Base64 Encoding
(import (data base64))
Encoding and decoding of binary data in Base64 format.
syntax: (base64-option symbol)
syntax: (base64-options symbol ...)
The enumeration has the members uri-safe and padding.
procedure: (base64-encode bytevector)
procedure: (base64-encode bytevector options)
Encodes the given bytevector into a string. Without options, the result has no padding and uses the default Base64 alphabet. With the uri-safe option, the characters "-" and "_" replace "+" and "/" in the alphabet. With the padding option, the output may be terminated by "=" characters unless the input length is a multiple of three.
procedure: (base64-encode string)
Decodes the given string into a bytevector. Accepts encodings in the standard or uri-safe alphabets and ignores any number of padding characters at the end of the input.