Lines of
from check-in ebdeddb639
that are changed by the sequence of edits moving toward
check-in 8f3a6c70d8:
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29: <body>
30: <header id="title-block-header">
31: <h1 class="title">三个绑定函数</h1>
32: </header>
33: <nav id="TOC" role="doc-toc">
34: <ul>
35: <li><a href="#presummon" id="toc-presummon"><span class="toc-section-number">1</span> PreSummon</a></li>
36: <li><a href="#preequip" id="toc-preequip"><span class="toc-section-number">2</span> PreEquip</a></li>
37: <li><a href="#presettarget" id="toc-presettarget"><span class="toc-section-number">3</span> PreSetTarget</a></li>
38: </ul>
39: </nav>
40: <h1 data-number="1" id="presummon"><span class="header-section-number">1</span> PreSummon</h1>
41: <p>Debug.PreSummon(卡, 召唤类型[, 从哪个区域特召到场上])</p>
42: <details>
43: <summary>
44: 补充
45: </summary>
46: <pre><code>● void Debug.PreSummon(Card c, int sum_type[, int sum_location=0])
47: 设置卡片 c 的召唤信息:以 sum_type 方法(通常召唤、特殊召唤等)[从 sum_location]出场</code></pre>
48: </details>
49: <p>召唤类型的可选值:</p>
50: <ol type="1">
ebdeddb639 2023-09-15 51: <li>SUMMON_TYPE_NORMAL</li>
ebdeddb639 2023-09-15 52: <li>SUMMON_TYPE_ADVANCE</li>
ebdeddb639 2023-09-15 53: <li>SUMMON_TYPE_DUAL</li>
ebdeddb639 2023-09-15 54: <li>SUMMON_TYPE_FLIP</li>
ebdeddb639 2023-09-15 55: <li>SUMMON_TYPE_SPECIAL</li>
ebdeddb639 2023-09-15 56: <li>SUMMON_TYPE_FUSION</li>
ebdeddb639 2023-09-15 57: <li>SUMMON_TYPE_RITUAL</li>
ebdeddb639 2023-09-15 58: <li>SUMMON_TYPE_SYNCHRO</li>
ebdeddb639 2023-09-15 59: <li>SUMMON_TYPE_XYZ</li>
ebdeddb639 2023-09-15 60: <li>SUMMON_TYPE_PENDULUM</li>
ebdeddb639 2023-09-15 61: <li>SUMMON_TYPE_LINK</li>
62: </ol>
63: <details>
64: <summary>
65: 补充
66: </summary>
67: <pre><code>--Summon Type --召唤类型
69: SUMMON_TYPE_ADVANCE =0x11000000 --上级召唤
70: SUMMON_TYPE_DUAL =0x12000000 --再度召唤(二重)
71: SUMMON_TYPE_FLIP =0x20000000 --翻转召唤
73: SUMMON_TYPE_FUSION =0x43000000 --融合召唤
74: SUMMON_TYPE_RITUAL =0x45000000 --仪式召唤
75: SUMMON_TYPE_SYNCHRO =0x46000000 --同调召唤
76: SUMMON_TYPE_XYZ =0x49000000 --超量召唤
77: SUMMON_TYPE_PENDULUM =0x4a000000 --灵摆召唤
78: SUMMON_TYPE_LINK =0x4c000000 --连接召唤</code></pre>
79: </details>
80: <p>从哪个区域特召到场上的可选值:</p>
81: <ol type="1">
ebdeddb639 2023-09-15 82: <li>LOCATION_DECK</li>
ebdeddb639 2023-09-15 83: <li>LOCATION_HAND</li>
ebdeddb639 2023-09-15 84: <li>LOCATION_GRAVE</li>
ebdeddb639 2023-09-15 85: <li>LOCATION_REMOVED</li>
ebdeddb639 2023-09-15 86: <li>LOCATION_EXTRA</li>
87: </ol>
88: <details>
89: <summary>
90: 补充
91: </summary>
92: <pre><code>LOCATION_DECK =0x01 --卡组
93: LOCATION_HAND =0x02 --手牌
94: LOCATION_MZONE =0x04 --主要怪兽区(0~4)+额外怪兽区(5~6)
95: LOCATION_SZONE =0x08 --魔陷区(0~4)+场地区(5)
96: LOCATION_GRAVE =0x10 --墓地
97: LOCATION_REMOVED =0x20 --除外区
98: LOCATION_EXTRA =0x40 --额外
99: LOCATION_OVERLAY =0x80 --超量素材
101: </details>
102: <p>可参考 X-LV-48 。</p>
103: <h1 data-number="2" id="preequip"><span class="header-section-number">2</span> PreEquip</h1>
ebdeddb639 2023-09-15 104: <p>Debug.PreEquip(装备卡, 怪兽卡)</p>
105: <details>
106: <summary>
107: 补充
108: </summary>
109: <pre><code>● bool Debug.PreEquip(Card equip_card, Card target)
110: 为 target 添加装备 equip_card ,返回值表示是否成功</code></pre>
111: </details>
112: <p>可参考 NH-04 。</p>
113: <h1 data-number="3" id="presettarget"><span class="header-section-number">3</span> PreSetTarget</h1>
114: <p>Debug.PreSetTarget(保护卡, 被保护的卡)</p>
115: <details>
116: <summary>
117: 补充
118: </summary>
119: <pre><code>● void Debug.PreSetTarget(Card c, Card target)
120: 把 target 选为 c 的永续对象</code></pre>
121: </details>
122: <details>
123: <summary>
124: 警告
125: </summary>
126: <p>必须在布局完成之后再使用。</p>
127: </details>
128: <p>可参考 NH-04 。</p>
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