
Annotation For single_doc/卡组测试教程.html

Annotation For single_doc/卡组测试教程.html

Lines of single_doc/卡组测试教程.html from check-in 7956612488 that are changed by the sequence of edits moving toward check-in 7e914cbdf3:

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                        31: <h1 class="title">卡组测试教程</h1>
                        32: </header>
                        33: <nav id="TOC" role="doc-toc">
                        34: <ul>
                        35: <li><a href="#前言" id="toc-前言"><span class="toc-section-number">1</span> 前言</a></li>
                        36: <li><a href="#开局添加手卡" id="toc-开局添加手卡"><span class="toc-section-number">2</span> 开局添加手卡</a></li>
7956612488 2023-07-15   37: <li><a href="#开启多回合" id="toc-开启多回合"><span class="toc-section-number">3</span> 开启多回合</a></li>
7956612488 2023-07-15   38: <li><a href="#完全操控-ai" id="toc-完全操控-ai"><span class="toc-section-number">4</span> 完全操控 AI</a></li>
7956612488 2023-07-15   39: <li><a href="#控制抽卡数量" id="toc-控制抽卡数量"><span class="toc-section-number">5</span> 控制抽卡数量</a></li>
7956612488 2023-07-15   40: <li><a href="#伪洗牌" id="toc-伪洗牌"><span class="toc-section-number">6</span> 伪洗牌</a></li>
                        41: </ul>
                        42: </nav>
                        43: <h1 data-number="1" id="前言"><span class="header-section-number">1</span> 前言</h1>
                        44: <p>有人想用残局,进行卡组<b>测试</b>。</p>
                        45: <p>鄙人在此提供些微帮助。</p>
                        46: <h1 data-number="2" id="开局添加手卡"><span class="header-section-number">2</span> 开局添加手卡</h1>
7956612488 2023-07-15   47: <p><b>先</b>安装「游戏王残局简化版」。</p>
                        48: <pre><code>fun[&quot;开局添加手卡&quot;](6)
                        49: </code></pre>
                        50: <p>数字可改。</p>
7956612488 2023-07-15   51: <p><b>☞ 以下内容不够重要,可以忽略</b></p>
7956612488 2023-07-15   52: <h1 data-number="3" id="开启多回合"><span class="header-section-number">3</span> 开启多回合</h1>
                        53: <pre><code>aux.BeginPuzzle()
                        54: </code></pre>
                        55: <p>它注册了三个效果:</p>
                        56: <ol type="1">
                        57: <li>跳过抽卡阶段</li>
                        58: <li>跳过准备阶段</li>
                        59: <li>结束阶段时,玩家血量<b>归零</b></li>
                        60: </ol>
                        61: <p>去掉这一代码,便可开启多回合。</p>
7956612488 2023-07-15   62: <h1 data-number="4" id="完全操控-ai"><span class="header-section-number">4</span> 完全操控 AI</h1>
                        63: <pre><code>Debug.ReloadFieldBegin(
                        64: DUEL_ATTACK_FIRST_TURN
                        65: + DUEL_SIMPLE_AI
                        66: , 5)
                        67: </code></pre>
                        68: <p><b>去除</b>特定参数即可。</p>
                        69: <pre><code>Debug.ReloadFieldBegin(
                        70: DUEL_ATTACK_FIRST_TURN
                        71: , 5)
                        72: </code></pre>
                        73: <p><b>☞ 以下内容不够重要,可以忽略</b></p>
7956612488 2023-07-15   74: <h1 data-number="5" id="控制抽卡数量"><span class="header-section-number">5</span> 控制抽卡数量</h1>
                        75: <pre><code>Debug.SetPlayerInfo(0,0,0,0)
                        76: </code></pre>
                        77: <p>最后一个参数控制<b>每</b>回合抽卡数量。</p>
7956612488 2023-07-15   78: <h1 data-number="6" id="伪洗牌"><span class="header-section-number">6</span> 伪洗牌</h1>
                        79: <pre><code>Debug.ReloadFieldBegin(
                        80: DUEL_ATTACK_FIRST_TURN
                        81: + DUEL_SIMPLE_AI
                        82: , 5)
                        83: </code></pre>
                        84: <p><b>添加</b>特定参数即可。</p>
                        85: <pre><code>Debug.ReloadFieldBegin(
                        86: DUEL_ATTACK_FIRST_TURN
                        87: + DUEL_SIMPLE_AI
                        88: + DUEL_PSEUDO_SHUFFLE
                        89: , 5)
                        90: </code></pre>
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