (evalalg!> (list 'times (car ![sgn!]) -1
(list 'plus (qsu!> 3 1)(qsu!> 0 2)(qsd!> 1 0)(qsd!> 3 1))))
!#!Q!T 3)
(putel1!> (evalalg!> (list 'times (car ![sgn!]) -1
(list 'plus
(list 'times -1 (list 'plus (qsu!> 3 0) (qsu!> 0 1)))
(qsd!> 2 0) (qsd!> 0 1))))
!#!Q!T 0)
(putel1!> (evalalg!> (list 'times (car ![sgn!]) -1
(list 'plus
(qsu!> 1 1) (qsu!> 2 2)
(list 'times -1 (list 'plus (qsd!> 1 1) (qsd!> 3 2))))))
!#!Q!T 1)
% Torsion pseudotrace vector with spinors ...
(de qpfromthsp!> nil
(setq !#!Q!P (mkt!> 1))
(putel1!> (evalalg!> (list 'times (car ![sgn!]) 'i
(list 'plus (qsu!> 3 0) (qsu!> 0 1) (qsd!> 2 0) (qsd!> 0 1))))
!#!Q!P 0)
(putel1!> (evalalg!>(list 'times (car ![sgn!]) '(minus i)
(list 'plus (qsu!> 1 1) (qsu!> 2 2) (qsd!> 1 1) (qsd!> 3 2))))
!#!Q!P 1)
(putel1!> (evalalg!> (list 'times (car ![sgn!]) 'i
(list 'plus (list 'times -1
(list 'plus (qsu!> 3 1) (qsu!> 0 2)))
(qsd!> 1 0) (qsd!> 3 1))))
!#!Q!P 3)
(putel1!> (evalalg!>(list 'times (car ![sgn!]) 'i
(list 'plus (qsu!> 1 0) (qsu!> 2 1)
(list 'times -1
(list 'plus (qsd!> 2 1) (qsd!> 0 2))))))
!#!Q!P 2)
%---- Undotted torsion 2-forms. 12.91 ------------------------------------
% wd - internal variable, fun - get function, wss - s-forms
(de trfr!> (wd fun wss)
(prog (w wc)
(set wd (mkt!> 1))
(setq wd (eval wd))
(for!> a (0 1 3) do (progn
(setq w nil)
(for!> b (0 1 2) do
(setq w (cons (fndfpr!> (list 'times (cond ((eqn b 1) -2) (t 1))
(apply fun (list a b)))
(getel1!> (eval wss) (si!> b))) w)) )
(cond (w (putel1!> (evalform!> (dfsum!> w)) wd a)))))
(return t)))
% local aux function ...
(de si!> (w)
(cond ((eqn w 1) 1)
((eqn w 2) 0)
((eqn w 0) 2)))
% Get Traceless Torsion spinor ...
(de gcf!> (wa wb)
((and (eqn wa 0) (eqn wb 0)) (getel2!> !#!Q!C 0 0))
((and (eqn wa 0) (eqn wb 1)) (getel2!> !#!Q!C 1 0))
((and (eqn wa 0) (eqn wb 2)) (getel2!> !#!Q!C 2 0))
((and (eqn wa 1) (eqn wb 0)) (getel2!> !#!Q!C 1 1))
((and (eqn wa 1) (eqn wb 1)) (getel2!> !#!Q!C 2 1))
((and (eqn wa 1) (eqn wb 2)) (getel2!> !#!Q!C 3 1))
((and (eqn wa 2) (eqn wb 0)) (list 'times -1 (getel2!> !#!Q!C 0 1)))
((and (eqn wa 2) (eqn wb 1)) (list 'times -1 (getel2!> !#!Q!C 1 1)))
((and (eqn wa 2) (eqn wb 2)) (list 'times -1 (getel2!> !#!Q!C 2 1)))
((and (eqn wa 3) (eqn wb 0)) (list 'times -1 (getel2!> !#!Q!C 1 0)))
((and (eqn wa 3) (eqn wb 1)) (list 'times -1 (getel2!> !#!Q!C 2 0)))
((and (eqn wa 3) (eqn wb 2)) (list 'times -1 (getel2!> !#!Q!C 3 0))) ))
% Get Torsion Trace spinor ...
(de gqf!> (wa wb)
(gqpf!> wa wb (car ![sgn!]) !#!Q!T))
% Get Torsion Pseudotrace spinor ...
(de gpf!> (wa wb)
(gqpf!> wa wb (cond ((mppp!>) 'i) (t '(minus i))) !#!Q!P))
(de gqpf!> (wa wb w lst)
((and (eqn wa 0) (eqn wb 1))
(list 'times (mkq!> w 6 nil) (getel1!> lst 0)))
((and (eqn wa 0) (eqn wb 2))
(list 'times (mkq!> w 3 t) (getel1!> lst 3)))
((and (eqn wa 3) (eqn wb 0))
(list 'times (mkq!> w 3 nil) (getel1!> lst 0)))
((and (eqn wa 3) (eqn wb 1))
(list 'times (mkq!> w 6 t) (getel1!> lst 3)))
((and(eqn wa 2) (eqn wb 1))
(list 'times (mkq!> w 6 nil) (getel1!> lst 2)))
((and (eqn wa 2) (eqn wb 2))
(list 'times (mkq!> w 3 t) (getel1!> lst 1)))
((and (eqn wa 1) (eqn wb 0))
(list 'times (mkq!> w 3 nil) (getel1!> lst 2)))
((and (eqn wa 1) (eqn wb 1))
(list 'times (mkq!> w 6 t) (getel1!> lst 1))) ))
(de mkq!> (wd wn wb)
(list 'quotient (cond (wb (list 'minus wd)) (t wd)) wn))
(de qtfromqq!> nil
(prog nil
(makebox!> '!#!Q!T)
(fordim!> a do
(putel1!> (evalalg!> (vform1!> (getup!> !#!D a) (car !#!Q!Q)))
!#!Q!T a))))
(de qpfromqqa!> nil
(prog (w)
(makebox!> '!#!Q!P)
(setq w (dual!> (car !#!Q!Q!A)))
(fordim!> a do
(putel1!> (evalalg!> (vform1!> (getup!> !#!D a) w))
!#!Q!P a))))
%------- Undotted Curvature 2-forms. 01.91 --------------------------------
% wd - internal variable, fun - get function, wss - s-forms
(de crfr!> (wd fun wss)
(prog (w)
(set wd (mkspace!> '((n . 2))))
(for!> a (0 1 2) do (progn
(setq w nil)
(for!> b (0 1 2) do
(setq w(cons(fndfpr!>(list 'times
(cond((eqn b 1) '(minus 2))(t 1))
(apply fun (list a b)))
(getel1!> (eval wss) (si!> b)))w)) )
(cond(w(putel1!>(evalform!>(dfsum!> w)) (eval wd) a)))))
(return t)))
% Get Wayl spinor ...
(de gwf!> (wa wb)
(getel1!> !#!R!W (plus wa wb)))
% Get Traceless Ricci spinor ...
(de gtf!> (wa wb)
(list 'times (cond ((pmmm!>) '(quotient -1 2))
(t '(quotient 1 2)))
(getel2h!> !#!R!C wa wb)))
% Get Traceless Deviation spinor ...
(de gbf!> (wa wb)
(list 'times (cond ((pmmm!>) '(quotient i 2))
(t '(quotient (minus i) 2)))
(getel2h!> !#!R!B wa wb)))
% Get Scalar Curvature spinor ...
(de gsf!> (wa wb)
(cond((or(and(eqn wa 0)(eqn wb 2))(and(eqn wa 2)(eqn wb 0)))
(list 'times '(quotient 1 12) (car !#!R!R)))
((and(eqn wa 1)(eqn wb 1))
(list 'times '(quotient (minus 1) 24)(car !#!R!R)))
(t nil)))
% Get Scalar Deviation spinor ...
(de gdf!> (wa wb)
(cond((or(and(eqn wa 0)(eqn wb 2))(and(eqn wa 2)(eqn wb 0)))
(list 'times '(quotient i 12)(car !#!R!D)))
((and(eqn wa 1)(eqn wb 1))
(list 'times '(quotient (minus i) 24)(car !#!R!D)))
(t nil)))
% Get Antisymmetric Ricci spinor ...
(de gaf!> (wa wb)
(cond((and(eqn wa 0)(eqn wb 1))
(list 'times (sgnm!>) '(quotient -1 2) (getel1!> !#!R!A 0)))
((and(eqn wa 0)(eqn wb 2))
(list 'times (sgnm!>) -1 (getel1!> !#!R!A 1)))
((and(eqn wa 1)(eqn wb 0))
(list 'times (sgnm!>) '(quotient 1 2) (getel1!> !#!R!A 0)))
((and(eqn wa 1)(eqn wb 2))
(list 'times (sgnm!>) '(quotient -1 2)(getel1!> !#!R!A 2)))
((and(eqn wa 2)(eqn wb 0))
(list 'times (sgnm!>) (getel1!> !#!R!A 1)))
((and(eqn wa 2)(eqn wb 1))
(list 'times (sgnm!>) '(quotient 1 2) (getel1!> !#!R!A 2)))
(t nil)))
% Signature ...
(de sgnm!> nil
(cond ((pmmm!>) -1) (t 1)))
%=========== End of GRGgeom.sl ============================================%