Support Projects
- SQLite: C-language library that implements a small, fast,
self-contained, high-reliability, full-featured, SQL database engine
- pikchr: PIC-like markup language for diagrams in technical
- althttpd: simple, secure, and low resource usage webserver
that has run the website since 2004
- Lemon Parser Generator: re-entrant and thread-safe
LALR(1) parser with a less error-prone grammar syntax than YACC or BISON
- Makeheaders: automatically generate header files for C/C++ projects
Fossil Inspired Projects
- libfossil: 3rd party Fossil SCM Library API
- fnc: interactive text-based user interface for Fossil
- ChiselApp: Free Fossil SCM hosting!
- Inskinerator: The Fossil Skin Generator
- Fuel: cross-platform GUI front-end for the excellent Fossil SCM
- fsl: Tcl/Expect wrapper script extending Fossil functionality
Editor Plugins
Version Control/Software Configuration Management
- Git: Free and open source distributed version control system
- Subversion: Apache's open source version control system
- Mercurial: free, distributed source control management tool
- Game of Trees: version control which prioritizes ease of use and
simplicity over flexibility
- Darcs: free and open source, cross-platform version control system
- Pijul: patch-based distributed version control system
- Sapling: A Scalable, User-Friendly Source Control System
- Tcl: a simple-to-learn yet very powerful programming language