kafene software
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  1. user-js
    This is some userscripts for opera, cloned from my live running version. They are packaged into an (unzipped) extension as some need to run on https pages. To install, either zip the contents of the "user-js" folder and rename the extension to .oex and install, or drag config.xml to the "Manage Extensions" page (default access key = CTRL+SHIFT+E).
  2. kGmailNotifier
    This is a stripped down clone of Codebit GMail Notifier. It uses some of the original codebit utils (e.g. grake.js for fetching gmail status info) but doesn't have any UI or preferences. Well you can change your preferences by editing the source if you like. By default it checks gmail every 60s and uses icon.png (same one as google-mail-oex) as its icon.


To download a tarball/zip copy of the repository (only a few kb, maybe a few hundred), you must be logged in. You can log in anonymously by entering username "anonymous" and the captcha as the password.