

API Documentation

An extension is provided that you can import:

  (require-extension agar)

In addition, foreign types used by the library can be included:

  (include "agar-types.scm")

Error Handling

All the procedures do automatic error checking and may throw exceptions of the kind (exn agar). Note that some errors put the native library into an inconsistent state.

procedure: (agar-condition? ANY) → BOOLEAN

Checks whether the given object is a condition of kind (exn agar).

procedure: (make-agar-condition MESSAGE) → CONDITION

Creates a new condition of kind (exn agar) with the given error message.

parameter: current-agar-condition

Synthetic parameter holding the current error state of Agar as a condition object. Returns #f or a condition of kind (exn agar) when called without arguments. Turns any argument into an error message that is set as the Agar error state.

procedure: (check-agar-condition [STATUS]) → STATUS

Checks if status is #f or negative. If that is the case, or if status is not given at all, checks the values of current-agar-condition. If there is an error state, it is raised as a continuable exception.

If there is no error state, the status (or an unspecified value) is returned.

Library Initialization

procedure: (init-agar! [program: STRING] [verbose?: BOOLEAN] [create-datadir?: BOOLEAN] [soft-timers?: BOOLEAN] [graphics: BOOLEAN|STRING]) → UNSPECIFIED

Initializes the Agar library, passing various flags as specified. If the graphics keyword argument is given and either #t or a driver name, the graphics subsystem is also initialized.

Object System

procedure: (object? ANY [CLASS]) → BOOLEAN

Checks whether the given value is an Agar object (of the given class).

procedure: (make-object CLASS [parent: OBJECT] [name: STRING]) → OBJECT

Creates a new object of the given class, optionally attached to the given parent and identified by the given name.

procedure: (destroy-object! OBJECT) → UNSPECIFIED

Destroys the given object.

procedure: (object-class OBJECT) → CLASS

Returns the class descriptor of the given Agar object.

procedure: (object-name OBJECT) → STRING

procedure: (object-name-set! OBJECT STRING) → UNSPECIFIED

Accessors for the name identifying an Agar object within the context of the parent it is attached to.

object-name has object-name-set! attached as a setter.

procedure: (lookup-object OBJECT PATH) → OBJECT

Locates an object by its name and the names of its parents, starting at a given root object.

syntax: (:object-child <VARIABLE> OBJECT)

SRFI-42 generator for the children of a given Agar object.

procedure: (object-children OBJECT) → LIST

Returns the children of a given Agar object as a list.

procedure: (class? ANY) → BOOLEAN

Checks whether the given value is an Agar class descriptor.

procedure: (lookup-class NAME) → CLASS

Locates an Agar class descriptor by name. Returns #f if no matching class is found.

procedure: (class-hierarchy CLASS) → STRING

Returns the full name of the given class descriptor.

procedure: (class-version CLASS) → (values INTEGER INTEGER)

Returns the major and minor version of the given class descriptor.

procedure: (object-ref OBJECT NAME) → ANY

procedure: (object-set! OBJECT NAME ANY) → UNSPECIFIED

Accessors for the value of a bound variable identified by the given name in the given Agar object.

object-ref has object-set! attached as a setter.

procedure: (event-add! OBJECT NAME PROC) → UNSPECIFIED

Adds a handler procedure to the event identifier by the given name in the given Agar object.


procedure: (widget-expand! WIDGET [hfill: BOOLEAN] [vfill: BOOLEAN] [expand: BOOLEAN]) → UNSPECIFIED

Makes the given widget fill available layout space in horizontal, vertical or both directions.

procedure: (widget-position-set! WIDGET X Y) → UNSPECIFIED

Sets the layout position of the given widget.

procedure: (widget-size-set! WIDGET WIDTH HEIGHT) → UNSPECIFIED

Sets the layout dimensions of the given widget.

procedure: (make-window [name: STRING] [caption: STRING] [main?: BOOLEAN]) → OBJECT

Creates a new window, passing various flags and settings as specified.

procedure: (window-caption WINDOW) → STRING

procedure: (window-caption-set! WINDOW STRING) → UNSPECIFIED

Accessors for the title of a given window.

window-caption has window-caption-set! attached as a setter.

procedure: (window-visible? WINDOW) → STRING

procedure: (window-visible-set! WINDOW STRING) → UNSPECIFIED

Accessors for the visibility state of a given window.

window-visible? has window-visible-set! attached as a setter.

procedure: (make-box PARENT [name: STRING] [label: STRING] [orient: SYMBOL] [homogenous?: BOOLEAN] [padding: INTEGER] [spacing: INTEGER] [hfill?: BOOLEAN] [vfill?: BOOLEAN] [expand?: BOOLEAN]) → OBJECT

Creates a new layout container, passing various flags and settings as specified. The orientation can be one of the symbols horizontal, horiz, vertical, vert.

procedure: (make-button PARENT [name: STRING] [label: STRING] [sticky?: BOOLEAN] [hfill?: BOOLEAN] [vfill?: BOOLEAN] [expand?: BOOLEAN]) → OBJECT

Creates a new button, passing various flags and settings as specified.

procedure: (make-checkbox PARENT [name: STRING] [label: STRING] [state: BOOLEAN] [hfill?: BOOLEAN] [vfill?: BOOLEAN] [expand?: BOOLEAN]) → OBJECT

Creates a new checkbox, passing various flags and settings as specified.

procedure: (make-radio PARENT [name: STRING] [label: STRING] [items: LIST] [hfill?: BOOLEAN] [vfill?: BOOLEAN] [expand?: BOOLEAN]) → OBJECT

Creates a new radio button group, passing various flags and settings as specified.

procedure: (radio-items-clear! RADIO) → UNSPECIFIED

Removes all radio buttons from a given group.

procedure: (radio-item-add! RADIO STRING) → UNSPECIFIED

Adds a radio button to a given group.

procedure: (make-textbox PARENT [name: STRING] [label: STRING] [multiline?: BOOLEAN] [multilingual?: BOOLEAN] [password?: BOOLEAN] [int-only?: BOOLEAN] [flt-only?: BOOLEAN] [catch-tab?: BOOLEAN] [noemacs?: BOOLEAN] [nolatin1?: BOOLEAN] [nopopup?: BOOLEAN] [readonly?: BOOLEAN] [hfill?: BOOLEAN] [vfill?: BOOLEAN] [expand?: BOOLEAN]) → OBJECT

Creates a new textbox, passing various flags and settings as specified.

procedure: (textbox-string TEXTBOX) → STRING

procedure: (textbox-string-set! TEXTBOX STRING) → STRING

Accessors for the string content in a textbox.

textbox-string has textbox-string-set! attached as a setter.

Event Loop

procedure: (event-loop) → INTEGER

Runs the event loop until terminate! is called (explicitly or implicitly). Returns an arbitrary exit status code.

procedure: (terminate! [INTEGER]) → UNSPECIFIED

Terminates a running event loop, optionally passing the given status code.