
Annotation For single/X-LV-03.lua

Annotation For single/X-LV-03.lua

Lines of single/X-LV-03.lua from check-in dc574e0d03 that are changed by the sequence of edits moving toward check-in 30262b0a45:

                         1: --[[message
                         2: 新手教学
                         3: ]]
                         4: Debug.SetAIName("QQ群181175613")
                         5: Debug.ReloadFieldBegin(DUEL_ATTACK_FIRST_TURN + DUEL_SIMPLE_AI, 5)
                         6: Debug.SetPlayerInfo(0, 8000, 0, 0)
                         7: Debug.SetPlayerInfo(1, 1800, 0, 0)
dc574e0d03 2024-07-18    9: --怪兽区域
dc574e0d03 2024-07-18   10: Debug.AddCard(27288416, 0, 0, LOCATION_MZONE, 2, POS_FACEUP_ATTACK)
dc574e0d03 2024-07-18   11: Debug.AddCard(89631139, 1, 1, LOCATION_MZONE, 2, POS_FACEUP_ATTACK)
dc574e0d03 2024-07-18   12: --魔陷区域
dc574e0d03 2024-07-18   13: --卡组区域
dc574e0d03 2024-07-18   14: --外组区域
dc574e0d03 2024-07-18   15: --墓地区域
dc574e0d03 2024-07-18   16: --除外区域
dc574e0d03 2024-07-18   17: --手卡区域
dc574e0d03 2024-07-18   18: Debug.AddCard(05183693, 0, 0, LOCATION_HAND, 0, POS_FACEDOWN)
dc574e0d03 2024-07-18   19: Debug.AddCard(95638658, 0, 0, LOCATION_HAND, 0, POS_FACEDOWN)
                        21: Debug.ReloadFieldEnd()
                        22: aux.BeginPuzzle()
                        23: Debug.ShowHint("尝试一下装备卡的用法")