
Artifact [eabfa928d7]

Artifact eabfa928d74d3e99617394dc1abc505465d8df79:

The Free Software Utilization License

Version 3

This work is provided under the terms of The 3-Clause BSD License, combined
with the following additional terms, whose intent is to provide for payment
commensurate with the use of this work to the copyright holder(s) of this
work or their assignees.

Redistributions of the source code of any work derived from this work or
including this work or parts of it must be accompanied by a copy of the
source code of this work, or by some means of automatically and freely
reproducing the source code of this work from the source code of the
including or derived work.

This work is free in the sense that it places no restriction on what the
user may do with it.  It is also free of charge for the purposes of
evaluating, testing, and demonstrating it.

For productive use of this work or any part of it, including providing a
service that allows others to make productive use of it, you agree to pay to
the copyright holder(s) of this work or their assignee(s) an amount equal to at
least the amount you pay for the computing resources used to utilize this
program or any part of it.  If you own the computing resources, the amount you
pay for those resources is the cost to you of operating them, plus the prorated
portion of the cost of acquiring, owning and maintaining them that is
applicable the utilization of this program or any part of it.  Payment for each
utilization shall be made no later than 180 days after utilization.

If it is not possible to pay the copyright holder(s) of this work or their
assignees, you may instead transfer payment to the Free Software Foundation,
accompanied by instructions to forward, if possible, payment to the copyright
holder(s) of this work, after deducting a reasonable amount for their services.
If such payment is not possible, or if Free Software Foundation fails to remain
a legitimate and effective steward of such payments, you may instead transfer
payment to an organization widely deemed to be a legitimate and effective
steward of such payments.

This license automatically extends in its entirety to the user of each
copy of this work, parts of this work, and every work derived from this