Version 0.1.9 (2013-04-14)
- Support for nuking windows.
Some applications advertise support for the WM_DELETE_WINDOW protocol but ignore the graceful kill request without good cause. With this fix, Minx now has a way of getting rid of such windows.
Version 0.1.8 (2013-04-14)
- Support for launching windows.
Minx can now run arbitrary commands that are bound to keys, which gives it the ability to launch GUI applications.
Version 0.1.7 (2013-04-13)
- Support for killing windows.
We can now use a key binding to kill a window. If the window supports the WM_DELETE_WINDOW protocol, Minx will use that; otherwise, it will kill the window and its client application by brute force.
Version 0.1.6 (2013-02-10)
- Support for key bindings.
F1 is no longer hard-coded as the key to effect focus cycling. Instead, Minx now uses ALT + Tab and ALT + SHIFT + Tab to switch input focus forwards and backwards through its list of top-level windows. Additionally, end-users can change these key bindings to whatever they prefer using an easy naming convention similar to the one employed by Emacs for its key bindings.
- Documentation updates.
In addition to a Key Bindings HOWTO, various other documents have been updated. The important updates include the design notes, building and testing HOWTO, hooks list, and FAQ.
Version 0.1.5 (2013-02-02)
- Preliminary support for end-user hooks.
Until now, Minx was using hooks internally for responding to X events. This version marks the beginning of more general support for hooks, i.e., as a means of customizing Minx.
At this time, only one end-user hook is available, viz., the manage_hook, which is triggered whenever a new window is created. Nonetheless, this is a good start and the hooks infrastructure put in place with this release should prove to be very useful...
Version 0.1.4 (2013-01-19)
- On start-up, take over management of existing top-level windows.
So far, we had to always start Minx first and then start programs for it to be able to manage their top-level windows. Now, however, we can start X applications and then start Minx; it will query the X server for the extant top-level windows when it starts up and manage them.
Version 0.1.3 (2013-01-13)
- Logging support.
All the Minx classes now emit appropriate log messages to help with debugging. Logging is off by default but is easy to turn on and configure.
- Bug fixes.
The problems of [focus reverting to root] and [terminal border flashing] have been fixed.
Version 0.1.2 (2013-01-01)
- Basic customization support.
Minx now allows end-users to customize the color and size of the borders of active and inactive windows.
Version 0.1.1 (2012-12-27)
- Borders around top-level windows.
For visual feedback, we now have borders around top-level windows. The window with the input focus has a red border, other windows get a white border.
- Fixes and updates to the documentation.
Updated the design notes to reflect the latest changes. Also, fixed the API documentation (previous release was missing a few things).
Version 0.1.0 (2012-12-24)
- Clean focus switching with keyboard.
This is the first milestone. Minx does not do a whole lot at this time. The main goal of this release, apart from gaining a basic understanding of how to go about writing an X window manager, is to put in place the necessary infrastructure for further development.