
Annotation For single_doc/NH-04.html

Annotation For single_doc/NH-04.html

Origin for each line in single_doc/NH-04.html from check-in 264f381b86:

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264f381b86 2023-07-07  139: <header id="title-block-header">
264f381b86 2023-07-07  140: <h1 class="title">NH-04</h1>
264f381b86 2023-07-07  141: </header>
264f381b86 2023-07-07  142: <p>似羊动物与一种文物有关,如四羊方尊。</p>
264f381b86 2023-07-07  143: <hr />
264f381b86 2023-07-07  144: <p>QB
264f381b86 2023-07-07  145: 没有检查这局,于是这一局出现了疏漏。具体体现在出现了两个版本,一个没加《安全地带》,一个给《异星的最终战士》加上了《安全地带》。</p>
264f381b86 2023-07-07  146: <hr />
264f381b86 2023-07-07  147: <p>没加《安全地带》的 NH-04
264f381b86 2023-07-07  148: 涌现出了两种值得一提的突破性方法。一种是从手卡发动的取对象无效类效果,如《黑羽-雪击之奇努克》。一种是从手卡发动的战破类思路,如《白骨公主》《暗黑欧尼斯特》。没关系,它们只是盯着《异星的最终战士》好欺负而已,那只需加上一张《安全地带》即可全数封禁。</p>
264f381b86 2023-07-07  149: <hr />
264f381b86 2023-07-07  150: <p>在印卡局里,有一张卡不得不提,那就是《大逆转谜题》。但是《大逆转谜题》需要卡组里有卡进行配合,并且《大逆转谜题》成功之后还需要进行削血,其实这两个缺陷是比较大的。在限制了印卡数的印卡局里,很容易封禁它。</p>
264f381b86 2023-07-07  151: <hr />
264f381b86 2023-07-07  152: <p>《异星的最终战士》封了反转召唤,但是反转与反转召唤是不同的,典型代表如《巨角猛犸》。使用反转,可以越过反转召唤的限制,如《太阳之书》。《恶魔侦察者》《变形壶》,皆可配合《太阳之书》,获得此局的胜利。《日全食之书》甚至可全场盖放,并让对方无法抽卡而输。对于此等思路,加上一张《暗黑神鸟
264f381b86 2023-07-07  153: 斯摩夫》,即可全数封禁。尤其是《日全食之书》,还有《月镜盾》可以配合封禁。</p>
264f381b86 2023-07-07  154: <hr />
264f381b86 2023-07-07  155: <p>人们对印卡残局总有一个误解,就是解印卡残局需要脑内卡池大。</p>
264f381b86 2023-07-07  156: <p>这局 NH-04
264f381b86 2023-07-07  157: 就是要彻底粉碎他们的妄想!没有足够的逻辑与想象力的情况下,脑内卡池再大,也解不开!罔顾逻辑与想象力,自顾自的去翻卡池,就是翻卡池翻吐了,也解不开!</p>
264f381b86 2023-07-07  158: <p>这就像一条有窒息感的绞绳,越挣扎,就越紧。越盲目翻卡池,就越难解开。</p>
264f381b86 2023-07-07  159: <hr />
264f381b86 2023-07-07  160: <p>限制了印卡数的印卡残局,很难在软件上进行推演或利用录像进行复盘,终究大部分还是得靠人脑进行想象。这也是一大难点。</p>
264f381b86 2023-07-07  161: <hr />
264f381b86 2023-07-07  162: <p>关于印卡残局中的超模卡,大可以寄希望于禁卡表,也可以寄希望于《奥利哈钢天神荡》之类的卡,但到底能不能靠它们解开呢?就自求多福吧。</p>
264f381b86 2023-07-07  163: <hr />
264f381b86 2023-07-07  164: <p>这局的核心理念是:“烈烈炎火燃九幽,淼淼清水漫仙境。零落残品,遗落于世界之角落。被人遗弃,却绝不曾放弃,虽久处低劣仍犹言未悔。刚强不屈,即使天生破碎,也要在残缺中昭示胜利的信念!聚集的祈愿,将唤醒光芒万丈的通天大道!斗破长天,吾等将超越森罗万象!明镜止水之心发动!破<sub>限</sub>疾~驰!”</p>
264f381b86 2023-07-07  165: <pre><code>The core philosophy of this game is:
264f381b86 2023-07-07  166: 
264f381b86 2023-07-07  167: Intense flames ignite the nine abysses,
264f381b86 2023-07-07  168: Majestic waters overflow into a fairyland.
264f381b86 2023-07-07  169: Scattered and abandoned, left to the corners of the world.
264f381b86 2023-07-07  170: Abandoned by others, yet never surrendering,
264f381b86 2023-07-07  171: Even in the midst of adversity,
264f381b86 2023-07-07  172: We persist without regret.
264f381b86 2023-07-07  173: With unwavering strength and determination,
264f381b86 2023-07-07  174: Even if shattered from birth,
264f381b86 2023-07-07  175: We will demonstrate our victorious belief amidst the ruins!
264f381b86 2023-07-07  176: The gathered prayers will awaken a brilliant path!
264f381b86 2023-07-07  177: In this epic struggle,
264f381b86 2023-07-07  178: We will transcend all boundaries!
264f381b86 2023-07-07  179: Our hearts are like mirrors,
264f381b86 2023-07-07  180: Reflecting the unstoppable force that breaks all limits!
264f381b86 2023-07-07  181: 
264f381b86 2023-07-07  182: 这个残局的核心理念是:
264f381b86 2023-07-07  183: 
264f381b86 2023-07-07  184: 烈火点燃九幽深渊,
264f381b86 2023-07-07  185: 壮阔清水涌入仙境。
264f381b86 2023-07-07  186: 散落被遗弃,留在世界的角落,
264f381b86 2023-07-07  187: 被人抛弃,但从不屈服。
264f381b86 2023-07-07  188: 即使在逆境中,
264f381b86 2023-07-07  189: 我们也会坚持,无怨无悔。
264f381b86 2023-07-07  190: 以毅力和决心为支撑,
264f381b86 2023-07-07  191: 即使生来就充满了缺陷,
264f381b86 2023-07-07  192: 我们也要在废墟中彰显胜利的信念!
264f381b86 2023-07-07  193: 聚集在一起的祈祷将唤醒出光辉的道路!
264f381b86 2023-07-07  194: 在这场史诗般的斗争中,
264f381b86 2023-07-07  195: 我们将超越所有界限!
264f381b86 2023-07-07  196: 我们的内心就像明镜,
264f381b86 2023-07-07  197: 映照出冲破所有限制的不可阻挡的力量!</code></pre>
264f381b86 2023-07-07  198: <hr />
264f381b86 2023-07-07  199: <p>《终结之阿努比斯》无效墓地,而不是无效手卡。小学时就觉得这卡特帅!终于有机会让它大展一次神威了。许多人大脑里的卡池都偏向于墓地流,正好可以被《终结之阿努比斯》碾压。</p>
264f381b86 2023-07-07  200: <hr />
264f381b86 2023-07-07  201: <p>印卡残局的规则参数最少应该使用“4”,也就是新大师规则。这是因为从新大师规则开始,YGO
264f381b86 2023-07-07  202: 才开始引入连接怪兽。</p>
264f381b86 2023-07-07  203: <hr />
264f381b86 2023-07-07  204: <p>这一局的阉割难度就已经被称为“史上最难印卡残局了”。</p>
264f381b86 2023-07-07  205: <script>
264f381b86 2023-07-07  206: 
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264f381b86 2023-07-07  208: 
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264f381b86 2023-07-07  210: 
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264f381b86 2023-07-07  244:     }
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264f381b86 2023-07-07  246: 
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