Advent of Code

Artifact [bea59ec839]

Artifact [bea59ec839]

Artifact bea59ec8391292f7a2e91bf2ff0a36f42b85fa46248a3a8fb48133051cfc36d5:

#include <ctype.h>
#include <stdbool.h>
#include <stddef.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include "aocdailies.h"
#include "aocutils.h"

/* === aoc202422 =======================================================
===================================================================== */
static long long unsigned mix(long long unsigned a, long long unsigned b) {
    long long unsigned tmp = a ^ b;
    return tmp;

static long long unsigned prune(long long unsigned a) {
    return a % 16777216;

static void nextsecret(long long unsigned sec[2]) {
    sec[0] = sec[1];
    sec[1] = prune(mix(sec[0] * 64, sec[0]));
    sec[1] = prune(mix(sec[1] / 32, sec[1]));
    sec[1] = prune(mix(sec[1] * 2048, sec[1]));

static int deltamatch(int delta[4], int c[4]) {
    if (delta[0] != c[0]) return 0;
    if (delta[1] != c[1]) return 0;
    if (delta[2] != c[2]) return 0;
    if (delta[3] != c[3]) return 0;
    return 1;

void aoc202422(char *data, size_t len) {
    (void)len; // unused argument
    long long unsigned sum2000 = 0;
    long long unsigned secrets[2000] = {0};
    size_t nsecrets = 0;
    char *key = strtok(data, "\n");
    while (key) {
        long long unsigned secret[2];
        if (sscanf(key, "%llu", secret + 1) != 1) break;
        secrets[nsecrets++] = secret[1];
        for (int k = 0; k < 2000; k++) {
        sum2000 += secret[1];
        key = strtok(NULL, "\n");
    printf("The sum of all 2000th secrets is {%llu}.\n", sum2000);

    int c[4];
    int maxbananas = 0, totalbananas = 0;
    for (c[0] = -9; c[0] < 10; c[0]++) {
        for (c[1] = -9; c[1] < 10; c[1]++) {
            int c0c1 = c[0] + c[1];
            if (c0c1 < -9) continue;
            if (c0c1 > 9) continue;
            for (c[2] = -9; c[2] < 10; c[2]++) {
                int c1c2 = c[1] + c[2];
                int c0c1c2 = c[0] + c1c2;
                if (c1c2 < -9) continue;
                if (c1c2 > 9) continue;
                if (c0c1c2 < -9) continue;
                if (c0c1c2 > 9) continue;
                for (c[3] = -9; c[3] < 10; c[3]++) {
                    int c2c3 = c[2] + c[3];
                    int c1c2c3 = c1c2 + c[3];
                    int c0c1c2c3 = c0c1 + c2c3;
                    if (c2c3 < -9) continue;
                    if (c2c3 > 9) continue;
                    if (c1c2c3 < -9) continue;
                    if (c1c2c3 > 9) continue;
                    if (c0c1c2c3 < -9) continue;
                    if (c0c1c2c3 > 9) continue;
                    totalbananas = 0;
                    for (size_t s = 0; s < nsecrets; s++) {
                        int bananas = 0;
                        unsigned long long sec[2] = {0, secrets[s]};
                        int delta[4];
                        delta[0] = (sec[1] % 10) - (sec[0] % 10);
                        delta[1] = (sec[1] % 10) - (sec[0] % 10);
                        delta[2] = (sec[1] % 10) - (sec[0] % 10);
                        for (int round = 3; round < 2000; round++) {
                            delta[3] = (sec[1] % 10) - (sec[0] % 10);
                            if (deltamatch(delta, c)) {
                                bananas = sec[1] % 10;
                            delta[0] = delta[1];
                            delta[1] = delta[2];
                            delta[2] = delta[3];
                        totalbananas += bananas;
                    if (totalbananas > maxbananas) {
                        maxbananas = totalbananas;
    printf("Maximum bananas is (%d).\n", maxbananas);

/* === aoc202417 =======================================================
TODO: proper (recursive) solution for Part Two
===================================================================== */

static unsigned combo(unsigned operand, unsigned long long r[3]) {
    switch (operand) {
        default: fprintf(stderr, "Nope!\n"); exit(EXIT_FAILURE);
        case 0: return 0;
        case 1: return 1;
        case 2: return 2;
        case 3: return 3;
        case 4: return (unsigned)(r[0] & 0xFFFFFFFF);
        case 5: return (unsigned)(r[1] & 0xFFFFFFFF);
        case 6: return (unsigned)(r[2] & 0xFFFFFFFF);

static unsigned instruction(unsigned ip, unsigned opcode, unsigned operand,
                            unsigned long long r[3],
                            unsigned *out, size_t *outlen) {
    unsigned nextip = ip + 2;
    switch (opcode) {
        default: case 3: if (r[0]) { nextip = operand; } break;
        case 0: r[0] = r[0] / (1 << combo(operand, r)); break;
        case 1: r[1] = r[1] ^ operand; break;
        case 2: r[1] = combo(operand, r) % 8; break;
        case 4: r[1] = r[1] ^ r[2]; break;
        case 5: out[*outlen] = combo(operand, r) % 8;
                *outlen += 1;
        case 6: r[1] = r[0] / (1 << combo(operand, r)); break;
        case 7: r[2] = r[0] / (1 << combo(operand, r)); break;
    return nextip;

static unsigned long long findquine(unsigned *p, unsigned np,
      long long unsigned reg[4], unsigned sets3bits) {
    reg[0] = reg[3];
    reg[1] = reg[2] = 0;

    unsigned output[100];
    size_t outlen = 0;
    unsigned ip = 0;
    while (ip + 1 < np) {
        ip = instruction(ip, p[ip], p[ip+1], reg, output, &outlen);

    if (outlen > np) return 0;
    if (outlen == np) {
        for (unsigned k = 0; k < np; k++) {
            if (output[k] != p[k]) return 0;
        return 1;
    unsigned long long saved3 = reg[3];
    for (unsigned k = 0; k < 8; k++) {
        reg[3] = (saved3 << 3) + k;
        if (findquine(p, np, reg, sets3bits + 1)) {
            return 1;
        reg[3] = saved3;
    return 0;

void aoc202417(char *data, size_t len) {
    (void)len; //unused argument
    unsigned long long reg[4]; // A, B, and C ... and copy of A for Part Two
    char *dta = strstr(data, " A: "), *err;
    reg[0] = strtoull(dta + 4, &err, 10);
    dta = strstr(err, " B: ");
    reg[1] = strtoull(dta + 4, &err, 10);
    dta = strstr(err, " C: ");
    reg[2] = strtoull(dta + 4, &err, 10);
    dta = strstr(err, "Program: ") + 9;
    unsigned p[100] = {0}, np = 0;
    while (dta && *dta) {
        unsigned v = strtoul(dta, &err, 10);
        p[np++] = v;
        if (*err == 0) dta = NULL;
        else dta = err + 1; // skip comma
    unsigned output[100];
    size_t outlen = 0;
    unsigned ip = 0;
    while (ip + 1 < np) {
        ip = instruction(ip, p[ip], p[ip+1], reg, output, &outlen);
    printf("Program's output is {%u", output[0]);
    for (unsigned k = 1; k < outlen; k++) {
        printf(",%u", output[k]);

    printf("Program is          (%u", p[0]);
    for (unsigned k = 1; k < np; k++) {
        printf(",%u", p[k]);

#if 0
    // I'm not happy with my "solution".
    // It wasn't the program who found it.
    // I found it by studying closer and closer attempts

    // first I noticed that the program work 3 bits at a time,
    // so, to generate a sequence with 16 numbers it needs 48 bits

    // I then simply calculated the output with each 3-bit value one-by-one
    // until I had the whole thing

    // someday, maybe, I'll try to write a proper recursive solution
    reg[3] = 202322936867370;
    reg[3] = 0;
    if (findquine(p, np, reg, 0)) {
        printf("Start with A = %llu to get the quine.\n", reg[3]);
    } else {
        printf("Quine not found :(\n");

/* === aoc202409 =======================================================
   WOW! input consists of a 20,000 long string of numbers!
   Make an array of blocks, each with either -1 or the fileid
   For Part Two: make an array of blocks with the encoded value of
(fileid * 10) + length, or, when empty, the negative length
===================================================================== */

void aoc202409(char *data, size_t len) {
    (void)len; // unused argument
    int *disk = malloc(512 * sizeof *disk);
    size_t rdisk = 512;
    size_t ndisk = 0;
    int fileid = 0;
    while (*data) {
        for (int k = 0; k < *data - '0'; k++) {
            if (ndisk == rdisk) {
                // assume it works
                rdisk = (13*rdisk)/8;
                disk = realloc(disk, rdisk * sizeof *disk);
            disk[ndisk++] = (fileid * 10) + (*data - '0'); // encoded
        if (*data) {
            for (int k = 0; k < *data - '0'; k++) {
                if (ndisk == rdisk) {
                    // assume it works
                    rdisk = (13*rdisk)/8;
                    disk = realloc(disk, rdisk * sizeof *disk);
                disk[ndisk++] = -1 * (*data - '0'); // negative length
    // copy disk for Part Two
    int *diskcopy = malloc(ndisk * sizeof *disk);
    memcpy(diskcopy, disk, ndisk * sizeof *disk);

    int *left = disk, *right = disk + ndisk;
    for (;;) {
        while (*left >= 0) left++;
        if (left >= right) break;
        while (right[-1] < 0) right--;
        if (left >= right) break;
        // swap *left and right[-1]
        int tmp = *--right;
        *right = *left;
        *left++ = tmp;
    unsigned long long chksum = 0;
    size_t index = 0;
    while (disk[index] >= 0) {
        chksum += ((size_t)disk[index]/10) * index;
    printf("%llu\n", chksum);

    // part 2
    for (int filetomove = fileid - 1; filetomove > 0; filetomove--) {
        int *startoffile = diskcopy;
        while (*startoffile / 10 != filetomove) {
            if (*startoffile < 0) startoffile += -*startoffile;
            else startoffile += *startoffile % 10;
        int blocksneeded = *startoffile % 10;
        int *bigblock = diskcopy;
        while (bigblock < startoffile) {
            if (*bigblock < 0) {
                if (-*bigblock < blocksneeded) {
                    bigblock += -*bigblock;
                } else {
                    // found a suitable block: move and quit tightest loop
                    int bbsize = -*bigblock;
                    int k;
                    for (k = 0; k < blocksneeded; k++) {
                        int tmp = startoffile[k];
                        startoffile[k] = bigblock[k];
                        bigblock[k] = tmp;
                    for (; k < bbsize; k++) {
                        bigblock[k] += blocksneeded;
            } else {
                bigblock += *bigblock % 10;

    unsigned long long chksum2 = 0;
    index = 0;
    for (index = 0; index < ndisk; index++) {
        if (diskcopy[index] > 0) {
            chksum2 += ((size_t)diskcopy[index]/10) * index;
    printf("%llu\n", chksum2);

/* === aoc202408 =======================================================
   Oh! another square of text!
   Idea: for all points p with an antenna find all points q>p with
a corresponding frequency. For each such pair calculate the 2 antinodes
and add the resulting points (if not there already) to an array.
   The answer to Part One is the number of elements in the array
===================================================================== */

static unsigned *antinode_find(unsigned (*a)[2], size_t n,
                               unsigned col, unsigned row) {
    for (size_t k = 0; k < n; k++) {
        if ((a[k][0] == col) && (a[k][1] == row)) return a[k];
    return NULL;

void aoc202408(char *data, size_t len) {
    (void)len; // unused argument
    struct TextGrid tg; = data;
    tg.cols = strchr(data, '\n') - data + 1;
    tg.rows = tg.cols - 1; // rows includes the '\n'
    unsigned anti[512][2]; // locations of antinodes; col at index 0, row at 1
    unsigned nanti = 0;
    unsigned anti2[1024][2]; // locations of antinodes; col at index 0, row at 1
    unsigned nanti2 = 0;

    char *p = data;
    while (*p) {
        while ((*p == '.') || (*p == '\n')) p++;
        if (*p) {
            // p points to an antenna
            unsigned prow = TGrow(&tg, p), pcol = TGcol(&tg, p);
            char *q = strchr(p+1, *p);
            while (q) {
                // q points to an antenna of the same type as p
                unsigned qrow = TGrow(&tg, q), qcol = TGcol(&tg, q);
                int deltarow = (int)qrow - (int)prow;
                int deltacol = (int)qcol - (int)pcol;

                int anticol = (int)pcol - deltacol;
                int antirow = (int)prow - deltarow;
                unsigned *ff;
                if (TGvalid(&tg, (unsigned)anticol, (unsigned)antirow) && (*TGcharptr(&tg, (unsigned)anticol, (unsigned)antirow) != '\n')) {
                    ff = antinode_find(anti, nanti, (unsigned)anticol, (unsigned)antirow);
                    if (!ff) {
                        anti[nanti][0] = (unsigned)anticol;
                        anti[nanti++][1] = (unsigned)antirow;

                anticol = (int)qcol + deltacol;
                antirow = (int)qrow + deltarow;
                if (TGvalid(&tg, (unsigned)anticol, (unsigned)antirow) && (*TGcharptr(&tg, (unsigned)anticol, (unsigned)antirow) != '\n')) {
                    ff = antinode_find(anti, nanti, (unsigned)anticol, (unsigned)antirow);
                    if (!ff) {
                        anti[nanti][0] = (unsigned)anticol;
                        anti[nanti++][1] = (unsigned)antirow;

                int k;
                // q - delta is p; q -2delta is one afterwards, etc
                // add q - (k)delta to anti2 while valid
                k = 1;
                while (TGvalid(&tg, (unsigned)((int)qcol-k*deltacol), (unsigned)((int)qrow-k*deltarow)) && (*TGcharptr(&tg, (unsigned)((int)qcol-k*deltacol), (unsigned)((int)qrow-k*deltarow)) != '\n')) {
                    ff = antinode_find(anti2, nanti2, (unsigned)((int)qcol-k*deltacol), (unsigned)((int)qrow-k*deltarow));
                    if (!ff) {
                        anti2[nanti2][0] = (unsigned)((int)qcol-k*deltacol);
                        anti2[nanti2++][1] = (unsigned)((int)qrow-k*deltarow);
                // p + delta is q; p +2delta is one afterwards, etc
                // add p + (k)delta to anti2 while valid
                k = 1;
                while (TGvalid(&tg, (unsigned)((int)pcol+k*deltacol), (unsigned)((int)prow+k*deltarow)) && (*TGcharptr(&tg, (unsigned)((int)pcol+k*deltacol), (unsigned)((int)prow+k*deltarow)) != '\n')) {
                    ff = antinode_find(anti2, nanti2, (unsigned)((int)pcol+k*deltacol), (unsigned)((int)prow+k*deltarow));
                    if (!ff) {
                        anti2[nanti2][0] = (unsigned)((int)pcol+k*deltacol);
                        anti2[nanti2++][1] = (unsigned)((int)prow+k*deltarow);

                // next antenna of this type
                q = strchr(q+1, *p);
            p += 1;
    printf("There are %u antinodes within the map.\n", nanti);
    printf("There are %u resonant antinodes within the map.\n", nanti2);

/* === aoc202407 =======================================================
   Part one looks easy
   Part two also easy
 ===================================================================== */

static unsigned long long concat(unsigned long long a, unsigned long long b) {
    unsigned long long r = a, t = b;
    while (b) {
        r *= 10;
        b /= 10;
    return r + t;

static int operatorsrequired(unsigned long long v, unsigned long long *a, size_t n, int minop) {
    // assumes no unsigned long long overflowing
    if (n == 1) {
        if (v == *a) return minop;
        return 0;
    unsigned long long tmp = a[1];
    int pplus, pmult, pconcat = 0;
    a[1] = a[0] + tmp;
    pplus = operatorsrequired(v, a+1, n-1, 2);
    a[1] = tmp;
    a[1] = a[0] * tmp;
    pmult = operatorsrequired(v, a+1, n-1, 2);
    a[1] = tmp;
    if (!pplus && !pmult) {
        a[1] = concat(a[0], tmp);
        pconcat = operatorsrequired(v, a+1, n-1, 3);
        a[1] = tmp;
    if (pconcat) return 3;
    if (pplus || pmult) return (pplus > pmult) ? pplus : pmult;
    return 0;

void aoc202407(char *data, size_t len) {
    (void)len; // unused argument
    unsigned long long calibrationtotal = 0, calibration3total = 0;
    char *line = strtok(data, "\n");
    unsigned long long number[50], nnumber;
    while (line) {
        char *err;
        unsigned long long testvalue = strtoull(line, &err, 10);
        err += 1; // skip ':'
        nnumber = 0;
        while (*err == ' ') {
            number[nnumber++] = strtoul(err, &err, 10);
        switch (operatorsrequired(testvalue, number, nnumber, 0)) {
            default: break;
            case 2: calibrationtotal += testvalue;
            case 3: calibration3total += testvalue;
        line = strtok(NULL, "\n");
    printf("The calibration total is {%llu}.\n", calibrationtotal);
    printf("The calibration total with three operators is {%llu}.\n", calibration3total);

/* === aoc202406 =======================================================
   Hmmm, I've done something like this already this year... on day 4
   I need rcmap() moved to aocutils ... done; now it's called `linearize2d`
Part Two: brute force? It likely is faster than coming up with an algo
   Let's go: save map, for every available position put in an obstacle,
   loop around until some place is visited 4? times or area is exited
TODO remove linearize2d
===================================================================== */

static bool validpos(unsigned s, int r, int c) {
    if (r < 0) return false;
    if (c < 0) return false;
    if ((unsigned)r >= s - 1) return false;
    if ((unsigned)c >= s - 1) return false;
    return true;

static void rightturn(int *drow, int *dcol) {
    if (*drow) { *dcol = -*drow; *drow = 0; }
    else       { *drow =  *dcol; *dcol = 0; }

void aoc202406(char *data, size_t len) {
    char *savedmap = malloc(len + 1);
    strcpy(savedmap, data);
    // assume data is well-formatted and has the same number of rows and columns
    unsigned size = 1 + strchr(data, '\n') - data;
    unsigned linear_pos = strchr(data, '^') - data;
    int row_pos = (int)(linear_pos / size);
    int col_pos = (int)(linear_pos % size);
    int deltarow = -1, deltacol = 0;
    //printf("character at [%u, %u] is '%c'\n", row_pos, col_pos, data[linearize2d(size, row_pos, col_pos)]);
    unsigned visited = 1;
    data[linearize2d(size, (unsigned)row_pos, (unsigned)col_pos)] = 'X'; // initial place visited
    while (validpos(size, row_pos + deltarow, col_pos + deltacol)) {
        switch (data[linearize2d(size, (unsigned)(row_pos+deltarow), (unsigned)(col_pos+deltacol))]) {
            default: exit(EXIT_FAILURE); // does not happen
            case '#': rightturn(&deltarow, &deltacol); break;
            case '.': visited++;
                      data[linearize2d(size, (unsigned)(row_pos+deltarow), (unsigned)(col_pos+deltacol))] = 'X';
            case 'X': row_pos += deltarow;
                      col_pos += deltacol;
    printf("The guard visits %u positions before leaving the area.\n", visited);
    // Part Two
    unsigned rowblock = 0, colblock = 0, positions = 0;
    int row_initial = (int)(linear_pos / size);
    int col_initial = (int)(linear_pos % size);
    for (;;) {
        strcpy(data, savedmap);
        if (data[linearize2d(size, (unsigned)rowblock, (unsigned)colblock)] == '.') {
            data[linearize2d(size, (unsigned)rowblock, (unsigned)colblock)] = '#'; // block it
            row_pos = row_initial; col_pos = col_initial;
            deltarow = -1; deltacol = 0;
            data[linearize2d(size, (unsigned)row_pos, (unsigned)col_pos)] = '1';
            bool looping = false;
            while (!looping && validpos(size, row_pos + deltarow, col_pos + deltacol)) {
                switch (data[linearize2d(size, (unsigned)(row_pos+deltarow), (unsigned)(col_pos+deltacol))]) {
                    default: puts("stepped on default"); exit(EXIT_FAILURE);
                    case '#': if (data[linearize2d(size, (unsigned)(row_pos), (unsigned)(col_pos))] == '4') looping = true;
                              rightturn(&deltarow, &deltacol);
                    case '4': looping = true; break;
                    case '.': data[linearize2d(size, (unsigned)(row_pos+deltarow), (unsigned)(col_pos+deltacol))] = '0';
                    case '1':
                    case '2':
                    case '3': data[linearize2d(size, (unsigned)(row_pos+deltarow), (unsigned)(col_pos+deltacol))]++;
                              row_pos += deltarow;
                              col_pos += deltacol;
            if (looping) positions++;
        if (colblock == size) {
            colblock = 0;
            if (rowblock == size) break;
    printf("You can obstruct %u different positions.\n", positions);

/* === aoc202405 =======================================================
===================================================================== */

static int ppcmp(unsigned a, unsigned b, unsigned (*r)[2], size_t nr) {
    for (size_t k = 0; k < nr; k++) {
        if ((a == r[k][0]) && (b == r[k][1])) return -1;
        if ((a == r[k][1]) && (b == r[k][0])) return 1;
    return 0;

// can't be bothered to do anything other than bubble sort
static void reorder(unsigned *a, size_t na, unsigned (*r)[2], size_t nr) {
    for (size_t range = na; --range > 0; /*void*/) {
        for (size_t outer = 0; outer < range; outer++) {
            if (ppcmp(a[outer], a[outer+1], r, nr) > 0) {
                unsigned tmp = a[outer];
                a[outer] = a[outer+1];
                a[outer+1] = tmp;

static const unsigned *vfind(unsigned v, const unsigned *a, size_t n) {
    for (size_t k = 0; k < n; k++) {
        if (a[k] == v) return a + k;
    return NULL;

void aoc202405(char *data, size_t len) {
    (void)len; // unused argument
    unsigned pagepair[1200][2], npp = 0; // 1200 works for me
    char *line = strtok(data, "\n");
    while (strchr(line, '|')) {
        char *err;
        pagepair[npp][0] = strtoul(line, &err, 10);
        err += 1; // skip '|'
        pagepair[npp][1] = strtoul(err, &err, 10);
        line = strtok(NULL, "\n");
    unsigned update[32], nupdates; // 32 works for me
    unsigned accumsum = 0, accumsum2 = 0;
    do {
        nupdates = 0;
        char *err = line;
        for (;;) {
            update[nupdates++] = strtoul(err, &err, 10);
            if (*err == ',') err++;
            else break;
        if (nupdates % 2 == 0) printf("even number of updates found!\n");
        unsigned accum = update[nupdates / 2];
        for (size_t k = 0; k < npp; k++) {
            const unsigned *before = vfind(pagepair[k][0], update, nupdates);
            if (!before) continue;
            const unsigned *after = vfind(pagepair[k][1], update, nupdates);
            if (!after) continue;
            if (before > after) {
                accum = 0;
                // reorder `update` according to `pagepair`
                reorder(update, nupdates, pagepair, npp);
                accumsum2 += update[nupdates / 2];
        accumsum += accum;
    } while ((line = strtok(NULL, "\n")) != NULL);
    printf("The sum of middle update numbers is {%u}.\n", accumsum);
    printf("The sum of middle update numbers for newly ordered updates is {%u}.\n", accumsum2);

/* === aoc202404 =======================================================
TODO remove linearize2d
===================================================================== */

static bool masat(char *data, unsigned size, unsigned row, unsigned col, int drow, int dcol) {
    int maxrow = (int)row + 3*drow;
    int maxcol = (int)col + 3*dcol;
    if ((0 <= maxrow) && (maxrow < (int)size) && (0 <= maxcol) && (maxcol < (int)size)) {
        if (data[linearize2d(size+1, (unsigned)((int)row + drow), (unsigned)((int)col + dcol))] != 'M') return false;
        if (data[linearize2d(size+1, (unsigned)((int)row + 2*drow), (unsigned)((int)col + 2*dcol))] != 'A') return false;
        if (data[linearize2d(size+1, (unsigned)((int)row + 3*drow), (unsigned)((int)col + 3*dcol))] != 'S') return false;
    } else {
        return false;
    return true;

static unsigned xmasat(char *data, unsigned size, unsigned row, unsigned col) {
    unsigned finds = 0;
    if (data[linearize2d(size+1, row, col)] != 'X') return 0;
    if (masat(data, size, row, col, -1, -1)) finds++;
    if (masat(data, size, row, col, -1,  0)) finds++;
    if (masat(data, size, row, col, -1, +1)) finds++;
    if (masat(data, size, row, col,  0, -1)) finds++;
    if (masat(data, size, row, col,  0, +1)) finds++;
    if (masat(data, size, row, col, +1, -1)) finds++;
    if (masat(data, size, row, col, +1,  0)) finds++;
    if (masat(data, size, row, col, +1, +1)) finds++;
    return finds;

static bool Xmasat(char *data, unsigned size, unsigned row, unsigned col) {
    unsigned tmp = 0;
    if (data[linearize2d(size+1, row, col)] != 'A') return false;
    if (data[linearize2d(size+1, row-1, col-1)] == 'M') tmp |= 1;
    if (data[linearize2d(size+1, row-1, col-1)] == 'S') tmp |= 2;
    if (data[linearize2d(size+1, row-1, col+1)] == 'M') tmp |= 4;
    if (data[linearize2d(size+1, row-1, col+1)] == 'S') tmp |= 8;
    if (data[linearize2d(size+1, row+1, col+1)] == 'M') tmp |= 1;
    if (data[linearize2d(size+1, row+1, col+1)] == 'S') tmp |= 2;
    if (data[linearize2d(size+1, row+1, col-1)] == 'M') tmp |= 4;
    if (data[linearize2d(size+1, row+1, col-1)] == 'S') tmp |= 8;
    return (tmp == 15);

void aoc202404(char *data, size_t len) {
    (void)len; // unused argument
    // assume data is well-formatted and has the same number of rows and columns
    unsigned size = strchr(data, '\n') - data;
    unsigned xmascount = 0, Xmascount = 0;
    for (unsigned row = 0; row < size; row++) {
        for (unsigned col = 0; col < size; col++) {
            xmascount += xmasat(data, size, row, col);
            if ((1 <= row) && (row < size - 1) && (1 <= col) && (col < size - 1)) {
                if (Xmasat(data, size, row, col)) Xmascount++;
    printf("XMAS appears %u times in the little Elf's word search.\n", xmascount);
    printf("X-MAS appears %u times in the little Elf's word search.\n", Xmascount);

/* === aoc202403 =======================================================
===================================================================== */

void aoc202403(char *data, size_t len) {
    (void)len; // unused argument
    unsigned sumproducts = 0, sumproducts2 = 0, term[2];
    char *rest = data;
    char *doleft = data;
    char *dorite = strstr(data + 1, "do()");
    char *dontleft = data;
    char *dontrite = strstr(dontleft + 1, "don't()");
    for (;;) {
        char *mul = strstr(rest, "mul(");
        if (mul) {
            // make sure `doleft` and `dorite` are to the left and right of `mul`
            while (dorite && (mul > dorite)) {
                doleft = dorite;
                dorite = strstr(dorite + 1, "do()");
            // also for `dontleft` and `dontrite`
            while (dontrite && (mul > dontrite)) {
                dontleft = dontrite;
                dontrite = strstr(dontrite + 1, "don't()");
            rest = mul + 4;
            if (isdigit((unsigned char)rest[0])) {
                char *err;
                term[0] = strtoul(rest, &err, 10);
                if (*err == ',') {
                    if (isdigit((unsigned char)err[1])) {
                        rest = err + 1;
                        term[1] = strtoul(rest, &err, 10);
                        if (*err == ')') {
                            sumproducts += term[0] * term[1];
                            // multiply by 0 if closest conditional to the left is "don't()"
                            sumproducts2 += (doleft >= dontleft) * (term[0] * term[1]);
                            rest = err + 1;
        } else {
    printf("The sum of the products is {%u}.\n", sumproducts);
    printf("The sum of the products with conditionals is {%u}.\n", sumproducts2);

/* === aoc202402 =======================================================
===================================================================== */

static bool safereport(unsigned *v, size_t nv) {
    int dir = 1;               // ascending
    if (v[0] > v[1]) dir = -1; // descending
    for (size_t k = 1; k < nv; k++) {
        if (v[k-1] == v[k]) return false;
        if (distance(v[k-1], v[k]) > 3) return false;
        if (dir == -1) {
            if (v[k-1] < v[k]) return false;
        } else {
            if (v[k-1] > v[k]) return false;
    return true;

static bool safereportdamp(unsigned *v, size_t nv) {
    for (size_t swap = 0; swap < nv; swap++) {       //               abcd...wx
        unsigned tmp = v[swap];                      // swap(0,   0): abcd...wx
        v[swap] = v[0];                              // swap(1,   0): bacd...wx
        v[0] = tmp;                                  // swap(2,   0): cabd...wx
        if (safereport(v + 1, nv - 1)) return true;  // ... and so on ...
    }                                                // swap(n-1, 0): xabc...vw
    return false;

void aoc202402(char *data, size_t len) {
    (void)len; // unused argument
    unsigned safe = 0, safe2 = 0;
    char *line = strtok(data, "\n");
    while (line) {
        unsigned *arr = NULL;
        size_t narr = text2array(&arr, line);
        if (safereport(arr, narr)) {
            safe += 1;
            safe2 += 1;
        } else {
            safe2 += safereportdamp(arr, narr) ? 1 : 0;
        line = strtok(NULL, "\n");
    printf("There are %u safe reports.\n", safe);
    printf("There are %u safe reports with the Problem Dampener.\n", safe2);

/* === aoc202401 =======================================================
===================================================================== */

static int delta(const void *a, const void *b) {
    const unsigned *aa = a;
    const unsigned *bb = b;
    if (*aa > *bb) return 1;
    if (*aa < *bb) return -1;
    return 0;

#  error LISTSIZE already defined
#define LISTSIZE 1200
void aoc202401(char *data, size_t len) {
    (void)len; // unused argument
    unsigned v[2];                                 // values from data
    char *err;
    unsigned list1[LISTSIZE], list2[LISTSIZE];     // the lists
    size_t n1 = 0, n2 = 0;
    while ((v[0] = strtoul(data, &err, 10))) {     // assume well-formatted data
        data = err;
        v[1] = strtoul(data, &err, 10);
        data = err;
        list1[n1++] = v[0];                        // add v[0] to list1
        list2[n2++] = v[1];                        // add v[1] to list2
    // redundant check :-)
    if (n1 != n2) printf("Error: list are not the same size\n");

    // sort the lists
    qsort(list1, n1, sizeof *list1, delta);
    qsort(list2, n2, sizeof *list2, delta);

    // part1
    unsigned sumdeltas = 0;
    for (size_t k = 0; k < n1; k++) {
        sumdeltas += (list1[k] > list2[k]) ? list1[k] - list2[k] : list2[k] - list1[k];
    printf("Total distance between lists is {%u}.\n", sumdeltas);

    // part2
    unsigned similarity = 0;
    for (size_t k = 0; k < n1; k++) {
#if 1 // use the fact lists are sorted: complexity: O(n log n)
        unsigned leftcount = 1; // number of equal values in list1
        while ((k + leftcount < n1) && (list1[k] == list1[k + leftcount])) leftcount++;
        // find list1 k'ths value in list2
        unsigned *p = bsearch(list1 + k, list2, n2, sizeof *list2, delta);
        if (p) {
            ptrdiff_t idxl = p - list2; // search backwards and forwards in list2
            ptrdiff_t idxr = p - list2; // for the k'th value in list1
            while ((idxl > 0) && (list2[idxl - 1] == *p)) idxl -= 1;
            while ((idxr < (int)n2 - 1) && (list2[idxr + 1] == *p)) idxr += 1;
            unsigned rightcount = idxr - idxl + 1; // number of repeats in list2
            similarity += *p * rightcount * leftcount;
        k += leftcount - 1; // adjust loop control variable
        // loop inside loop: complexity O(n^2); don't care lists are sorted
        unsigned count = 0;
        for (size_t kk = 0; kk < n2; kk++) {
            if (list1[k] == list2[kk]) count++;
        similarity += list1[k] * count;
    printf("Similarity score between lists is {%u}.\n", similarity);