Version 0.2.0
Versions 0.1.x concentrated on window manager basics such as input focus cycling, hooks and key bindings, simple customizations, launching and killing windows, etc. Now, it looks like we have most of the foundational plumbing in place and can proceed to a higher layer of concerns, viz., tiling windows.
This release marks the debut of layouts for automatically tiling windows according to specific policies. At this time, Minx only sports the full layout, which resizes all the windows it manages so that they occupy the entire area available to the layout. As a result, when the full layout is being used, you will only see one window at a time.
Admittedly, this is not the most exciting or, perhaps, even the most useful of tiling policies. Nonetheless, it's taken quite a while and quite a bit of effort to get to this stage and version 0.2.0 is a major milestone on whose basis further layout development will proceed.
Since layouts are still in their infancy, there is not a whole lot of documentation available describing them (because there is not a whole lot of functionality to descibe just yet). As of now, only the hooks list has some updated information. The wm API page also has some illustrative examples and relevant commentary.
Multiple Monitors and Xinerama
Minx is now Xinerama-aware. Thus, it can handle multihead setups regardless of whether they are independent screens or have been stitched together into a single logical screen with Xinerama.
Key Bindings
In earlier releases, you may have noticed that Minx did not recognize key bindings very well. Especially problematic were compound key bindings such as A-T, M4-D, and so on. The problem was that the lock modifiers (Num Lock, Caps Lock, etc.) were not handled properly. From this version on, Minx's key bindings functionality should work flawlessly.
At last, Minx has a spiffy new logo:

You should see it at the top-left of each page (except the API documentation pages, which we'll update with the next release).