
glcontrols Module



(require iup/glcontrols)
CHICKEN (require-extension iup-glcontrols)

Support for controls embedded in an OpenGL canvas. Initializes the IUP GLCanvas and GLControls libraries when loaded. Re-exports the canvas management procedures from the glcanvas module.

GLCanvasBox and Embedded Controls

(glcanvasbox [child ihandle?] ... #:<name> <value> ...) → ihandle?

Creates a new OpenGL canvas with support for child elements. The given children may be layout containers without visual representation or instances of the other controls from this module.

(glsubcanvas #:<name> <value> ...) → ihandle?

Creates a child of an OpenGL canvas box that can be used to draw custom user interface elements.

(glframe [child (or/c ihandle? #f) #f] #:<name> <value> ...) → ihandle?

Creates a frame element with a title around a given child.

(glexpander [child (or/c ihandle? #f) #f] #:<name> <value> ...) → ihandle?

Creates an expander element that can interactively show or hide a given child.

(glscrollbox [child (or/c ihandle? #f) #f] #:<name> <value> ...) → ihandle?

Creates a scrollable container around a given child.

(glsizebox [child (or/c ihandle? #f) #f] #:<name> <value> ...) → ihandle?

Creates a resizable container around a given child.

(glseparator #:<name> <value> ...) → ihandle?

Creates a separator line.

(gllabel [title (or/c string? #f) #f] #:<name> <value> ...) → ihandle?

Creates a label interface element, which displays text or an image.

(gllink [url (or/c string? #f) #f] [title (or/c string? #f) #f] #:<name> <value> ...) → ihandle?

Creates a link interface element, which displays some text like a label and links to a URL.

(glbutton [title (or/c string? #f) #f] #:<name> <value> ...) → ihandle?

Creates a button element with the given title.

(gltoggle [title (or/c string? #f) #f] #:<name> <value> ...) → ihandle?

Creates a toggle button element with the given title.

(glvaluator #:<name> <value> ...) → ihandle?

Creates a valuator control.

(glprogress-bar #:<name> <value> ...) → ihandle?

Creates a progress bar control.