
Annotation For 残局文料/产常量件.lua

Annotation For 残局文料/产常量件.lua

Lines of 残局文料/产常量件.lua from check-in c895d3c75b that are changed by the sequence of edits moving toward check-in 0716c90b61:

c895d3c75b 2024-01-26    1: _G.常用库 = require("ipml_mj_ysaf")
                         2: local 字集码互转库 = require("u8_to_a")
                         3: local require = 常用库.require_通用大字集态_八位态
                         4: local 读件库 = require("算机_基统_窗群_件系_小件_读")
                         5: local 删注库 = require("程语_月_删注_不虑字串")
                         6: --~ local profile = require("jit.profile")
                         7: --~ profile.start("f", cb)
                         8: --~ local 删注库_月程语版_不虑字串版 = require(字集码互转库.u8_to_a("删注/月程语_不虑字串"))
                         9: local d_2 = {}
                        10: function d_2.产常量件_基态(o1)
                        11:   local k1
c895d3c75b 2024-01-26   12:   k1 = 读件库.读件(o1 .. "/single/constant.lua")
                        13:   k1 = 删注库.单行注(k1)
                        14:   --~ k1 = 常用库.删空格(k1)
                        15:   --~ k1 = 常用库.删制表符(k1)
                        16:   --~ k1 = 常用库.捕非空单行(k1)
                        17:   --~ k1 = 常用库.捕非空单行(k1)
                        18:   --~ k1 = 常用库.筛单行等式(k1)
                        19:   --~ k1 = 常用库.排转对(k1, 1)
                        20:   --~ k1 = 常用库.删空行(k1)
                        21:   --~ k1 = "local k1_11 = {}\n" .. k1 .. ""
                        22:   --~ k1 = 常用库.筛排(k1, print)
                        23:   --~ print(k1.DOUBLE_DAMAGE[1])
                        24:   print(k1)
                        25:   --~ print(k1[1])
                        26:   --~ print(k1:gsub("\n", "猪"))
                        27:   end
                        28: --~ function d_2.筛凡常量() end
                        29:   --~ function d_2.筛字段量() end
                        30: d_2.产常量件_基态(字集码互转库.u8_to_a([[D:\install\YGOPro]]))