
Annotation For 残局函数库/残局函数库.lua

Annotation For 残局函数库/残局函数库.lua

Lines of 残局函数库/残局函数库.lua from check-in 1759c92880 that are changed by the sequence of edits moving toward check-in 64e1ec616c:

                         2: local str = {}
                         3: local fun = {}
                         5: local cache_1
                         6: local cache_2
                         8: fun["通关邀请"] = function()
                         9:   local effect_1
                        10:   effect_1 = Effect.GlobalEffect()
                        11:   effect_1:SetType(EFFECT_TYPE_FIELD
                        12:     + EFFECT_TYPE_CONTINUOUS)
                        13:   effect_1:SetCode(EVENT_DAMAGE)
                        14:   function cache_1()
                        15:     cache_1 = Duel.GetLP(1)
                        16:     if cache_1 <= 0 then
                        17:       cache_1 = true
                        18:     else
                        19:       cache_1 = false
                        20:       end
                        21:     return cache_1
                        22:     end
                        23:   effect_1:SetCondition(cache_1)
                        24:   function cache_1()
                        25:     Debug.ShowHint("残局群181175613")
                        26:     return
                        27:     end
                        28:   effect_1:SetOperation(cache_1)
                        29:   Duel.RegisterEffect(effect_1
                        30:     , 0)
                        31:   end
                        33: fun["开局添加手卡"] = function(str_1)
                        34:   local effect_1
1759c92880 2023-06-26   35:   effect_1 = Effect.GlobalEffect()
                        36:   effect_1:SetType(EFFECT_TYPE_FIELD
                        37:     + EFFECT_TYPE_CONTINUOUS)
                        38:   effect_1:SetCode(EVENT_ADJUST)
                        39:   effect_1:SetCountLimit(1)
                        40:   function cache_1()
                        41:     return true
                        42:     end
                        43:   effect_1:SetCondition(cache_1)
                        44:   function cache_1(effect_event
                        45:     , player_who_activate_the_effect)
                        46:     str["玩家选定的卡"] = Duel.SelectMatchingCard(player_who_activate_the_effect
                        47:        , Card.IsAbleToHand
                        48:        , player_who_activate_the_effect
                        49:        , LOCATION_DECK
                        50:        , 0
                        51:        , str_1
                        52:        , str_1
                        53:        , nil)
                        54:     Duel.SendtoHand(str["玩家选定的卡"]
                        55:       , nil
                        56:       , REASON_RULE)
                        57:     end
                        58:   effect_1:SetOperation(cache_1)
                        59:   Duel.RegisterEffect(effect_1
                        60:     , 0)
                        61:   end
                        63: fun["通关邀请"]()
                        64: fun["开局添加手卡"](1)