Lines of
from check-in 07246ed20a
that are changed by the sequence of edits moving toward
check-in 9f09285374:
1: _G.常用库 = require("lib_lua/ipml_mj_ysaf")
2: local 字集码互转库 = require("u8_to_a")
3: local d_2 = {}
4: function d_2.齐月程语件(o1, o2)
5: local k1_9
6: k1_9 = 常用库.筛件径(o1, "%.lua$")
07246ed20a 2024-01-24 7: k1_9 = 常用库.筛排(k1_9, 常用库.在前后加英文双引号)
8: assert(k1_9[1]:match([["[^"]+"]]) == k1_9[1])
9: k1_9 = 常用库.筛排(k1_9, 常用库.加前缀, o2)
10: 常用库.筛排(k1_9, 常用库.办令)
11: end
12: d_2.齐月程语件(字集码互转库.u8_to_a([[../single]]), 字集码互转库.u8_to_a([[stylua ]]))