Dithering is the algorithm for preparing of image to black-white printing (old newspapers, old books) or for old displays systems. Here is 2 different implementations: general purpose with using of matrixes defined in imsh.scm library and special dithering algorithms.
Original image:
See results for Atkinson, Floyd-Steinberg, Ordered, Random, General Sierra, General Sierra Two Rows, General Sierra Low, General Floyd-Steinberg, General False Floyd-Steinberg, General Jarvis, General Stucki, General Atkinson, General Burkes:
Output image for Atkinson:
Output image for Floyd-Steiberg:
Output image for Ordered:
Output image for Random:
Output image for general Sierra:
Output image for general Sierra Two Rows:
Output image for general Sierra Low:
Output image for general Floyd-Steinberg:
Output image for general False Floyd-Steinberg:
Output image for general Jarvis:
Output image for general Stucki:
Output image for general Atkinson:
Output image for general Burkes: