
Annotation For 残局文料/副_容冗/集YGOPro常量并据此产lua文件.lua

Annotation For 残局文料/副_容冗/集YGOPro常量并据此产lua文件.lua

Lines of 残局文料/副_容冗/集YGOPro常量并据此产lua文件.lua from check-in 549e9430f8 that are changed by the sequence of edits moving toward check-in 0a84ce44ba:

                         1: package.path = [[.\lua_lib\?.lua;]] .. package.path
                         2: package.cpath = [[.\lua_lib\?.dll;]] .. package.cpath
                         3: local 字集码互转库 = require("u8_to_a")
                         4: local u8 = 字集码互转库.u8_to_a
                         5: local f = require(u8("常用库"))
                         6: local d_3 = {}
                         7: --~ 文件路
                         8: --~ 普常量文件名
                         9: function d_3.产普常量文件(o1, o2)
                        10:   local k1, k2
549e9430f8 2024-02-13   11:   local k1_0
                        12:   --~ 文
                        13:   k1 = f.读文件(o1)
                        14:   k1 = string.gsub(k1, "%-%-" .. "[^\n]*", "")
                        15:   k1 = string.gsub(k1, "[ \t]", "")
                        16:   --~ 常量排
549e9430f8 2024-02-13   17:   k1_0 = f.历文(k1, string.gmatch, "[^\n]+")
549e9430f8 2024-02-13   18:   for o1 = 1, #k1_0 do
549e9430f8 2024-02-13   19:     k1_0[o1] = f.加前缀(k1_0[o1], [[k1_0.]])
                        20:     end
                        21:   --~ 文
549e9430f8 2024-02-13   22:   k2 = f.加对限(k1_0)
                        23:   f.写文件(k2, o2)
                        24:   end
                        25: --~ 文件路
                        26: --~ 字段名文件名
                        27: function d_3.产字段名文件(o1, o2)
                        28:   local k1, k2
549e9430f8 2024-02-13   29:   local k1_0
                        30:   --~ 文
                        31:   k1 = f.读文件(o1)
                        32:   --~ 常量排
549e9430f8 2024-02-13   33:   k1_0 = f.历文(k1, string.gmatch, "[^\n]+")
549e9430f8 2024-02-13   34:   k1_0 = f.历排(k1_0, f.全筛文, "^!setname")
549e9430f8 2024-02-13   35:   for o3 = 1, #k1_0 do
549e9430f8 2024-02-13   36:     k1_0[o3] = f.删左右空白(k1_0[o3])
549e9430f8 2024-02-13   37:     k1_0[o3] = string.gsub(k1_0[o3], "^!setname ", "")
549e9430f8 2024-02-13   38:     k1_0[o3] = string.gsub(k1_0[o3], "[|\t].+", "")
549e9430f8 2024-02-13   39:     k1_0[o3] = string.gsub(k1_0[o3], " ", "=", 1)
549e9430f8 2024-02-13   40:     k1_0[o3] = string.gsub(k1_0[o3], "[0-9a-z]+", "k1_0[%1]", 1)
549e9430f8 2024-02-13   41:     k1_0[o3] = string.gsub(k1_0[o3], "=([^\n]+)", [[="%1"]], 1)
                        42:     end
                        43:   --~ 文
549e9430f8 2024-02-13   44:   k2 = f.加对限(k1_0)
                        45:   f.写文件(k2, o2)
                        46:   end
                        47: d_3.产普常量文件([[D:\install\YGOPro/script/constant.lua]], u8("普常量.lua"))
                        48: d_3.产字段名文件([[D:\install\YGOPro/strings.conf]], u8("字段名.lua"))