Pikchr is mostly compatible with legacy PIC in the sense that it will run most of the example scripts contained in the original technical report on PIC by BWK with little to no change. Nevertheless, some features of legacy PIC have been omitted, and new features have been added. This article attempts to highlight the important differences.
Pikchr is implemented from scratch, without reference to the original PIC code, and without even access to a working version of legacy PIC with which to perform experiments. The syntax implemented by Pikchr is based solely on the descriptions in the BWK tech report which was intended as a user manual, not a precise description of the language. Consequently, some details of Pikchr may differ from PIC without our even being aware of it. This document tries to list the differences that we know of. But there are likely omissions.
Designed for the Web
Pikchr is designed to be embedded in Markdown, generating SVG
output embedded into the resulting HTML. It is
intended for use in software development and software project
management systems for the 2020s and beyond. Examples of this focus are
Pikchr’s understanding of CSS color names and its allowance for
Unicode arrows (→, ←, ↔) as directions in arrow
commands to
avoid problems with angle bracket interpretation in SVG+HTML.
PIC was designed to be embedded in troff - an historically significant but now obsolete markup language developed at Bell Labs in the late 1970s and early 1980s. PIC could include troff markup in the middle of a drawing, a capability omitted from Pikchr (obviously).
New Object Types
Pikchr supports several new object types that were unavailable in PIC.
oval "oval" move diamond "diamond" move cylinder "cylinder" move file "file" move dot " dot" ljust
Additional object types may be added in subsequent versions of Pikchr.
Units Other Than Inches
PIC operated purely in inches. Pikchr allows you to attach a
units designator on numeric literals so that distances can be easily
expressed in other units. For example, you can write "2.3cm
" to
mean 2.3 centimeters. This is easier and more intuitive than writing
something like
". Pikchr still does all of its calculations in inches,
internally. The "cm" suffix is actually part of the numeric literal
so that "2.3cm
" is really just an alternative spelling for "0.905
Units supported by Pikchr include:
→ centimetersin
→ inches (the default)mm
→ millimeterspc
→ picaspt
→ pointspx
→ pixels
Because the units are part of the numeric literal, the unit designator cannot be separated from the number by whitespace. Units only apply to numeric literals, not to expressions.
New Uses For "radius
A positive "radius
" attribute on "box
" items causes the box
to be displayed with rounded corners:
box rad 15px "box" "radius 15px"
Similarly a "radius
" value on a "line
" or "arrow
" with
multiple segments rounds the corners:
arrow rad 10px go heading 30 then go 200% heading 175 \ then go 150% west "arrow" below "radius 10px" below
The "color
" and "fill
" attributes
Any object can have a "color
" attribute to set its foreground
color and a "fill
" attribute to set its background color. The
default "color
" is black and the default "fill
" is "None".
boxrad = 12px box color blue "color blue" move box fill lightgray "fill lightgray" move box color white fill blue "color white" "fill blue"
The "thickness
" attribute
The new "thickness
" attribute specifies the stroke-width. You can
also use attributes "thick
" and "thin
" to increase or decrease the
stroke-width in increments.
boxrad = 12px box thin "thin" move box "(default)" italic move box thick "thick" move box thick thick "thick" "thick"
The "behind
" attribute
The new "behind
" attribute can be used to control
object stacking order.
Enhanced ability to control text alignment and display
There are new modifiers for text labels:
box "bold" bold "italic" italic "big" big "small" small "monospace" mono fit line from 1cm right of previous.se to 3cm right of previous.ne \ "aligned" above aligned
Adjust the size of objects to fit their text annotations
The "fit
" attribute adjusts the width and height of
box-like objects to snugly surround their text labels.
Also, if the width or height of an object is zero after all attributes have been parsed, then the zero dimensions are increased to enclose the text annotations.
Change numeric property values by a percentage
You can change the value of a numeric attribute by a percentage, rather than having to specify a particular value:
box "default" italic "box" italic move box "width 150%" width 150% move box "wid 75%" wid 75%
The "chop
" attribute works differently
The "chop
" attribute is completely redesigned. It takes no
argument and can only appear once. If "chop
" is specified on
a line (or arrow or spline) then end-points of the line that
would have landed on the center of a box-like object (box,
circle, cylinder, diamond, ellipse, file, or oval) are shortened to
land exactly on the border of that object.
file "A" cylinder "B" at 5cm heading 125 from A arrow <-> from A to B chop "from A to B chop" aligned above
The "same as
object" construct
An ordinary "same
" attribute works as in PIC - it copies the
configuration of the previous object of the same class. Pikchr
is extended with the "same as
object" clause, that copies the
configuration from any other prior object, including objects of
different types.
box thick thick fill lightgray "box" "thick" "fill lightgray" move file same as last box "file" "same as" "last box" rad filerad
New ways to describe line paths
- go distance heading compass-angle
- go distance compass-point
- go direction until even with place
- close
New syntax to describe positions
- distance above|below position
- distance left|right of position
- distance heading compass-angle from position
- nth vertex of line-object
New ways to identify prior objects
Pikchr allows the keywords "last
" or "previous
" to refer to
the immediately previous object without having to specify the
type of that object.
Objects that contain text that looks like a label (starts with an upper-case letter and contains only letters, digits, and underscores) can be used as a label for that object. Thus if you say:
N1: circle "Node1"
Subsequent code can refer to that circle as either "N1
" or as "Node1
Support for C and C++ style comments
Pikchr continues to support Bourne shell style “#
” comments:
a #
character and all following
characters until end-of-line.
As an extension to PIC, Pikchr also recognizes
C and C++ style comments: “//
” to end of line and block comments
beginning with “/*
”, extending through “*/
”, irrespective of
any intervening newlines.
box "Hello," # say “hi”
box "world!" // complete the thought
box "Hello," "world!!" /* You may also break the
lines, like this. */
Variable names can start with "$
" or "@
" characters
There are many built-in variable names and keywords in the PIC and
Pikchr languages, all of which currently begin with lowercase letters. To
reduce the chance of a collision between an application-defined
variable and a built-in variable name or keyword, Pikchr allows
application-defined variable names to begin with "$
" or "@
Pikchr does not now — nor will it ever — pre-define variables that
begin with "$
" or "@
", other than the use of positional macro
parameters $1
, $2
, etc.
We recommend that you begin your own variable names with either
" or "@
" to ensure that they will never collide with variables
that might be added to future version of Pikchr.
New assignment operators for variables
Both Pikchr and PIC allow statements that assign values to built-in or user-defined variables, like this:
variable = expr
Pikchr adds several new assignment operators:
- +=
- -=
- *=
- /=
The new operators are handy for scaling the value of an existing variable. For example, to make the default radius of circles 25% smaller:
circlerad *= 0.75
New keyword aliases
Pikchr allows certain aliases for keywords that are not recognized by PIC:
- "
" ⇆ "invis
" - "
" ⇆ "1st
" - "
" ⇆ "last
The "text
" Object
With PIC, you create new text items by placing a string
literal as the first token in a statement. Pikchr works the
same way, and further allows you to use the class name "text
as the first token of the statement.
New variables
- bottommargin
- charht
- charwid
- color
- fill
- fontscale
- leftmargin
- margin
- rightmargin
- thickness
- topmargin
If the "fontscale" variable exists and is not 1.0, then the point-size of fonts is increased or decreased by multiplying by the fontscale. This variable can be used to increase or decrease the fonts in a diagram relative to all the other elements.
The "charht" and "charwid" variables should contain an estimate for the average height and width of a character. This information is used when trying to estimate the size of text. Because Pikchr has no access to the rendering engine, it cannot precisely determine the bounding box for text strings. It tries to make a guess, and takes into account that some letters (like "w") are wider than others (like "i"). But Pikchr can only guess at the actual size of text strings. Usually this guess is close enough. Some scripts might need to compensate, however, by adding leading or trailing spaces to the text strings, or by adjusting the values for "charht" and "charwid".
Setting the "margin
" variable to a distance adds that amount of
extra whitespace around all four sides of the diagram. The other
four margin variables ("rightmargin", "bottommargin", "leftmargin",
and "topmargin") add extra whitespace to that one side. The two
methods are additive. For example, to add one centimeter of extra
space on all sides except the left, you could write:
margin = 1cm;
leftmargin = -1cm;
The "thickness", "color", and "fill" variables determine the default value for the "thickness", "color", and "fill" attributes on all objects. Because the attribute name and the variable name are the same, the variable name can only be accessed from inside of parentheses, to avoid parsing ambiguities. For example, to set the thickness of a box to be twice the default thickness:
box thickness 2*(thickness)
### ^^^^^^^^^^^---- must be inside (...)
The extra parentheses around variables "thickness", "color", and "fill" are only required when the values are being read, not when the variable name appears on the left-hand size of an assignment. You still do:
thickness *= 1.5
Scales work differently in Pikchr
In pikchr, scale-related variables like scale
and fontscale
differently: they are multipliers to apply to values. This is in
contrast to PIC, where dimensions are divided by the scale
The "arc
" object does not actually draw an arc.
The behavior of the "arc
" object is underspecified in the original
BWK paper on PIC. Nobody is sure exactly what "arc" is supposed
to do. Furthermore, arcs seem to be seldom used.
Splines and lines with a radius at corners are better mechanisms
for drawing curvy lines in a diagram. For these reasons, and to
keep the implementation simple, Pikchr does not actually draw an
arc for the "arc
" object. Instead it draws a quadratic Bézier
curve across approximately the same path that a true arc would have
The 30° dimensional "arc" in the drawing below (taken from a tutorial analysis of a Pikchr script) is really a spline. It is close enough to a true arc for the purposes of Pikchr. Can you tell the difference?
scale = 0.8 linewid *= 0.5 circle "C0" fit circlerad = previous.radius arrow circle "C1" arrow circle "C2" arrow circle "C4" arrow circle "C6" circle "C3" at dist(C2,C4) heading 30 from C2 d1 = dist(C2,C3.ne)+2mm line thin color gray from d1 heading 30 from C2 \ to d1+1cm heading 30 from C2 line thin color gray from d1 heading 0 from C2 \ to d1+1cm heading 0 from C2 spline thin color gray <-> \ from d1+8mm heading 0 from C2 \ to d1+8mm heading 10 from C2 \ to d1+8mm heading 20 from C2 \ to d1+8mm heading 30 from C2 \ "30°" aligned below small X1: line thin color gray from circlerad+1mm heading 300 from C3 \ to circlerad+6mm heading 300 from C3 X2: line thin color gray from circlerad+1mm heading 300 from C2 \ to circlerad+6mm heading 300 from C2 line thin color gray <-> from X2 to X1 "distance" aligned above small \ "C2 to C4" aligned below small
Limit on the number of input tokens
Pikchr is designed to operate safely in a hostile environment on the open internet. For that reason, it deliberately limits the number of tokens that will be processed in a single script. If more tokens than the limit are seen, the script aborts with an error.
The input token limit was added to prevent a denial-of-service (DoS) attack based on deeply nested macros. Each time a macro is invoked, it is rescanned and all of the tokens within the macro are added to the running total. Without the token limit, an attacker could devise a script that contained nested macros that generates billions and billions of glyphs in the final image, consuming large amounts of memory and CPU time in the process.
The token limit is determined by the PIKCHR_TOKEN_LIMIT
macro in the source code. The default token limit is 100000, which
should be more than enough for any reasonable script. The limit
can be increased (or decreased) at compile-time by redefining that
Pikchr does not restore variables when leaving []
When a [...]
block is exited, any variables set in that block
retain the values set in that block, rather than being reset to
their pre-block values.
Pikchr does not have the "Here
" keyword
PIC's Here
keyword, to refer to the current position, is not
available in pikchr.
Pikchr adds the this
In pikchr, this
may be used to refer to the current object. For example:
box "Some" "Text" fit height max(this.height, OtherElement.height)
Discontinued Features
Pikchr deliberately omits some features of legacy PIC for security reasons. Other features are omitted for lack of utility.
Pikchr omits the "sh
" and "copy
" statements.
The "sh
" command provided the script the ability to run arbitrary
shell commands on the host computer. Hence "sh
" was just a built-in
RCE vulnerability. Having the ability to run arbitrary shell
commands was a great innovation in a phototypesetting control
system for Version-III Unix running on a PDP/11 in 1982, in a
controlled-access facility.
But such a feature is undesirable in modern web-facing applications
accessible to random passers-by on the Internet.
The "copy
" command is similar. It inserts the text of arbitrary
files on the host computer into the middle of the PIC-script.
Pikchr omits "for
" and "if
" statements
Pikchr omits all support for branching and looping. Each Pikchr statement maps directly into (at most) one graphic object in the output. This is a choice made to enhance the security and safety of Pikchr (without branching or looping, there is less opportunity for mischief) and to keep the language simple and accessible.
To be clear, we could in theory implement loops and branches and subroutines in Pikchr in a safe way. But doing so would be extra complication, both in the implementation and in the mental model that is maintained by the user. Hence, in order to keep thing simple we choose to omit those features. If you need machine-generated code, employ a separate script language like Python or TCL to generate the Pikchr script for you.
Pikchr omits the built-in "sprintf()
" function
The sprintf()
function has well-known security concerns, and we
do not want to make potential exploits accessible to attackers.
Furthermore, the sprintf()
is of little to no utility in a Pikchr
script that lacks loops. A secure version of sprintf()
could be
added to Pikchr, but doing that would basically require recoding
a secure sprintf()
from from scratch. It is safer and easier
to simply omit it.
Pikchr omits "{...}
" subblocks
The "[...]
" style subblocks are supported and they work just as well.
Pikchr omits the "arrowhead
" variable
Pikchr does not support the arrowhead
variable. Instead, use
and arrowwid
to set the height and width, respectively,
of arrowheads.