
Annotation For 残局文料/齐月程语件.lua

Annotation For 残局文料/齐月程语件.lua

Lines of 残局文料/齐月程语件.lua from check-in 19823fddda that are changed by the sequence of edits moving toward check-in 22b0919894:

                         1: _G.常用库 = require("lib/ipml_mj_ysaf")
                         2: local 字集码互转库 = require("u8_to_a")
19823fddda 2024-01-26    3: local require = 常用库.require_通用大字集态_八位态
19823fddda 2024-01-26    4: local 令行库 = require("算机_基统_窗群_令行窗_无窗")
19823fddda 2024-01-26    5: local 转参库 = require("程语_月_基类_能_传参_转化")
                         6: local d_2 = {}
                         7: function d_2.齐月程语件_基态_通用大字集态_八位态(o1, o2)
                         8:   转参库.三参(令行库.入件夹而用件径_筛后缀态_前缀态, 字集码互转库.u8_to_a, o1, [[.lua]], o2)
                         9:   end
                        10: d_2.齐月程语件_基态_通用大字集态_八位态([[../single]], [[stylua --indent-type Spaces --sort-requires --indent-width 2 --collapse-simple-statement Never ]])