Fresh IDE . repository_home
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This repository is a mirror!

The original is located on:
If you want to follow the project, please update your remote-url

This site is fossil repository of Fresh IDE source code.

You can clone the repository with following fossil command:

fossil clone Fresh.fossil

In order to use more functionality in this site, please login as "anonymous" user.

Particularly you will be able to follow the links in the source tree, to download code and to fill bug reports and feature requests.

Also, you can register your own account, if you want to follow Fresh IDE development more closely. With your account you will be able to edit wiki pages and bug reports.

If you want to contribute to the project, please contact me (johnfound) on FASM message board and I will give you needed permissions.

In order to download compiled FreshIDE, visit Fresh IDE home page.

You can report bugs, or make some feature requests here, in the Tickets system