
Search Configuration

Search Configuration

Server-specific settings that affect the /search webpage.

Document Glob List

The "Document Glob List" is a comma- or newline-separated list of GLOB expressions that identify all documents within the source tree that are to be searched when "Document Search" is enabled. Some examples:

*.wiki,*.html,*.md,*.txt Search all wiki, HTML, Markdown, and Text files
doc/*.md,*/README.txt,README.txt Search all Markdown files in the doc/ subfolder and all README.txt files.
*Search all checked-in files
(blank) Search nothing. (Disables document search).

Document Branch

When searching documents, use the versions of the files found at the type of the "Document Branch" branch. Recommended value: "trunk". Document search is disabled if blank.

The SQLite search index is disabled. All searching will be a full-text scan. This usually works fine, but can be slow for larger repositories.

FTS Tokenizer