Lines of
from check-in b14fefac64
that are changed by the sequence of edits moving toward
check-in c009936a2e:
1: package.path = [[.\lib_lua\?.lua;]] .. package.path
2: package.cpath = [[.\lib_dll\?.dll;]] .. package.cpath
3: _G.常用库 = require("ipml_mj_ysaf")
4: local 八位通用大字集码转本机码库 = require("u8_to_a")
5: local d_2 = {}
6: function d_2.产常量件(o1)
7: local k1
8: k1 = 常用库.读件(o1 .. "/script/constant.lua")
9: print(k1)
10: end
11: function d_2.筛凡常量()
13: end
14: function d_2.筛字段量()
16: end
17: d_2.产常量件(八位通用大字集码转本机码库.u8_to_a([[D:\install\YGOPro]]))